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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. Fretboard, Facebook groups, and strangely Gumtree! If you are in or near a city Gumtree is worth a shot. I've stopped paying to sell things.
  2. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1474027715' post='3135087'] I think it's more to with tariffs and regulations tbh. It works the same the other way round too with European gear. I couldn't help but notice that there is a £600 difference between a Sandberg Marlowe DK in the US to the price in the UK and the Basswitch DI costs nearly £100 more over there. [/quote] Oh wow, I see. They pay a premium for products like Orange over the in USA. I think the Tiny Terror (etc) was a very fair price here, sold like mad, over there, it was almost like 'unique brit products, full tube, tiny footprint, where do I sign?' and they paid boutique prices for them.
  3. That fretboard though! Wow.
  4. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1474024462' post='3135028'] I remember when the Markbass LM II came out and it was the same price in dollars as in pounds and that was built in Europe! It was still a bargain compared to other 500w amps at the time. [/quote] I think due to volumes, and perhaps good old fashioned greed, it seems UK 'dealers' (really necessary in 2016?!) add a huge chunk for essentially storing stock.
  5. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1474023600' post='3135014'] They don't have to prove it. You do... Also the fact you have the box/packaging folded up in your other luggage might be a clue Usually they only require you to pay the VAT and duty, but they can seize as well... [/quote] Well, we shall see. I'll probably have a go regardless. They could also ask if I'd bought my iPod over there, or a watch, in fact anything....which I may/may not have (and in this case won't have).
  6. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1474020735' post='3134970'] The nothing to declare lane makes it $629 = £476 though. Still more tempting! [/quote] Exactly. One of the 50W/100W tiny guitar heads is 2lbs!!!!
  7. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1474015109' post='3134877'] All assuming you don't get stopped [/quote] True. Bought a lot of clothing and other things in the past from the USA and never had a question. Same with old handheld consoles years back. Even when I had the box with them. How would they know I'd bought it in the USA?
  8. What a colour!!! Wow.
  9. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1474012085' post='3134841'] Sure, but once you pay any local sales tax, vat and duty the numbers are not that different. And then you have warranty issues having saved 10% at best [/quote] At the size it is, fold up the box, put the amp in it's gig bag, put it in your hand luggage. Tiny piece of gear! I'm off to Florida soon and I'm going to get a few pedals and maybe one of these ridiculously small latest gen amps, but more than likely the Guitar Tone Block 201.
  10. I've used both an Orange Dual Terror on 7W mode through their 2x12, and a Fender 68 Custom Deluxe Reverb in a bedroom situation. Strangely, despite the 2x12, the Orange is slightly easier to tame to very low levels, but both can easily be tamed. No, you will not get proper 'power' hitting the speakers to drive them properly, but it works, and it allows you to write, play with pedals, etc. If I had £300-400 now and wanted an all tube amp, I would probably look at a Fender Blues Junior....and save a little more up.
  11. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1473705425' post='3132452'] Why shocked? Genuine question [/quote] I'm not sure actually. I thought it would be more of a funk/fusion type of bass. I have a lot of respect for metal, despite the fact I think a lot of it now is dull and boring to play, but I think it's current math/djent super low tuned craze is one the most odd sub genres. There becomes a point where all of those computer generated kick drums/awful toned guitars just sounds unmusical. Bass just sounds like any other 2 pickup distorted bass tone. Not all of it... Pioneers in the hardcore scene like Dillinger Escape plan are different.....I always side with the punk/hardcore bands. Metal just has such a weird 'image' now....not all of it, but once you get into the metal genre, you'll become associated with it and people may ignore your basses / guitars as another metal fad. Djent is just annoying. The best metal band in the last 15-20 years is Deftones.
  12. Great! If you don't mind me asking where did you get it from?
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1473695460' post='3132348'] Jazzes have more bottom end than a P. It's just in the wrong place :-) [/quote] True. Jazz bass, with both pickups on, seem to have a lot more deep low end, whereas a Precision has more of a thick high bass/low mid thump which is perfect for band work.
  14. Oh lovely!
  15. I bought mine 4-5 years back, and I still absolutely love it.
  16. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1473613181' post='3131659'] Oh no... another manufacturer that obsesses with marketing to math-metal bassists like Dingwall and Warwick... [/quote] I have to admit, I was shocked to see the development of modern metal bands flying the Dingwall flag. I know they don't just aim for that, but for me, I tend to see them as verging off that way now....and modern math metal is just plain dull. How many notes can you play? A lot....great.
