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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. Hahaha..he should buy it!
  2. Darkplace is great.....im off to dig out my DVD right now!
  3. [quote name='Uncle Balsamic' post='544224' date='Jul 18 2009, 07:05 PM']I wouldn't go for Bergs solely because of the price over here. If I were rich I would though, if I liked them of course.[/quote] Agreed. The prices here are very high. In the USA they arent that much more than Aguilar, etc. So...it seems the Aguilar money wise are a much better deal. Im gonna think for another week about it. In terms of weight, im not saving that much...as 112s arent heavy anyway. Im looking forward to the Barefaced 12" cabs!
  4. [quote name='casapete' post='542033' date='Jul 16 2009, 10:46 AM']East Yorkshire ( near Hull ) - please add me to the list Alex. Great idea! Cheers.[/quote] Close to me so maybe onto me after you or vice versa, Cleethorpes
  5. [quote name='Uncle Balsamic' post='544187' date='Jul 18 2009, 06:17 PM']Why don't you PM Tom on Talkbass? He's probably tried all of the 112s out there, knowing him.[/quote] Hey....I just did that actually! Thanks! He got back to me...stating the AEs are really good, but the DBs are also excellent. I really dont like the handle design on the AE's....seems a mess around to have to get foam around it to stop your amp being scratched or sitting on an angle. Im still a little undecided. Problem is..I dont need a HS410...but i can (and would like) buy Geoffs HS410 for less than one AE112! That seems insane.
  6. [quote name='acidbass' post='544057' date='Jul 18 2009, 03:28 PM']If I'm not mistaken, he's been using Mesa for a while now? Definitely the cabinets but I'm pretty sure he tours with their heads too?[/quote] Ah my bad! Thanks
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='543994' date='Jul 18 2009, 02:27 PM']Well, it's finished! It took a little longer than planned, because summer - and its pesky holidays - got in the way, but it was worth the wait! Howard 'The Bass Doc' has done a sterling job, and it came in right on budget. The tint is very similar to my '71 neck (which is now going into retirement). It has a nice chunky profile, and is much livelier than the original rosewood board. I decided to have a (mostly but not-quite accurate) TV Logo put on it which raises any number of moral issues. I wrestled with my conscience, but... meh. I have the original neck, so it's not really cheating. It's all about conservation, innit. [/quote] Wow....I always check our your Fender P pics....incredible basses. Now this looks even more amazing. I have never played a fretless, and I feel I am missing out. At some point I will try and have a play with one.
  8. I was shocked he was using Mesa....no idea why. I suppose he was in America so that would make sense that a large company would get in there asap. I just cant get on with Mesa Bass amps...I need to test more of them.
  9. Oh, forgot to add, I agree id like to try all the Barefaced gear as well.
  10. [quote name='Boneless' post='542054' date='Jul 16 2009, 11:04 AM']I knew I wasn't deaf. That cab wants massive power pumped into it. I had a gig where I had an 8x10" and a Peavey preamp + power amp rack system. I know that the amplifier wasn't really important in the equation, since I always take my Hartke VXL with me, I also tried getting through the FX loop. Due to issues with the location of the venue, we had to keep the volume quite low. Tone was inexistent. It seemed like the cab couldn't be bothered Muffled, lifeless, boring. Then again, I had the chance of churning out loads of volume out of it once. It was spectacularly good. It really requires massive amount of power with at least a hint of overdrive to shine.[/quote] Yeah....you are right. For its size and weight the Ampeg 8x10 is not that good. Its awesome in the right venue with a tube amp on a decent volume, but you turn it down when the soundman says 'the bass is too high on stage' and it sounds boring, and muffled. There is no 'punch' that I was told it would have. It might be something to do with the new models...but lets just say compared to my Aguilar and Orange cabs it could not compete. [quote name='lojo' post='543956' date='Jul 18 2009, 01:31 PM']well if anyone is still interested, i gigged the 115 and 410 orange, we played very loud outside on friday night, the rain stopped and the gig went very well, anyway the orange sounded fantastic, and another band who came to see us, said it was clear, punchy and present in the mix throughout, so I am pleased 115 is not to bad a lift for me, 410 is going into hibernation until we start gigging again after the summer Still want to check a vintage out sometime[/quote] Thanks for the update. Yes, I agree, that setup of cabs is very good...I love it. The 1x15 is warm, fat and articulate but still lets through sweet highs. The 4x10 is a beast to lift....but punchy as hell. Glad you enjoyed it...I agree...use the 1x15 for smaller venues.
  11. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if this amp has the 'ummpph' like the LM2/3 does in terms of volume? Im not a fan of presets, and in built functions. It tends to raise the price when you already probably have a tuner and dont need the presets. My old Trace had a lot of controls, yet I barely used any. Probably why I chose Markbass over Genz.
  12. Is there any way of seeing how compact this is compared to another 4x10 or something like that? To put it into perspective so to speak.
  13. [quote name='dood' post='543572' date='Jul 17 2009, 08:36 PM']This is the link to Tom's 1x12 shoot out on his blog. [url="http://bowlusblog.blogspot.com/2006/05/1x12-shootout.html"]http://bowlusblog.blogspot.com/2006/05/1x12-shootout.html[/url] Tom is a top chap and has been so helpful to me in the past. I'd put him on my christmas card list! Dood.[/quote] Thanks Its a shame they havent done a modern one....but I like the sound of this from the comments... "3 Comments: will said... hey tom, would you care to comment on how the Berg AE112 sounds? 11:29 PM Tom Bowlus said... I really need to update this shootout with both the AE112 and the HT112 ER. But in short, the AE112 is perhaps my favorite 1x12. It is not quite as big and deep sounding as the HT112 ER, but it is quite deep and has punch from top to bottom. 2:03 AM "
  14. I rem these. Never seen them gigged. A local music shop got far too much stock and tried to make out they were the best bass amps ever. I went for a classic Trace instead elsewhere.
