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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. I once tried a fairly large Marshall combo at a practice room. It was shockingly good for how sh*t it looked.
  2. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='565565' date='Aug 10 2009, 11:48 PM']The thing that gets me about Laklands is the price. You can buy a US P cheaper than an equivilent Lakland. The latest P basses are fantastic and as said, the build quality is better and the case is the best on the market. You get a gig bag with a Lakland. The Lakland`s are good basses but how can they justify the cost of a bass made by Cort in Indonesia or wherever compared to the cost of producing in the Us. And yeah, I know they send them to Chicago to be finished. Jez[/quote] Yeah, I kinda agree on this. Before the new Fender series, I could understand a little more, not so much now.
  3. Jon Shuker replied, very friendly and actually very reasonable price considering I want an active circuit that can be bypassed, binding on the neck and body, and blocks on the neck. So many options. How will a Shuker stand up to a new Fender/Sadowsky/Lakland?
  4. When I used the Compact test cab for the first time with an Ampeg SVT Pro 3 (not my amp by the way) we had a fair bit of volume. Then it dropped whilst we were tweaking the EQ....it dropped by about 75%...not sure if it was a connection on the amp or cab. I turned it all off, changed power supplies, no luck. Took the cables in and out....no luck. Took the cables in and and out again, it was fine. I think it was an amp problem...not sure.
  5. [quote name='steve-soar' post='565273' date='Aug 10 2009, 07:09 PM']Simple. If you do not, or have not, lived in total persecution, drug enduced creativity, madness, depression, total hedonism, rock and roll!!!, then, you canNOT play heavy music and make it authentic. Pop kids and retards are jumping bandwagons every few seconds......God bless them. This is heavy. [url="http://www.myspace.com/rifffilledland"]http://www.myspace.com/rifffilledland[/url][/quote] +1
  6. Jesus thats cheap! Nice looking too!
  7. I like her vocals!
  8. [quote name='Clarky' post='564857' date='Aug 10 2009, 12:17 PM']While Laklands may beat a selection of equivalent Fender Ps and Js (not sure, not tried them personally) I think its only fair in the interest of balance to point out that the new 2008/9 Fender American Standards are brilliant basses and a massive step up in quality from earlier years (improved bridge, tuners, rolled board edges etc). Chris/Beedster bought a 2009 Jazz off me recently and noted that it felt very close to his old Sadowsky in quality. Musicman20 has also written a review of his 2009 American Standard P and J basses and been knocked out by the quality. I suspect that Fender California have had to raise their game given the quality of the competition (Lakland, Sadowsky etc)[/quote] +1 to this. As Clarky said Ive recently got two of the new Fender basses, (Jazz and Precision). I waited for a LONG time to get two new USA models, and it paid off now they have improved them. All the points that people werent happy with (eg thin bridge) have been completely sorted out with the 08/09 series. I have tried the previous series and these instruments really do feel worth their £800-900 price tag. The new cases are great, the necks are much smoother and have been rolled at the edges, and the sound...well....when I first plugged my Jazz in....thats was the tone Id been after for a long time. The P bass just thumps like crazy...so much low end and punch for a simple design. All in all, Fender have really pulled it togther. Even the new colours are great, esp with the tort guards. I am off to try some Laklands very soon. My problem is the colours on some of the models, and the fact I have heard that they do not sound completely like a Jazz/Precision. Thats good for some, but Im not sure I will get on with it. Best thing is to try them all. Both good companies, both have good instruments. I tend to prefer the classic vintage styling of Fender and their inherent tone.