  17. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1473679942' post='3132147'] The Quilter has arrived I will post later in another thread but early impressions are that it has massive punch. I'm going back to try it some more !! [/quote] Great!!!
  18. In terms of punch and heft of different types of amplifier, I have owned all types, in that I've owned: - Trace GP12SMX400 - Orange AD 200b Mk3 - LMIII - Shuttle 9.0 - TC RH450 - TC RH750 (still own) - Shuttlemax 9.2 (still own) - Streamliner 900 (still own) The Trace was loud, no doubt, as we all know. The Orange would 'seem' much louder than the Trace, so if we are discussing solid state (non-class D) vs tube, the tube would 'appear' much louder and richer. All of the micros have been, for me, very loud. Yes, even the RH450/750. Punch for me is the low mid / high bass kick.....Jazz Basses don't exhibit that naturally as well as a Stingray or P Bass if both pickups are on. IME etc. I sold the Trace after walking from my car to my parents house some time ago. I almost caused my hand an injury trying to get the amp out of the boot into the house. Amp nearly fell to the ground, I managed to stop it, injured hand...could have been worse. Sold it after this.... The Genz Shuttlemax does everything the Trace did and it actually better. It punches with a SUPERB clean channel. I love it. The Streamliner has a lovely finesse over the tone, like a tube studio pre-amp. Smooth and warm, but will grunt if you need it to. The RH750 is like a flexible Ampeg. I think tubes are LESS of a necessity for bass playing. A good quality solid state amp is actually often more favourable in tone. I do like a nice tube tone, but it's easier on bass to get it sounding good. Guitar is another thing...the overdrive is a MUCH more complex subject. My take? That TH500 should punch like crazy....the poweramp in that is actually in the GK MB800 I believe?!?! The Markbass cabinets are voiced a little odd, or so I'm told. I do also think there is a tendency to get a micro amp and a micro cab. Try that TH500 into a high quality 2x12 and it will sound huge...
  19. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1473674223' post='3132072'] I regularly play through a TH500 through SL112's and I find the sound lacks authority. Nice tone but very wishy washy in a band mix. I don't know how much this has to do with the cabs though. I've tried a few ICE powered heads and none sound good to me. My Markbass TTE however is much better and has all the h*ft that I could want and excellent vintage tone. I'm expecting a delivery today of my new Quilter Bass Block 800 (which also doesn't have the Ice module) which I've heard great things about. [/quote] Interested to know about the Quilter. I'm surprised their guitar line isn't more present on the UK market. I'm in the USA soon so I may get one to stash in hand luggage.
  20. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1473417766' post='3129996'] I love it - I'd happily gig one of those! I've always found the NG series a bit expensive for a made in China instrument though. [/quote] Is that where they are made?!?!?!? China make fantastic instruments, in fact they make a lot of fantastic products, but something doesn't sit right with those prices.
  21. Still using mine from time to time. Sold the B3 but have another one coming as I miss it.
  22. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1473369383' post='3129624'] Watch more of NG , his playing can get very technical and is so much more than fast playing! Being primarily a guitarist he plays his bass more that way perhaps, but very talented indeed. These basses are certainly love/hate but superb basses for the money. [/quote] Oh he is talented, but as soon as I saw him play I knew he was a guitarist playing bass like a guitar...which is something I don't really gel with. I play bass mainly, but when I play guitar I play it totally differently. Problem is as soon as you add intense grind and distortion to these basses, (any bass almost) they almost all sound the same! I just don't dig the modern super heavy shred stuff. Of course loads of people do! Super fast players? Much prefer A Wilhelm Scream's Brian Robinson.
  23. I'm hopefully going to get an hour or so on mine this weekend. Not touched a guitar or bass in weeks, which unfortunately for me isn't unusual. I seem to spend most of my life working, preparing for work or sorting things out in the house!
  24. I just do not seem to like Dingwall's approach to style or tone. Now it seems they are venturing further into the really heavy spectrum of metal...I've seen a few videos of NG and whilst he can play quickly, it just does nothing for me. A very brave colour! ...and people said the Bongo was odd looking!
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