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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. Over £2,000 for a 4x10... https://www.andertons.co.uk/mesa-boogie-subway-bass-cabinet-4-x-10-ultra-light
  2. Ok, £1299 https://www.andertons.co.uk/mesa-boogie-subway-wd-800-lightweight-bass-head
  3. http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Mesa_Boogie.html I think we will see a price soon....
  4. I'm tempted by one of these....
  5. I'll be honest and say the demos in the videos sound excellent, and I've not had interest in new bass amps for years. Obviously the players helps. The cabs seem super light for Mesa. I did hear a rumour that Mesa prices may become 'fairer' over here, due to a change in how they are received over here, etc. We can wish!
  6. Aye I'd be interested to see what this amp is like in real life!
  7. 8.7 lbs is crazy for a Ray 5!
  8. Jees, I hope you get sorted. That sounds pretty dangerous!
  9. I'm not so sure that the latest Class D can be criticised so much....I've even seen more and more guitar amps using them with a tube pre and the results are fantastic. With the right engineering, it can sound just as good, and in some cases, better. We might all want a traditional bass amp, full tube, or even the traditional solid state like an old Trace or some of the new Orange rack mount amps, but then you will probably end up at a venue or rehearsal room and put your signal through a Class D PA.....
  10. I'm guessing £1200+. IIRC, one of the guys from Genz Benz moved over to Mesa about 4 years back, so I presume this is part of his work on high powered lightweight class D bass amps. The technology is constantly moving on. Personally I can't see how/why they would release this without getting close to the old design.
  11. http://mesaboogie.com/amplifiers/bass/subway-series/subway-wd800/index.html
  12. Prices dropping already: http://www.peachguitars.com/fx-pedals/line-6-helix-hx-stomp.htm £449
  13. It is a fantastically well built and thought out piece of gear. I think if I was gigging heavily I would go for a full fat Helix and get a good powered monitor that could handle bass (5 sting) and guitar. Unfortunately since I've been in my career my time is so heavily invested in work that my music has took a HUGE hit in terms of time. I don't have time for a band now...but I am making plans to change this.
  14. I've had a full fat Helix Floor, and whilst I was VERY impressed with the general ease of use, and some of the drives etc, and the phenomenal build quality, I wasn't sold on the size and weight. This is a bit like a slightly larger Tech 21 BDDI Sansamp box. I do have the possibility of buying one, but I won't have time to use it for a long time....
  15. Amazing colour! Enjoy...
  16. I used to have one (might have been a louder version) and I really enjoyed it....this was back in the 90s.... Unique sound....
  17. I really like his work, and the new website is fantastic. He seems very approachable and plus he is up North....(win).
  18. Did they basically just put the AG700 power module into a TH500?
  19. I think the golden years of TC are over ...
  20. 😂😂😂😂😂
  21. I've just watched a chap demo this vs the HX effects. I didn't watch the HX effects section, I just remained pretty disappointed that he set up a very simple gain pedal, amp, one cab, EQ and noisegate, and he's almost out of space for anything else. The other disappointment was that the stock amp setups were atrocious on this demo. I swear the Boss Katana sounded better off the bat for £250 for the whole amp. As much as this unit is a good move, I am still not sure if I really want to get into modelling again....
  22. I've seen a few demos of this now and they seem to have rushed the demo stage....a lot of the demos seem to be clean guitar amp/Klon overdrive/tubescreamer (non bass) and sound a bit lifeless and boring. Thing is, once you choose an amp, then maybe you want a different cab, light drive, heavy drive, that is 4 blocks gone already..... I'm not convinced by the screen yet - I need to see one in person. It looks fiddly and annoying. At first I thought this was a bargain, but then it is massively stripped down and has half the horsepower. A good way for Line 6 / Yamaha to pick up sales at the smaller/cheaper end of the market with the same models and effects. I really do want something like this, but the G3 and B3 cost me just over £100 each and are still decent units. £460 is a decent amount....I think at £380 this thing would seem like a good deal.
  23. I've been let down by the store so I'm getting a refund for now. I'll see what the prices are like over the next 6 months. To be honest it's a great idea but at the moment I haven't got time to learn to use it.
  24. Some retailers are saying end of December 2018 for stock! I'm checking as I've paid in full and I don't want that kind of money tied up around Xmas. I'd rather wait until it's been out for a bit.
  25. That colour is the bomb.
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