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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. I saw that!
  2. I must add the retail price is, IMO, way too high.
  3. [quote name='dood' post='602407' date='Sep 18 2009, 06:13 PM']Well, if they sound as nice as they look, you're made! I love the clean look and a very professional looking build![/quote] +1 They look very professional and a lovely colour!
  4. [quote name='Clarky' post='602386' date='Sep 18 2009, 05:36 PM']After your critical Sadowsky review they wouldn't let you in the building anyway![/quote] Hahahah true!
  5. [quote name='bassmasta2b' post='602095' date='Sep 18 2009, 11:37 AM']I can't found the vids ? Have you a link please ?[/quote] First post
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='602212' date='Sep 18 2009, 01:43 PM']I think we know what happened to it, don't we. [/quote] As if the cheeky buggers! They promised it wasnt a return. Ill never be going to GuitarGuitar again.
  7. Now the exchange rate is back to normal....im thinking of importing a Shuttlemax just because they seem really versatile and very cheap over there. Anyone used Bass Central before?
  8. I nearly went for one of these, the 12.0 Has anyone tried them out yet? Apparently the MAX gets rid of the limiter problems and adds more ummmpph in the lower frequencies.
  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='601508' date='Sep 17 2009, 05:51 PM']Unless of course you trip over it like I've done with my Markbass 1x12 more than once [/quote] Oh heck! As yet ive not used my LM3 live much....but I always attach my lead through the cab handle where possible. If I cant, I use a longer lead and keep an eye on it....I also put a bit of cut-off carpet between the cab and the amp head. If I put the rough rubbery underside so the amp head sits on that with its rubber feet, it helps. No chance of movement with the Orange....even after the gig. I just cant be arsed to even think about moving it hahahah.
  10. [quote name='Kev' post='601070' date='Sep 17 2009, 09:41 AM']Be sensible and don't buy one until you try one.[/quote] +1. They are incredibly well finished off in my experience, but I could not get on with the tone. I must be more of a passive jazz guy....i need that full on growl and bite. The neck looked fantastic, and im brought up on P bass necks so it was comfy. It isnt like a normal jazz neck I agree. UVintage is the way to go
  11. +1....now ive seen them properly stacked...they look good! My girlfriend wanted me to get green, she loves that colour. As if bass cabs appeal to 22 year old women.
  12. [quote name='Poncho' post='599523' date='Sep 15 2009, 07:15 PM']Hi Gareth, I saw you were looking for a band in London and wondered if you might be interested in our stuff? You can find examples at: www.myspace.com/thebottlebrunettes If you like what you hear you can Myspace us or email: [email protected] Cheers, Poncho[/quote] Cheers Poncho, Ive emailed you
  13. Choc Brown and Black are my favourite...but they are ALL nice. Green is a bit weird though.... I wish the Tweed was like the Fender Bassman Tweed
  14. Cheers guys ill read this properly at the weekend busyyyyyyyy night tonight
  15. Hey Had a lot of PMs! Cheers guys.... Still available at the moment
  16. Ive just realised that ONE tiny 1x12 Mesa Boogie Walkabout Scout costs the same as a Matamp custom made head. Thats mental. Great gear dude.
  17. [quote name='Lostheplot' post='599885' date='Sep 16 2009, 09:03 AM']Nice! Shame i got no cash till the end of next month! Have a bump anyway![/quote] Cheers ! [quote name='Mecklenburg' post='599891' date='Sep 16 2009, 09:08 AM']This looks a great bass! I shall have a word with my bank manager (the other half) how much are you wanting for it? Where abouts are you based?[/quote] PM'd with some info Cheers
  18. Well guys....here is a lowdown on what happened today. I am disappointed yet again. I do not like picking fault with stores, but this wound me up a lot. I don’t want a fellow bassist spending his hard earned cash and getting ripped off. Short story version is, GuitarGuitar have these advertised on their site for £1085. Cheaper than normal? Yes. A pretty alright price for a retailer to expect a potential buyer to pay considering it’s a shop floor highly expensive boutique amp that’s been sat around a bit? Yes! So, the Newcastle branch say they are in via email. I email and ask if it’s the newer version with one input. They call me, and say they checked, and that they ASSURE me it is the latest model. The amp is based in the Glasgow. So, they put me onto them, telling me its NO MORE than 6 months old. Glasgow store say its new stock, not ex-demo, and definitely a brilliant amp that isn’t just an old shop floor one. Guess what; I ask for photos, it’s the OLD model….with two inputs. It’s dusty as hell, and the corners have all kinds of scrapes on them. Still looks awesome as Mesa’s do, but I am NOT paying that kind of money for something that isn’t the latest model. £1085? No thanks. Ill be wary of them from now on. This is why I hate ‘general’ music store. Ive never had these problems with the Bass Merchant. This is just the same as my problems with PMT in Leeds when they sold me a ‘new’ Jazz bass that was actually a demo, marked to hell, dodgy paint, etc. I took that back as well. I reported them to Fender and Orange, as they tried to sell me a battered OBC115, and said they were not allowed to order a new one in. Guess what, I ask Orange, and they will always supply fresh stock to customers at the same price. The lesson? Don’t trust certain stores without checking the items! The only exception ive found so far is my small local Orange dealer, Bass Merchant, and Bass Direct. So, let this be a warning to you. They did just email to apologise and then said their best price is now £1450! Nope thanks, not after all that! Rant over. Sorry to bring the thread down, but it needed saying. Glad no-one went for this particular combo on a GAS attack.
  19. So...Im still asking about this WA on offer. Its apparently still brand new as its with the guitar stock downstairs and virtually no guitarist knows what it is. I might ask for a few photos. Hmm...more Berg 112 cabs, or the awesome little WA 12? Its the latest model with one input, just bought before the price rise. And, they have the 15 version same ish price, obviously bit higher, BUT thats still much cheaper than the new prices. They say its new, not a demo, just been on shop floor as a lot of stuff is I guess. Same guarantee and all the bits, plus 7 days money back if I dont like it...
  20. All the p's together
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='598870' date='Sep 14 2009, 11:46 PM']This not sold yet? Gosh! Have a bump[/quote] Cheers!
  22. [quote name='Anders' post='598721' date='Sep 14 2009, 09:21 PM']thumbo,you have a pm. If i can see on pictures that it's ok.I will buy it.[/quote] You are gonna love this
  23. [quote name='thumbo' post='598629' date='Sep 14 2009, 08:14 PM']Thanks! You don't need another do you? I've always thought it would be cool to run two AD200's, one set to clean, one set to dirt. [/quote] If I had the room to...I would!
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