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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. [quote]I know lugging heavy cabs around sucks, but I know within the first couple of notes in the first song of the set. I'm grinning.[/quote] This is what happens with my kinda heavy Berg HS410. But once you have casters, problem 3/4 solved. Worth every bit of effort. But, I must admit, there is probably lightweight gear I have yet to test I will like (eg hopefully Compact ).
  2. I have no idea what would be right for you....BUT...what I can say is that I used to spend a lot on basses before I would consider spending on amps/cabs. I had the same rig for ages, (Trace 400W head and similar Peavy cabs to you). The Trace wasn't really a problem, despite being too massive. The problem was scrimping on cabs. Cheap cabs make your bass sound half as good as it could....now I buy cabs more than anything else. I love my LM3 (very clean) and Orange AD200b Mk3 (VERY dirty!) but neither would suit you. How about a GK 1001RB (cant rem the exact model number)? Get a really nice cab and that amp will be great, and VERY loud. Also, consider the Shuttlemax 6.
  3. [quote name='Mr.T' post='559750' date='Aug 3 2009, 10:38 PM']Thanks Steve, Yes another cab on top will solve the problem of top end and being able to hear myself, I could just put my Ashdown on the Compact, but... That puts me right back where I was with the Aggie & Ashdown set-up, which was at times superb but inconsistant! It totally defeats the reason I bought the Compact, i.e to be a one cab solution.... which as it turns out, it isn't (for me). I am not knocking the Compact, for what it is, i.e... A loud portable 1x15. However, I was led to believe it was a full range cabinet.... It isn't! I thought it would replace both my cabs.... It doesn't! I want my Trace (or something similar) back![/quote] Awww man....I feel bad for you! I hate it when you sell then regret. Even though I will use my smaller / lighter cabs more when I get them, im keeping my old ones. Even though thats being greedy.
  4. I have the same MIJ/CIJ Fender 62 reissue P Bass. t was my first Fender and first real bass. Love it...lots of fond memories. Probably around 12 years old now.
  5. [quote name='John Wheatley' post='559733' date='Aug 3 2009, 10:18 PM']Cheers, From what I've read it does sound like seperate head and cab is the way I'll go. Guess I'll have to price it up, and get grovelling.[/quote] Good idea! You can get the LM3 for £607 or less.... Or get a LM2 secondhand.... High end cabs are definitely worth investing in!
  6. [quote name='John Wheatley' post='559701' date='Aug 3 2009, 09:56 PM']Cheers for that. I have read that the amps are better than the cabs. The combo I was looking at as I understand it has the same amp as the LMII, so I'm also considering that and a seperate cab. Can I ask what cabs / cabs you do use? Cheers John[/quote] The LM3/2 goes well with a lot of amps. I prefer Aguilars or Bergantino cabs....if you are after a modular setup, two Aguilar DB112s would be amazing. But...they cost a fair bit, as do the Berg AE112s...so its best to get one at once unless they are on offer. Also, you could try a Barefaced Compact.....Alex is on this forum all the time...he is sending one round for trial. They are very light and very efficient. Have a read around on this subforum....lots of great info If I were you...Id go for separate LM2/3...but that because Im not a an of combos. Some people love the Markbass combos!
  7. Pm'd an offerish
  8. I really like Markbass amps. I have the LM3....it works wonders. Clean, powerful, lots of low end. I do not use Markbass cabs though....I cannot comment on their speakers. I think someone has that combo on sale on here?!
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='559657' date='Aug 3 2009, 09:05 PM']Told you so. (You're going to hear this a lot, btw) [/quote] Definitely. This forum is great for getting a UK perspective. It also has less threads than TB which I like...easier to read what you want. It was actually a post you made on how much you liked the HS410 (over on Tbass) that swung it. That, and the fact you still have a similar setup made me realise it is a good 'one cab solution' but with a heck of an amazing tone...eg no compromise. Its a little heavy, but I can deal with that. It makes up for weight in tone and size. Plenty of other Tbass'ers love it, and then Geoff dropped the price and I saw it JUST in the nick of time.
