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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='509083' date='Jun 9 2009, 02:51 PM']A vertically aligned ported 2x12" with same external dimension as the Compact apart from an inch or so of extra height, port up the side rather than along the bottom as with my other cabs. Drivers positioned asymmetrically for better response. Similar sensitivity in the lows to the Compact (due to box size) but more sensitivity in midrange. Will be very loud indeed. Very very very loud. Not as fat and smooth as the Compact, more angry. Alex[/quote] Any news on this cab? Im interested! A lot! Seems like a Schroeder beater
  2. The Hartke amps get my vote. I didnt have my LM3 for my recent tour so I used the support bands Hartke all tour. Is was pretty damn good. In tone terms its better when its louder. Get the 1000W version!
  3. I play in a similar type of band, but more modern punk orientated. I opted for the Mark Bass LM3, as I have the Orange for big shows where it isnt a 'tightly packed van' and that gives all the tube gain I'd ever need. The LM3 is a lovely bit of kit. The two filters can be fiddled with to gve you a nice modern twangy bass sound. If you want some grunt, put a Sansamp BDDI or VT Character pedal in front of it. I have mine in a padded Gig Skinz bag...and as much as that isnt as protective as a rack, it works pretty well. Good for small tours and being on the move Again, Im the same, full setup close to home or big shows, and the lightweight head for touring....I hated the thought of taking my beloved Orange on tour, and it weighs a lot in its case. Have you any idea on a cab for your tour? At the moment I just use the backline cabs as we never have room for more than 1 or 2 guitar cabs and full kit
  4. [quote name='symcbass' post='537164' date='Jul 10 2009, 12:49 PM']Didn't sell on Ebay although there were 12 watchers, and loads of questions regarding It. Have I overpriced this? What do you guys think? or Is everyone just skint like me? Seriously need to shift this quick, selling off other stuff too, to keep the peace in the house. Someone make me a sensible offer please,and It's yours. Pickup prefered. Cheers.[/quote] Hey How much did you want? £375? Im not sure whether this is the right price or not. I know the new models that are not made in the USA are almost double this, but you might have to drop the price a little. Unfortunately its a bad time to sell gear; there are some very good bargains in the for sale section that still haven't shifted. The economic situation has meant everything is selling dirt cheap. Keep it up and lower the price maybe It'll eventually find a home. I will add this amp looks like its been very looked after. Im shocked a USA bit of kit like this hasn't shifted. I also struggled to sell Ampeg gear.
  5. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='539163' date='Jul 13 2009, 10:29 AM']Im pretty sure they do have spares. They sent me a driver out the next day.[/quote] Ah good! I think my confidence would be much higher if they were based in the UK....
  6. I'd love to know what a Tecamp cab sounds like!
  7. I think it would be much easier if SHX was given a supply of spares from day one. But, the recent QC problems has basically put me off all together. What kind of cab can keep up with a 1212L?!
  8. Mmm Sadowsky
  9. [quote name='soopercrip' post='538832' date='Jul 12 2009, 09:33 PM']Iv, got a Yamaha BB605 sat gathering dust if you'd like a borrow for a bit see if 5 strings are your bag? Barely used from new. PM if your interested I'm only 30 miles top side of hull Andy[/quote] Hey thanks! Ill give you a PM if I get some time to come and check it out [quote name='51m0n' post='538901' date='Jul 12 2009, 10:24 PM']Thought about Clover? [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Clover_Stock_XP15.5.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...ock_XP15.5.html[/url] [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Clover_Stock_Apeiron_H.5.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...peiron_H.5.html[/url] Nice kit. I tried the XP15.5 when I got my Roscoe (it was a toss up between the two). The Roscoe won for me, but I love that kind of body shape over something more classic... In terms of the switch you will need to make technique adjustments in all probability. I've begun the mover from a moving anchored RH thumb to a floating (constantly muting) RH thumb to damp the extra strings better. Was having trouble with the low b warbling. I've been at it for about 3 practices and its nearly there already! As for switching back and forth I have been so delighted with my Roscoe that I really havent much, mainly over to the fretless if at all. Get a bass that really calls to you and you'll have the same experience, get any old thing and you might find the effort not worth the reward.[/quote] Hey thanks....I always liked the look of the Clovers....very nice basses. I will put them on the 'list' of ones to try
  10. I have recently done the same. I am extremely fast with a pick....I always forget until someone asks me to play as fast as I can.... But...finger style is a different sound, I like it. Ive been practicing the same songs with my band but with fingers. Pros = you can have hgher input gain on amp... Cons = fingers ache still...but Im getting there. Back pickup on Jazz with fingers (Jaco) = awesome.
  11. [quote name='flippyfloop' post='538669' date='Jul 12 2009, 06:09 PM']Tecamp XS112 ? I hear good reports about the 212 & the XS112 is only 22 lbs ! That's the lightest 1x12 I've found.[/quote] That is light! Wow....Ive checked the prices...they are roughly the same as a Berg once you add a cover. Id love to hear some Tecamp cabs!
