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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='614354' date='Oct 1 2009, 11:08 PM']Guitarsist don't liek technical stuff. Put a bunch of Celestion Vintage 30s in a stiff box and throw it down some hills. Drag it behind a van some, and waear the speakers in. They'll love it. The only specification I've ever seen a guitarist impressed by is watts, and totally without context, on not necessarily high watts, if they are aiming for some sort of break up. Also, you don't have a market is Stevie-Ray Vaugh didn't use it at some point in his career. Adit: bear in mind good dispersion is not necessarily counted as a good thing, I know I don't want to hear nothing but guitar and will wander out of the way of the stack, and sometimes the guitard will want to stop feeding back and be able to move his guitar out of the way also.[/quote] +1 I agree The guitar market it TOTALLY different. Most guitarists I know use Fender Combos or big Marshall/Orange/Matamp 4x12. Maybe it would actually work, but its hard to change a guitarists mind! Stubborn creatures. Also, as my friends who play guitar get older, they prefer much lower wattage...finding the sweet spot is what its all about.
  2. I'd be annoyed, simple as that, and complain. When Fender were going through a rough patch, I ordered a natural USA Jazz. Hated it...heavy, lots of blemishes, didnt sound bright and jazzy....it sounded weak. FFWD to now, my 09 is perfect. Exactly what I expected. Id get a refund or exhange.
  3. So....Im thinking JO5...now the rosewood/maple debate! I personally think the maple looks a tiny bit better....ive no idea if it has any massive effect on the tone with a low B etc. Pics: [url="http://www.doctorbass.net/imagftp/Lakland-JO5-3TSRW.jpg"]http://www.doctorbass.net/imagftp/Lakland-JO5-3TSRW.jpg[/url] [url="http://www.doctorbass.net/imagftp/Lakland-JO5-3TSMaple.jpg"]http://www.doctorbass.net/imagftp/Lakland-JO5-3TSMaple.jpg[/url]
  4. Had a few offers....but they wont have the cash for a month or so... I cant hold it unless someone definitely wants it...I want the cash for the USA White P in the sale thread. Cheers Gareth
  5. Awesome bass.....hmm...if my MIJ goes soon ill be able to negotiate
  6. [quote name='pal1972' post='612319' date='Sep 29 2009, 06:46 PM']Price???[/quote] +1
  7. I am a traditional 4 string player...but I wanted that ability to go lower without the downtuning and messing about. Also, it adds more options for where you play your bass lines. I searched for a fair while...the easiest 5 string to play for me is the Lakland 5 string neck...feels so 'right' straight away. I am ordering one in a few days. Stick with it...they are very useful and it will be good to be able to play both
  8. The Abbey Road version is a lovely P Bass with flats...and sounds amazing.
  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='609395' date='Sep 26 2009, 05:12 PM']Actually I was thinking the same sort of thing - We ought to meet up, being as we are neighbours, MM20.[/quote] Good idea. Maybe a NE Lincs/Lincs/Yorkshire/Humberside Bass Bash?!
  10. Same size as Shuttle 6.0 apparently...so fits into the Gig Skinz bag I have already have.
  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='609345' date='Sep 26 2009, 04:20 PM']DJ5DJ5D5JDJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5DJ5 ;-) The body is slightly different to a regular Jazz though. Personally i love the feel of it. And i hate Sunbrust but thats just me. I do think if you are going for a more autentic, vintage type this the JO5 would be a better bet though.[/quote] HAHHAH... Im an old boring Fender addict (well im 28). Sunburst is one of those love or hates. Whichever I get it will be in London in January so we can have a BASS OFF.....whatever that is.
  12. IMO...the black is awesome....good idea. I did have a PM with Mr Genz on Tbass...and he mentioned this amp. TBH..its so small and powerful. I nearly went for a Max12.0....but there seems little point now. Ill wait and save.