  9. Fender P's are great for metal. Do not underestimate how much better they can be compared to a more 'metal' style of bass. Just change your amp perhaps? Or a dirt pedal. Nice new strings....chunky and driving bass
  10. [quote name='mike257' post='565125' date='Aug 10 2009, 04:23 PM']I think to have a satisfying experience as an originals band, everybody involved needs to have more or less the same aspirations and work ethic. My last originals band wasn't exactly a profit machine, but we took the business end of things very seriously, and always at least broke even. We worked our nuts off to build a committed fan base in our local area, and bypassed promoters by hiring the venues ourselves. We used to make a comfortable few hundred quid doing a local headline show every other month, and that covered our expenses travelling further afield to places where we didn't yet have the pulling power to attract a decent fee. Between that, and merch sales, we got all around the country, staying in Travelodges every time (no roughing it in the van!) and covered all our expenses, and it never cost us a penny of our own money. The thing is, it takes up countless hours of everybody's time, probably more time than you spend practicing, to do all the promoting and haggling and whatever else, and if you're the only guy in your band taking it that seriously, there's a real problem. Just realised this is turning into an essay, so I'll shut up now. I'd be wondering, If the rest of your band aren't pulling their weight, maybe they just haven't got the same ambitions for it that you have![/quote] [quote name='OldGit' post='565184' date='Aug 10 2009, 05:25 PM']+1 I've been doing band promotion for my bands for years and in some cases I've been the only one. It really is a case of sharing it out. I find that some people are great self-starters and basically get on with it by themselves. Others need a bit of a steer. You have to give them a job and make sure they know what to do . I used to have poster putter-uppers in one band they had a "section" of town where I'd give them a list of 30 or so places each and send them 50 posters. Then they got on with it cos they had a "job" and they were contributing to the band overall goodness. That was all theyt did though, in a few cases. If you expect people to know what to do and do it themselves they quite often won't do anything cos they have no idea about it. Also if you are mug enough to do it all they will let you. I've played in bands where some people brought 100 people to some gigs where otehers never even brought their best mate along ... It takes a bit of managing...[/quote] Both of these comments are helpful. Indeed...it almost takes a business mind. At first the main guitarist did most the stuff....I joined and started helping. I also worked AND did a post grad in Legal Practice Course which was not easy...finally thats done! So...I juggled a lot at once. The main guitarist has now slacked off due to ex-girlfriend problems (he is 30 so he should really sort himself out and get a grip). Me and the drummer took everything on...but now Im sick of it. There are two people left out of the five I havent discussed, one of them who does NOTHING....is on the dole and all he does is turn up, do some vocals, then leave the band to clear up. The other has no people skills. The guy on the dole basically never puts in money, and went mad at me for stating we HAVE to start covering our costs....otherwise its a dead end. I felt like I was being unethical saying we needed our petrol covered, and lets face it, that is just being sensible! Someone is going home with money, and its not us, its the promoter.
  11. [quote name='Mr.T' post='564727' date='Aug 10 2009, 10:01 AM']Picture of my dear old friend! [attachment=30603:TE_1.jpg][/quote] Cool rig!
  12. [quote name='0175westwood29' post='564552' date='Aug 9 2009, 10:41 PM']im forced to agree with you with the volume thing, with my pro-6 it does seem like they've exaggerated the output, it just doesn't seem 1100w loud. but i do love the tone that it puts out! and on bigger stages with di support i never have to worry and if your playing somewhere where its just your backline with my 610 it plenty loud enough. also my 610 is built in china and has spotless QC also just checked out you band dude! nice tone! andy[/quote] Cheers man! Its a shame they are so freakin slack! I think on that recording it was my old Trace 400 SMX (now sold on) through a 4x10 they had at the studio (bizarre make, but damn crisp) and a sansamp to add some grit. Some of the songs are just DI into the board through the sansamp. The bass? Just my MIJ Reissue Fender P! Least expensive bass I own, but does a sterling job
  13. Mr T....hows the rig search going?
  14. Sent Shuker an email to get a rough quote
  15. [quote name='thedonutman' post='564528' date='Aug 9 2009, 10:17 PM']You could get Jon Shuker to make you a 5 string jazz in the style of Geddy, then you'd get everything you want![/quote] Hmm Good point. What kind of prices does he 'roughly' charge for tradtional basses?
