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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. I'd say in these circs, you are best off with a Musicman and a Jazz. No bass sounds like a Musicman, even boutique close copies, so if you want that huge cutting humbucker tone, get the Stingray. A Stingray HS is a great bass....it will 'approximate' a Jazz bridge pickup, more so if you don't have a lot of the active treble added. The S coil will get some nice front pup J tones ISH tones...but it isn't the same. But, those tones are much closer than say a Fender with a humbucker in the sweet spot like a Dimension bass.
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1479722801' post='3178654'] With regards to MM tone - there is the fact that is MM Stingray is active and relies on the MM circuit. A MM pickup, even in the correct location, will not get you there alone. Couple this fact with a JB being passive, there's no way you can get a true MM and J in one using the same set of controls. We all know for example, that a filter system does not a Wal make. Similarly, the individual coil around each pole approach to pickups does not a Wal make. Even an aftermarket filter preamp and aftermarket pickup made in the aforementioned manner does not make a Wal! [/quote] This!
  3. Boss Katana 100 1x12 (or 50W). I'm going to get one. Seriously good features, tone, and price. Check the rave reviews!
  4. Try the Genz chaps on Talkbass. Mine is so far fine, but I've got a set of LED's just in case. They will send you a set out.
  5. Sorry I can't hear the above, but if it's the warm driven QOTSA type tone, google the Stonedeaf PDF pedal...
  6. Yeah, it's becoming a little out of hand at £900.
  7. I'd try and attend this!
  8. Probably because they are used to the sound of how a Precision fits with your music. I often find a Jazz has a lot of low bass, not so much mid, and treble sheen. Lovely sound, but it needs some EQ to cut in a busy band.
  9. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1478783403' post='3171597'] why not demand that back or at least they could send you a store credit or similar. [/quote] Exactly.
  10. Back when I bought my DB212s x 2 in 8 ohms, then sold them to get a DB212 in 4 ohms, they were all just imported by the stores. At that time, it was the Bass Merchant. I think 2009/10? Anyway, Aguilar slowly became more popular, and rightly so, but as soon as a middleman 'distributor' became involved, all the prices shot up, and have continued to. Now you can barely get a DB112 for the price I paid for the DB212! Insane. Funny that BM never had an issue with dealing with Aguilar directly for aftersales care! I got a new cab badge no problem for one of the older cabs and it cost £0.
  11. If I was in the market for an amp, this would be the one.
  12. I did use them together but due to the sheer size and bulk/weight, I eventually sold them both. The 1x15 is the nicer cab IMO. If I did it again I would probably either get 2 1x15s, or an 8x10 and a friend to assist.
  13. £204. Are you kidding me?! Some 112 cabs cost that!
  14. Anyone looking should snap this up now.. http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=160608298360007-495685
  15. To make it worse, Halifax are dropping their monthly reward. I know, life could be MUCH worse, but c'mon UK/GB/whatever, what the hell are you playing at?!?!?
  16. Sorry guys - I probably need to clarify a few things. The Musicman I was talking about that has risen in price very suddenly is the Musicman James Valentine guitar, not a bass. Originally the orders were around £2150. Now they are £2449. The pre-orders only went up a few months ago, during (approx.) the vote/result. Then, I decided to see if it is across the range...as I usually have a broad idea of what the prices are. A Classic Stingray in Natural used to be around £1799 about 18 months ago, depending where you shop. This jumped to around £1999, then continued to rise and then hit £2499. To put that into perspective even more, I have a Classic Stingray 5, which is the reason I picked the Classic to see what was going on. I did get a great price new, I admit, and the store said they were still getting a healthy sale, but it was almost £900 less than the current price of the 4 string now....and it's not that long ago. I think that makes sense. Thanks for the advice on a used one....if I was shopping around that is where my money would go now. It's quite funny that vinyl on Amazon is actually cheaper every now and then. Also, to look at other products, those that collect the expensive Lego sets (don't laugh - these expensive sets can be worth a fortune in a matter of 3-4 years!), they havent' risen in price. Maybe they will. I am glad I don't work in music instrument retail. They are going to have a very hard time now.
  17. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1478539320' post='3169725'] I've considered it, but if people are right about the pound finding it's natural level after being overvalued I think things will get worse before they get better. That and I'm really bad at delayed gratification. [/quote] I don't personally think it was. It dropped, as we know, straight after *ahem*.... Gosh, no idea what is going to happen. I intend to only buy pedals now anyway so it's not QUITE as bad.
  18. US price: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/StingRay4CNat Roughly £1680. Hmmm! That is with the current poor conversion rate.
  19. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1478537175' post='3169694'] I'm looking to make, what is for me, a fairly major bass purchase in January. It seems like every day I'm watching the prices of the basses I'm considering creep up. [/quote] I'd consider putting in on hold. Just my thoughts on it.
  20. DB.
  21. C'mon...what on EARTH is going on. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/music-man-stingray-classic-4-classic-natural/40030?gclid=CISQzp_8ltACFUS4Gwodkk8PrQ I've been looking at a Musicman guitar ( a Valentine, not this Classic Ray), and it's risen by £300 in a few weeks. It's now out of my range. Hence, I looked around at the range, and it's all bumped up....and this model by a lot more). It isn't a dig at the manufacturer...it seems to be everywhere. I know a big reason is the £, but this surely will just kill sales.
  22. Sorry I'm not sure but I imagine if it's lead booker with ID you will be ok!
  23. Anything made by Roland/Boss is usually insanely hardwearing. I'd get a Cube if I were you.
  24. Was anyone successful in grabbing tickets for Manchester? They are playing TWO dates at the Arena. YES, it is an Arena show, it will be packed, but I'd rather that in comparison to a wet Glasto field. I need concentration to watch this band! I managed to get two seats....pretty good view. I think it is fantastic that they make you have ID and that the tickets require a name. From what I could see, See sold out in 2-3 mins, Ticketmaster had a huge queue and a colleague trying for me said she got through and it had no available tickets, but I tried EventIM and got two! Really happy.
  25. I'd also look at Andertons, especially if you don't want to dive straight into boutique bass gear. If I were to start again, and I had your requirements, I'd probably aim for a decent quality 2x12, or 1x12 (x2) and a Class-D amp such as: TC Electronic BH-800 TC RH450/750 - Ampeg inspired Tech 21 VT Bass head - Ampeg inspired 2nd hand Genz Benz Streamliner 900 Mesa Boogie Subway The new Orange heads are still probably classed as light and compact compared to an old Trace! The Orange heads will give you plenty of warmth and grit...and lots of power...(they tend to be rated well and loud).
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