  13. [url="http://www.theperfectbass.com/explore.cfm?STORE=Y&N=113&SN=341&CT=101a&PG=103664101&W=STORE&P=N&S=1001081&U=1&SS=1&CR=Y"]http://www.theperfectbass.com/explore.cfm?...p;SS=1&CR=Y[/url] 900 bloody watts! 500 at 8ohms! Get in. Im saving as I type.
  14. Now thats a bass cab....
  15. Further update....basically its between the JO5 and DJ5. They are exactly what I want....eg a classic design with a very good neck and Laklands brilliant low B. Need to decide asap! Thanks
  16. [quote name='bythesea' post='607250' date='Sep 23 2009, 11:31 PM']Overwater J-series - and they have one in stock on special offer within your price range - [url="http://www.overwaterbasses.com/pj50001.htm"]here[/url].[/quote] Thanks....great bass! Very good price..not really my colour though [quote name='Happy Jack' post='607376' date='Sep 24 2009, 08:38 AM']See if you can track down a Fender Roscoe Beck V. They're pretty rare these days, but one would probably tick all your boxes. I sold mine to silverfoxnik (too heavy for me at 11lbs) but I missed it so much that I'm getting another on Sunday ... but just over 9lbs this time. [/quote] Ill take a look at these cheers! [quote name='dave_bass5' post='607445' date='Sep 24 2009, 09:56 AM'] Its a good neck isnt it? Im loving mine now, and also getting used to the tone. I expect ill sell it next year. I dont plan to but that's how things go. The Lakland BG5 seems to be happening now so hopefully the Skyline will follow. That will be my next bass. If you dont get to try a USA Jazz 5 before you get down to Lonodn your welcome to try my P5. Its got the same neck as the USA Jazz 5. Might give you an idea of how the Jazz will feel if you cant get to try one. Good luck with the 5 string quest.[/quote] Cheers! I'll let you know when im popping down. Unless I bite the bullet and just order this weekend which is highly possible! [quote name='martinbass7750' post='607458' date='Sep 24 2009, 10:12 AM']Try a Clover Apeiron 5 - I've change to the 4 string from a MIM Jazz and love it. Mark has one in stock at bassdirect [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Clover_Stock_Apeiron_H.5.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...peiron_H.5.html[/url] It has passive jazz pickups, and you can switch it into active MM mode. Cheers Martin[/quote] They looks nice! Whats the bass like? [quote name='NJE' post='607490' date='Sep 24 2009, 10:40 AM']Just my pennies worth but I would say its definately worth thinking about a Lakland JO5 with either a East J retro or a Audere unit if you really like teh bass. I personally think that the JO is the best skyline model they make and many people rave about the East and Audere units. As you probably know Lakland will put an East in a DJ for you in the factory so they must work well. I would also sugegst looking at windmill basses. I played one some time ago and it blew me away, really quality instrument and great tone. I think the one I played had Delano pickups and it was really was good. Other than that I think most bases have been covered. Secondhand Sei is an abvious choice, as too is Overwater. I personally would not spend that much on a new fender (and i am a fender fan) when you can get used Sei for around the same price.[/quote] Thanks again. I agree, the JO5 is a good idea. I was thinking of having it standard and buying the Tonehammer at the same time to add a little spice to the tne every now and then. I tried this at the Bass Merchant and it sounded amazing! [quote name='dave_bass5' post='607503' date='Sep 24 2009, 10:55 AM']Lets not forget the DJ4/5 might be a bit difficult to find at the moment, what with Lakland pulling them from their product line. Lets hope they come back with something soon. I would have loved a JO5 but the block inlays and binding on my DJ5 is awesome. The JO5 and DJ5 necks have slightly different dimensions. The JO5 and 55-xx range have the same necks i believe but the DJ5 is the one thats different to the others in the Skyline range, looks as well as dimensions. All the Lakland necks are sweet though but i am finding the DJ5 to be the most comfortable (for me) that ive played. Like Gareth i dont really notice the 5th string if that makes sense, its just there and im finding im playing on it