  15. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='543136' date='Jul 17 2009, 12:40 PM']Kings of Leon have interesting bass lines? Dont get me wrong, I love them, But which songs have interesting bass? seams like a lot of route notes to me. I could be wrong.[/quote] Kings Of Leon - simplistic but flowing lines. On Call (cool slides), Charmer, Black Thumbnail, Ragoo, Slow Night So Long, Razz, Other bands: Me, my own band Oh...here are A Wilhelm Scream.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFcw8BDAmRc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFcw8BDAmRc[/url] - live but nice tapping [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0pZstkiTg4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0pZstkiTg4[/url] - cool tempos and changes No one is too old for modern punk. Im 28.
  16. Oh heck! The idea of them seemed great. Strange cabs...but looked like they might be really good. A lot of manufacturers trying to take their slice of the lightweight market now. Personally, Markbass always seemed to be the leaders a few years back, so im sticking with them.
  17. Decision decision! HAHAH....the new band ive joined wants me to start soon, so Id like to get one of the 12s at the end of the month.
  18. Killers (Hot Fuss era)....The Strokes, Kings of Leon, A Wilhelm Scream,
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='542510' date='Jul 16 2009, 07:14 PM']I have a copy somewhere but can't find it to hand. I may be able to help you out with a scan of the article (sorry I'm keeping it)... when I find it! [/quote] That would be VERY helpful! Thanks! Did the Aguilars come out on top?
  20. [quote name='coasterbass' post='541935' date='Jul 16 2009, 09:02 AM']Didn't BG Magazine do a 1x12 shootout with Aggie, Berg, Mesa etc just over a year ago??[/quote] Has anyone seen this or a link to it?
  21. Can I ask how these two pedals compared?
  22. [quote name='rodl2005' post='541864' date='Jul 16 2009, 02:08 AM']I HAD a GS112, now own a AE112. TBH it took me a cuppla weeks to get used to the BERG, but once I did- WOW it IS far better IMO. YMMV. It IS louder & seems to be able to sound modern or vintage with applomb. (??) Well. :-) I've had a LOTTA compliments on my tone with this set up(LMII>AE112) I ALSO have a LMII & while the AE112 does have the top handle the LMII sits perfectly with its 2 front 'feet' on the metal edges of the handle-thus angling UP a fraction at front. NOT wierd at all IMO. I got a mate to sew a cover for mine & it's been fine- sure the lack of protective corners etc IS not as good as the GS112 was(I like carpeted cabs too....) but I actually have a spare set of 8 plastic interlocking corners I COULD put on it if I felt the need. With THAT much $$$ difference I'd probly not go the AE112 but here in AUS the Aggies are about the same price, so.........[/quote] Hey thanks. I know the GS cabs are mid scooped so its not such an issue. The DB cabs are much thicker and with no mid scoop. You can see what I mean about the prices though! [quote name='Uncle Balsamic' post='542243' date='Jul 16 2009, 01:57 PM']Yeah I think they liked the Aguilar the best as it sounded about as good as the Berg, but was cheaper. I think they gave a Zoot cab the value award when it was only slighlty cheaper than the Aguilar they seemed to love.[/quote] I'll have to try and find this review! [quote name='stevegg' post='542425' date='Jul 16 2009, 05:11 PM']I've got a Berg Ae112 which I was using for DB and BG with a Shuttle 3 - 10 Combo. This was a great combination but just not loud enough for stage monitoring for the festival we did two weekends ago. After talking to Mark at Bass Direct, who is a top bloke by the way, I have bought a second AE112. The two AEs together are just fantastic. The new one has got very discrete metal corner protectors which would solve one of your problems. I bought both of mine with covers and the old one still looks mint after 12 months gigging and rehersals. All the best Steve[/quote] AH...I heard about these new corners, thats goof that it is true! I would love to test their tone...but Im really concerned about the massive price hike. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='542472' date='Jul 16 2009, 06:10 PM']I run a pair of DB1x12s and though I'm doing pubs and clubs etc. I've never come close to finding the limits of this pair of cabs. I did have a scare a month or two back as I thought I'd trashed a driver but after fitting a replacement (care of our own WoT who had a spare Eminence 500w from a Schroeder cab), I established it wasn't the driver after all. It may be of some interest to various parties that WoT Marcus and myself did a little bash where we got together the pair of DB112s, Marcus's pair of GS112s and WoT's pair of Berg 210s... I'll ask WoT and Marcus if they put up a thread/comment on any of the Forums. [/quote] That would be brilliant. I'd like to know what you all thought, thanks. I have heard these little DB cabs can handle quite a lot for such small cabs.
  23. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='540368' date='Jul 14 2009, 02:49 PM']hey guys, just had funkymunky over to A/B this cab with his AE410....both sounded amazing, the ae was a bit more present and aggressive, hs sounded a bit more old school, whilst still sounding like a modern 410...it was great to catch up with steve and I was really impressed with how good these berg cabs are....... cheers geoff oh also discovered the castors pop in and out... :-)[/quote] Sounds like a fun test! Im shocked that I could basically not even get an AE112 for the price of this cab!...
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