  10. Thanks guys! Now gassing for a lovely 5 string and a modular rig, (Berg!...maybe).
  11. Hi Just a thread for leaving any feedback/comments! Thanks Gareth
  12. I bought the Berg HS410 off Geoff. He made the effort to meet me fairly close to where I live, and the cab was a great price. Genuine, trustworthy chap...knows his gear. Very nice Sadowsky as well! The HS410 is a mighty mighty cab, and is indeed in mint condition! Thanks Gareth
  13. Wow....this is a very busy topic. I currently play in an extremely loud band. We practice at stupid volumes. I dont want to, but the guitarist like the big 4x12s to have plenty of ommph. So yes, even though im sensible and want less volume, Im not getting it yet! I just wear ear protection. So yes, I compete with 2 Marshall 60W valve heads through 2 x (4x12) and a hardcore punk drummer. One of the 4x12s is Orange...and they are seriously f***ing loud. The loudest guitar cab ive ever experienced. I'd say we make a very tight, heavy wall of sound. What do I use? Mainly backline provided, (usually crap old cabs and knackered amps) or I take my LM3 and use a backline cab. Never had volume problems. Not even with my old Trace SMX400W head that I sold..that never went above about 1 o'clock. New styles of cabs do take a while to adjust. My new Berg HS410 has literally stunned me now I've used it properly. Stunning clarity, volume and definition. Its a totally different style of sound, and picks up all of your mistakes because its so precise, but wow what a sound. I have joined a much quieter band on the side, and I want a small modular or one cab solution that is neo. This will save hassle and effort, and hopefully means I can carry everything myself. The journey has just started for me. I want to know everything before I make the move though.
  14. Id really like to know how the DJ5 and JO5 compares to the Stingray/Sterling 5's.
  15. Right....I bought the HS410. First day I tested it with my oldest, and least expensive bass. It was great, thick, full, precise, clear....and LOUD. I love this Bass. The LM3 obviously makes your bass sound exactly how it should. So...today....a week later. I test it with the same amp (LM3) with one of my Stingrays. Now THIS is tonal bliss. With a more expensive instrument, the cab really came to life. This shocked me a hell of a lot. Its was SO clear and precise with the Berg. I've never heard a Stingray sound bad....but wow, did this really make me stand back and think 'maybe i've got my ultimate cab here'. When they say 'you'll be impressed within the first few notes'...its totally true. Cannot wait to test my new Fenders through it....they sound massive compared to my MIJ P....so I cant wait to hear them through the Berg. Thanks to Geoff for such a good sale, its immaculate. I posted this in Gear Porn...but here it is...
  16. Im my opinion I think your amp is fine. I went with the LM3 over the Shuttle because it simple had more ommphh to it....this is a well known comparison. Not only that....the LM3 'sounds' much louder than the Shuttle. The MAX version solved some of these problems...but its quite a lot bigger/more expensive.
  17. If that was a woman I would say its a 'babe'. Amazing looking bass. How does it sound?
  18. EB basses seem to have really good B's. Interesting that in the recent Paul Turner interview, he stated he prefers 4 string basses, but if he goes 5, the Stringray is his favourite because not only does it do a nice B, it also has a very nice evn tone throughout the register.
  19. If this was a 5 string id bite your hand off
  20. What I really want to do is A/B the compact with a ceramic cab. A few years back a lot of people did say that neo speakers sound totally different. If a neo speaker can almost nail it, but add something a little different, then Im in.
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='558605' date='Aug 2 2009, 04:59 PM']I had enough of playing crap gigs so I bit the bullet and started a covers band(with a twist) we haven't played a gig yet but we are getting more fans, gigs and media than my originals that has been going for 5 years. sh*t init?[/quote] +1...ive done the same thing. First practice tomorrow, its nothing like what I normally play but I like that. Mainly light rock, pop, soul and blues covers. The experience will do us both good
  22. The existing Orange 1x15 is an awesome, fairly compact, lovely cab. Very highly rated. Check them out, I LOVE mine. Im not sure about these new ones. I think its an experiment, I imagine they wont produce loads until they show signs of taking off. Bass Terror head will be great though
  23. [quote name='William James Easton' post='558513' date='Aug 2 2009, 02:37 PM']don't be soft, Just play! [/quote] LOL....+1 Ive had some really quiet gigs, then some absolutely mental packed ones. It depends all all sorts of factors. Just enjoy! My main gripe is rubbish PAs. It might also just be the band, not you, so dont stop!
