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Everything posted by hairychris

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1465161065' post='3065790'] Yes the regular MB is very GK like, quite a harsh, hard-hitting sound, though can be tamed, whereas the MB Fusion is a much warmer sound, can achieve the famed GK sound but it is a richer version of it. [/quote] Yep, my MB800 gets harsh quickly, controllable with tweaking gain/contour/treble... I'd also like to A/B with a Fusion 800!
  2. Those things are great sounding but the workflow seems to be a bit of a weird one (I'm trying to get my head around an Electribe Mk2 currently, but not had enough time to do so along with my other timesinks). Still, interested in seeing how you get on.
  3. Don't talk to me about drummers. Can't live with 'em, can't live with 'em.
  4. [quote name='uzzell' timestamp='1463610241' post='3052880'] Having gone through a lot of delay pedals over the years, I recently went for the Strymon El Capistan and its probably all the delay pedal I will ever need (maybe). I play mostly ambient stuff and its ideally suited to that sort of thing. Also has expression input for remote controlling of any parameter on the fly. Quality pedal that should certainly be part of your to try list. [/quote] Very nice pedal indeed... Borrowed one briefly, it's beats up my AD-9, DD-3 and Flashback x4 in it's own way (although the x4 is not bad at all).
  5. FYI Positive Grid are releasing a hardware head this summer, just to add an extra option! https://www.positivegrid.com/bias-head/
  6. As I bought my rig from scratch over the past 2 1/2 years, I decided to go lightweight. After having spent a goodly number of years in bands with heavyweight kit as a guitarist - I've done my share of lugging other people's fridges around too! - I wanted to make my life easier. There is something about valves that you can't quite beat, ditto with a fridge, but getting 90% of the tone and plenty of volume from a rig that in total weighs less than my guitar head... yeah. There's a lot going for that! Edit: 1) My hardcased pedalboard is the heaviest single item that I use. 2) I fall in to the 41-50 age range.
  7. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1463165884' post='3049263'] I found the endurneck on the 6 strings made the neck seem way too small for my hands. I'm sure I would have got used to it but the 8 string neck is mega comfortable on the left hand! [/quote] For a 6 I'd definitely look at a standard carve. I don't really play "thumb on the back of the neck" so am unsure whether Endurneck would work for me!
  8. No wife, no kids, no car, reasonable job... TBH my bass gear is fairly minimal (main + backup, pedalboard, amp & cab), but my synth and guitar rigs are somewhat more excessive and less used than the bass gear!
  9. Haha, that's ace. Get them started early! One of my regrets is that I didn't start playing an instrument until I was 17 (unlike my brother).
  10. Dull... or, rather, the whole thing has been done to death since they called it a day. Disappointing but I didn't expect much else. Ian Brown has always been an end of a bell too, if you know what I mean. I was a student in Manc for most of 1990 - 1995, and of that whole "Madchester" scene they had some of the more interesting/proggy output. Unlike this.
  11. Ah, a Boden! I own a standard 8 (well, if you call a 28.675 scale standard!), and also tried out a couple of fan-fretted guitars a few years ago. If I was still playing 7s I'd definitely be looking into a FF. As for the Endurneck I think that I'd like to try before buying. Still, I do like the look of their 6ers and a bass would also be worth checking out.
  12. >25 years of guitar playing with a pick, on just over 2 years more serious bassing. I use my fingers a bit but am still much happier with a pick (although I use a much thicker pick with bass than guitar, 5mm vs 1mm).
  13. Aye, saw that yesterday. It's a fun couple of interviews. Vernon's guitar rig is insane.
  14. GK MBs can definitely do angry. I really like my MB800 but it's over your budget and you need a cab that can deal with it. A big part of the Periphery bass tone is the Darkglass stuff that Nolly uses. Maybe think of one of their OD pedals into a more vanilla amp?
  15. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1461598052' post='3035982'] Why do you think anything needs "running in"? Just go for it and enjoy the sound. [/quote] If it's a new cab then the cone(s) will break in, but admittedly it's best to do that at normal volume! Solid state amps shouldn't, but any dodgy component or manufacturing flaw will tend to show up fairly early in life.
  16. I've found that I always sound like me whatever equipment I use, and other people always sound like them when playing through my rig (bass or guitar)! EQ, effects, guitar/bass choice seem to be a way of forcing the "me" into the relevant place in overall band context. I'm not sure whether this is a good thing, or just shows up my horrible lack of flexibility in playing.
  17. Seeing that I've only owned 2 and my first one I bought a few years ago, yes. Ibanez SR505 that spent a lot of it's life loaned out before I started playing bass more often.
  18. Bad. Never a fan as such but always had massive respect for him as a showman and musical genius. RIP.
  19. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1460706290' post='3027946'] So did I Markbass stuff sounds good, but I couldn't live with the look of those heads. I once test-drove a used Merc - perfect match for what I wanted, FMBSH, drove like a dream - but the dashboard was 50/50 caramel and tan. I knew I couldn't live with that either! Shallow? Moi? [/quote] I thought that you were supposed to face [i]away[/i] from your amplifier most of the time?
  20. Having spent my early guitaring years with ghetto rigs, I'll have to say no. Appearance is a nice extra, but it's also fun to get sounds out of things that don't look altogether enticing at first. My current bass rig is car stereo (GK MB800) on top of a fairly anonymous black box (BF Compact), and very good at taking people unawares it is! Guitars/basses, though, I am far more worried about aesthetically.
  21. Kids playing a song badly... reminds me of when I was 16 or 17 and trying to play Metallica songs after about 9 months of picking a guitar up. At least we didn't video any of our efforts which seems to be the main problem here. This classic, however, is on a different level because they're playing it in public: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjeMDvCdrtc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=FjeMDvCdrtc[/url] EDIT: OK, now I'm looking for crap covers on YouTube... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giRb50JKook
  22. [quote name='AustinArto' timestamp='1460199437' post='3023465'] Our guitarist has a microbrute and it goes proper gnarly! Good buy. [/quote] I have a Microbrute, it's absolutely evil. Love it.
  23. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1460464973' post='3025920'] I can't speak for the UK scene, but in the States, most opportunities advertised to the public are from wanabees and start ups that will never see their first gig. Blue [/quote] It's definitely a quandary. The most reliable sources are via the grapevine, but if you're new to an area or newly starting out gigging then options may be limited. A bit chicken and egg, really!
  24. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1460404838' post='3025493'] All the most petty, childish behaviour I've encountered in my adult life has been while I've been in bands, which is yet another reason why I stopped gigging years ago & I'll never be in another band. [/quote] Absolutely true, but lots of us still do it anyway! But it's absolutely the case that sometimes just getting the hell out of there is the only thing to do. If it's a toxic situation and it isn't paying the rent then it's just not worth the hassle. Edit: I was recently involved in a singer-sacking situation. No one dealt with it well, myself included!
  25. Congratulations! I've never jammed with strangers like that (yeah... not for me!) but playing with others in any situation really forces you to improve. And if you've only been playing a year then that's really awesome going.
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