a lot now, especially for runs. and its really nice to be able to get such a low action. While my P5 plays well enough and the action is good there is something about the low action. flatter fingerboard and string spacing that makes me keep over playing these days on the DJ5 ;-)[/quote] Ive emailed Lakland and nowadays the the JO5 and DJ5 have identical necks, and electronics. So.....ill get the same sound. They basically said the price difference is for the cosmetics...more expensive paint, inlays and painted headstock. I cant go wrong with either....but the Sunburst JO5 is just lovely....I need to decide this weekend before DJ5s are no longer sold.... The new DJ5.....according to the email, will be the same. Apparently it sells really well. So i doubt they will do much to it. [quote name='davidmpires' post='607528' date='Sep 24 2009, 11:19 AM']What did you not like about the Spectors shape? Also you could go for a T-bass used 5 string there was one for sale, a beauty...and I beleive in your price range.[/quote] I just dont seem to get on with small bodied basses, no matter how easy they are to play. I feel almost 'wrong' with one...probably as I was brought up with a P Bass in my hands. Dont get me wrong, I love the Spector finishes, but I think they are too modern looking for me.
  17. Sorted!
  18. Hmmm ideas?
  19. Im with you on the Berg 1x12....what about the Shuttle Combo? You can take the Shuttle out of the top!
  20. [quote name='JTUK' post='600851' date='Sep 16 2009, 10:40 PM']MM20...haven't read thro all this so might be missing something, but I kind of think you regret selling your 1st proper bass... Think very hard.... sell one of the others first, IMV or some cabs... there might be duplication there, if you want to raise some cash... Just sayin.......[/quote] Cheers...im still not 100% on it yet. Depends if I can replace it with a nice 5 string.
  21. [quote name='wombatboter' post='607756' date='Sep 24 2009, 02:41 PM']I have a 6X10 VdKley speaker 1500 W, Epifani UL4X10, UL 2X10 (bought here on bass-chat) and a 2X12 (rather heavy) Since a couple of months I mainly use a Tecamp Puma 1000 for gigs and at home I used the Epifani UL502 which will be sold and is replaced by the Epifani PS600 which has the same quality in my ears but just has one channel. [/quote] Wow...a lot of cabs....just like me hahahha!
  22. The neck pocket issue is probably because this is a prototype. Looks awesome.
  23. UPDATE I’ve had a good test of 5 string basses recently, ranging from £1000-£1400. I’m looking for a really good Jazz style 5 string, which has the ability to do just normal passive single coil Jazz tones, but perhaps with that little extra active ommphh. Firstly, I really enjoyed the feel of the EB Stingray 5 string. This isn’t a Jazz style bass but it had a really comfortable neck and the pickup had that comfortable resting position. I find with my Stingray and Jazz I play much better with my fingers because of how the pickups are placed. Even though EB basses aren’t ‘the rage’ at the moment in the UK, I definitely think their basses are excellent quality. The tone?! Punches just like I want. Secondly I tried a Fender Jazz 5. Granted, it wasn’t a USA model, but that wasn’t available. This was a Mexican Jazz, and the neck/string height wasn’t comfortable for me. I know it’s much cheaper, but it really didn’t feel anywhere near as good as my USA model. Thirdly, I played a fair few Laklands Skyline models in a fair few stores! The 55-02 really didn’t suit me for some reason. Its not a style of bass Id normally consider, and the active elecs weren’t to my liking. I know these have a lot of fans, but this bass was overshadowed by the JO5. The JO5 was great. The neck was incredibly easy to play. I didn’t even realised I was using an extra string. Once I jumped back onto a 4 string, it felt weird! So, its ultra vintage, it has that Jazz tone, and it goes deep! My only worry is that perhaps it might struggle with it being only a passive design, but this is probably nonsense. The DJ5 I tested was such a brilliant looking bass. The block inlays and binding are a visual treat! DJ5 was a breeze to play. Lovely thin neck, lots of Jazz tone. Same worry that it is just passive…but that B sounded great as did