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='558261' date='Aug 2 2009, 09:09 AM']Hmmm... I remember following your (and others) trials and tribulations when searching for the ultimate affordable, transportable, giggable, lightweight rig and you arrive at the same conclusion. In the last couple of years I chased my tail, with among others; Markbass SA450 & LMK amps; EBS & Tech Soundsystems cabs (all neo) and what am I using? Thunderfunk and a pair of Aggie 1x12's, very traditional, very old school but I am happy! I'm not criticising 'all' of the lightweight gear out there but I just couldn't get the whump out of any of the stuff that I had. I'd still like to find a cab or cabs that will bridge that tone/weight divide but time will tell. [/quote] I went down the Aguilar cab route as well. Looking at my gear list below you will see heavy amps and heavy cabs. The Aguilars aren't so bad though, and they have casters. I also have the LM3, which to me, was the main thing to get 'right' when looking at a lightweight amp/cab solution. When I tour, we often get the backline bass cab supplied, or a large combo, so the Orange stays at home and the LM3 goes with me. Its light, sounds great, and I actually like how it looks! I nearly went lightweight on my next cab until I bought the HS410. Now, dont get me wrong, its not light. But, it is VERY small for a 4x10, and its sound...well....we all know about how good the Bergs are. A lot of the Talkbass guys actually opted for the HS over the AE due to its pure low end punch and thud. I am very interested in seeing/hearing if the Barefaced Compact will work out for me as my lightweight cab. I nearly went for a Schroeder, but after emailing Jorg, he mentioned they have had recent problems, but its getting sorted out. So, they are out. I STILL would love a little DB112 x 2 setup....but it seems pointless as I have the DB212s....but it'd be nice to have that option of one for low volume practice. The DB's really are great...I was really shocked when I first heard them. So...yes...Im hoping this test of the Compact will open my eyes. I should be getting it Tues ish. I've look at the measurements and it seems quite small...which is essential as all my cabs are mid sized. I think neo...in my eyes....has some way to go before everyone thinks it sounds right for them. A lot of bassists will never actually go down the neo route....Im hoping I will just with one or two small cabs. To me....having a light head that was small and powerful, with a totally different sound to the Orange (eg modern and crisp instead of dirty and chunky) was the most important move. My old backup Trace head was FAR too heavy...sounded good, but wow did it weigh a lot! Now when I goto small gigs, the LM3 is a godsend! Whoops....sorry about the essay!
  25. [quote name='obbm' post='558246' date='Aug 2 2009, 07:53 AM']I did quite a bit of research on the Sterling 5. It is effectively the same neck as the SR5, it's the body that is smaller. I contacted Strings and Things asking who had one in stock in the UK that I could try. They had one which they said they could send to my local dealer, Andertons, should I wish to try it. They also sent me a list of basses which were ex-factory and which could be shipped over if I ordered one in one month rather than the normal 3-4 months for a new build. Having looked at the demos I came to the conclusion that I wanted an HS. I was on the point of ordering one and then it dawned on me that for the price I could get a fully custom bass built here in the UK by a superb luthier with HS pick-ups, so that's what I've ordered. The only down-side is that I now I have to wait 10 months but it'll be worth it. I would certainly be interested in trying a Sterling HS but they are about as common as hen's teeth.[/quote] Yes, the price is pretty damn high. I'd love to test the Sterling 5. It might be worth me looking into custom builders if they are a similar ish price. There is something about the EB basses though....such immaculate finishes, and the sound of those pickups! [quote name='Monz' post='558366' date='Aug 2 2009, 11:29 AM']Before you make a decision go and try a Bongo first, yes I know the looks aren't to everyones liking (I love em) but they are gorgeous to play and they can do all the different tones... It's right up there near the top of my shopping list[/quote] I watched a few Bongo demo vids, and I had a look at one in Bass Merchant. To be fair, I actually quite like the fact they look so different...they wouldnt suit me....but thats the point I guess. Ill have to have more time with one...but I still think my tone preference is with the Stingray/Sterlings. Thanks!
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