  16. [quote name='OldGit' post='564478' date='Aug 9 2009, 09:24 PM']Sounds like you have decided. I was going to suggest doing the money thing with a covers band but you are doing that. So try this.. Take an organised 6 months off from the band - ie the whole band and not just a lack of gigs. Set a date to get back together in March or so and stick to it. Have fun with your covers band and then review things with the originals band then. If they have missed it they may be more inclined to be organised and focused.[/quote] A very wise piece of advice...thanks. That actually quite a good idea. The covers band has always been on my mind, and now 2 great guitarists have come along, with a fantastic female vocalist and an old friend drumming, Im pretty happy. The originals band does need a break I think. We have no gigs until October after this week....which is down to the rest of them being lazy and not following up leads. We also owe a fair whack for our cd production.....which I doubt will materialise for a long time. So....either I give it a break or I let them know my frustration I think. Cheers everyone
  17. Im checking out the Bass Gallery when I visit London at the end of the month. Is it correct that the Bass Centre do not have a physical 'shop' anymore? I will also be detouring to Essex for the Bass Merchant again
  18. Its seems they have realised how intergral you are...good! Other musicians dont understand bass until you dont play....then they ask why its sounds flat and dull.
  19. Mega lol... That position looks so uncomfortable....and not only that, really un-cool. Girls do not dig that sh*t.
  21. Well…..Im in a bit of a muddle with my next bass. I won’t be getting it for quite a while, but I’d like to know roughly what type of price I am looking at. I was all set for getting a £1000+ 5 string bass, whether it be a Jazz type (Lakland), secondhand Sadowsky, or a new EB Stingray 5/Sterling 5. Im not sure….I need to test more 5 stringers to see if I really need it. I’ve had a 5 string, but it was literally 14 years ago, when I was about 14/15. I did not like it, but it was very cheap. Im going to the Bass Merchant soon to see how I feel with other types of 5 string….but for the moment I might just stick to what I feel comfy with. So….if I opt not to go 5, I can look at a very nice 4 and a fretless. Fretless….Ive already decided on a Tony Franklin….I just love how they sound. Simple as that. I won’t pull the trigger for a while, but its on my GAS list. What I really want, no matter what, is another Jazz bass. Since hearing the tone when I was about 12, I loved it. I finally got my USA Fender Jazz this year and im glad I waited for these new Fenders; they are much better than the previous series. So…..really it has to be a bit special. I was thinking Geddy Lee…but what about getting a proper 70s type Jazz or other high end Jazz/ That gives a few options: 1. Sadowsky UV Jazz - £1800+ new 2. Fender 75 Reissue - £1250 new 3. Or just stick with a Geddy Lee - £630-£699 new 4. Go for a different style of Jazz eg Daryl Jones Skyline Lakland - ?! £1000? 5. Save and save for an Alleva - £LOADS What are your views on these type of Jazz basses? Lakland? How do they hold up? Thanks
  22. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='564282' date='Aug 9 2009, 05:44 PM']Move on and find people with the same levels of aspiration and creativity as yourself.. Otherwise, you get dragged down to their level![/quote] [quote name='LukeFRC' post='564286' date='Aug 9 2009, 05:52 PM']when i played in an originals band we were offered a gig and it came with a fee. If you play X you will be paid Y. Work it out up front, be proffesional with dealing with promoters and price yourself at what you think you are worth. Be realistic but at a minimum cover your costs. Also the cost kinda in folks mind determines how good you are, eg a £2000 bass is obviously better than a £200 bass even if they are similar. Likewise think about where you price yourself in the market. but then to do that the band has to have the drive to match, and if you dont you probably arnt going to go forward.[/quote] Both excellent things to think about...thanks... I do feel dragged down. The drummer is incredible...but....sometimes you just have to move on. Either that or I take control and sort out all money situations.
  23. Bump.....thinking of quiting the main band now. Finished LPC, car sold...looking for van.
  24. The SVT Pro 3 does struggle, especially at 8 ohms. My friend has one, and as much as its quite a nice gruff Ampeg tone...it struggles with volume. Plus...it weighs a fair bit compared to one of the new lightweight heads that do exactly the same except are probably much 'louder' sounding. More so the Markbass....one hell of a low end for such a small amps.
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