the JO5. Now the DJ5 has gone….Im in limbo waiting for something to set my sights on for my next purchase (probably mid 2010). Im starting my quest now so I get it right first time. What I wanted to know was has anyone played any other 5 string basses that just ooze quality and vintage vibe, but aren’t over £1500? Or are near that price? With my first ever 5, I don’t want to go custom. I haven’t got a clue about what I would possibly want from a custom, so that’s waiting until I’m older. I am now willing to test the water with other more modern manufacturers as well, just to get a broad view of all the 5 string basses available. I wouldn’t mind going for a manufacturer who specialise more in 5 string basses. I know the new Fender P 5 is a great instrument, but Id like a Jazz ish tone. I’ve been looking around at Clover Argo basses, other Clover basses, possibly Roscoe, I did consider Spector due to their excellent finishes, but Im not sure I can handle the bodyshape! Im going to visit the bass specialists and check out all the 5 string options. I have no worries about a rig built more for 5 string now; the LM3 and Bergantino will handle it with ease. Anyone want to chime in?
  24. UPDATE I’ve had a good test of 5 string basses recently, ranging from £1000-£1400. I’m looking for a really good Jazz style 5 string, which has the ability to do just normal passive single coil Jazz tones, but perhaps with that little extra active ommphh. Firstly, I really enjoyed the feel of the EB Stingray 5 string. This isn’t a Jazz style bass but it had a really comfortable neck and the pickup had that comfortable resting position. I find with my Stingray and Jazz I play much better with my fingers because of how the pickups are placed. Even though EB basses aren’t ‘the rage’ at the moment in the UK, I definitely think their basses are excellent quality. The tone?! Punches just like I want. Secondly I tried a Fender Jazz 5. Granted, it wasn’t a USA model, but that wasn’t available. This was a Mexican Jazz, and the neck/string height wasn’t comfortable for me. I know it’s much cheaper, but it really didn’t feel anywhere near as good as my USA model. Thirdly, I played a fair few Laklands Skyline models in a fair few stores! The 55-02 really didn’t suit me for some reason. Its not a style of bass Id normally consider, and the active elecs weren’t to my liking. I know these have a lot of fans, but this bass was overshadowed by the JO5. The JO5 was great. The neck was incredibly easy to play. I didn’t even realised I was using an extra string. Once I jumped back onto a 4 string, it felt weird! So, its ultra vintage, it has that Jazz tone, and it goes deep! My only worry is that perhaps it might struggle with it being only a passive design, but this is probably nonsense. The DJ5 I tested was such a brilliant looking bass. The block inlays and binding are a visual treat! DJ5 was a breeze to play. Lovely thin neck, lots of Jazz tone. Same worry that it is just passive…but that B sounded great as did the JO5. Now the DJ5 has gone….Im in limbo waiting for something to set my sights on for my next purchase (probably mid 2010). Im starting my quest now so I get it right first time. What I wanted to know was has anyone played any other 5 string basses that just ooze quality and vintage vibe, but aren’t over £1500? Or are near that price? With my first ever 5, I don’t want to go custom. I haven’t got a clue about what I would possibly want from a custom, so that’s waiting until I’m older. I am now willing to test the water with other more modern manufacturers as well, just to get a broad view of all the 5 string basses available. I wouldn’t mind going for a manufacturer who specialise more in 5 string basses. I know the new Fender P 5 is a great instrument, but Id like a Jazz ish tone. I’ve been looking around at Clover Argo basses, other Clover basses, possibly Roscoe, I did consider Spector due to their excellent finishes, but Im not sure I can handle the bodyshape! Im going to visit the bass specialists and check out all the 5 string options. I have no worries about a rig built more for 5 string now; the LM3 and Bergantino will handle it with ease. Anyone want to chime in?
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