  12. [quote name='lowfer' post='538552' date='Jul 12 2009, 03:30 PM']i use 1 db112 with little mark11 head, i must admit i don't find it underpowered and has been fine for most gigs i've played, however adding a second is on the cards when i have saved the cash and convinced the wife. However, if your db212 is 8 ohm, you could purchase 1 db112 8 ohm and if you need more grunt you could use both cabs together giving you variety and the ability to move lots of air. I love my aguilar db112 and would highly recomend to others, although i have not played other your are considering.[/quote] Thanks man. I was considering having two different Aggie setups...as mad as that sounds. One DB212 x 2 setup....which I have....this is for my loud bands I play in....using one for smaller gigs. And this DB112 x 2 for the more laid back band im about to join....one cab for home practice, two for gigs. I saw some photos of your LM with the DB112 and it looks great!...that half inspired me to get the little buggers and put this topic up.
  13. [quote name='JTUK' post='538516' date='Jul 12 2009, 02:51 PM']yes..I get that impression that the DB and GS are two different sets of cabs even if you compare both 1x12's.... and the DB's being the darker sounding cab.... Also, can't get the feeling that the Bergs are worth the difference... the cheesey top strap, for one.. I wouldn't want to be paying that premium unless the 1x12's are stunningly better and I am not entirely sold on the dims of the 1x12's anyway.. I would have to try them ... I still think my choice would be the DB680 and a power-amp into 1x15, and 2x10 DB's from this distance but maybe I''ll think differently after a demo and can run GS 12's at around 400watts bridged... with one of the cabs NT.. Personally, wasn't THAT knocked out with the Epi's/Markbass sound for me...but the weight was great for dep gigs.. Not entirely sold on the Mono amp idea either coming from a bi-amped set-up.. Where is the DB680 replacement as well.. that sounds just the ticket, IMV.. Could be fun all this... or maybe I have bass GAS first...[/quote] The DBs are darker...they punch a little louder. I think they are Aguilar's answer to a more rock orientated cabinet. Im the same on the Bergs....I mean...I understand some prices differences, but it would have to cook my meals for me to impress me at that price. The weight is great, but its a 1x12 so weight isnt a massive issue. Ive also seen some sell secondhand for much less than their retail...so Id hate to lose that much money I havent properly heard an Epi...I dont know if their 'pillow' like low end is something that would suit me. Its always fun ....GASSSSSS Test what you can and come back to us
  14. I had a very heavy Fender USA Deluxe P in natural. I ended up selling it due to it being very uncomfortable. Im not sure of its weight...but 11lbs is a fair bit for a P Bass. Price doesnt seem so bad. Have you tested the new 2009 P bass yet? They are much better than I expected. I love my new one! If you want vintage though....go for one you are 100% on
  15. [quote name='Sjonnie' post='538495' date='Jul 12 2009, 02:14 PM']I live in the Netherlands quite close to the German border, so I can get them quite easily. I have tried the Double (2x12") and was really impressed. I have more or less narrowed down my choice to Glockenklang or Aguilar (quite different I realise). I would love to try the Bergantino stuff but I'm not sure if they are available in the Netherlands. How do the GS series compare to the DB series in volume?[/quote] There are a fair few comments on Talkbass about this...Ive been busy! The testing guys who regularly go on their stated the DB's voicing meant they sounded much larger...a cross between a more modern tone and old school grunt. The GS's have a mid scooped sound apparently...and the DBs don't have this at all. Cheers!
  16. ...Casters....all you have to think is casters. The only 'lift' would be into a van/back of large boot and up stairs. Thats what I tell myself...and why im still gassing for it.
  17. Two necked basses....wow...the weight! I'd practice switching as quick as you can instead....or get the drummer to have a fiddle around whilst you swap.
  18. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='538215' date='Jul 12 2009, 12:10 AM']i think that there are some gigs that a 1 12 will do, jazz jam sessions, gigs without drummers, quiet rehearsals etc.. but if u would be using 2 then i would just use your db212....of course if you just want one then that makes sense but if you use 2 together then the benifit of size is kinda equaled out by your 212 being on wheels (unless there are serious stairs and you are on your own).....i used to own a gs112 and i really didnt use alone on anything other than jazz gigs...... saying that im replacing my hs410 with 2 EA wizzys. Im getting a normal one imported to add to my mline 12 which i use for upright. by using 2 with my db750 i can get the tone i want but if i played electric only i would stick with the hs410 and buy a small cheap 112 cab for suitable small gigs/practice.... Good luck....hope aggies are going well, i bet they sound amazing! :-)[/quote] Hi Geoff...thanks the Aguilar gear really has opened my mind to what the company is capable of. Not only are the 12s throaty, smooth, chunky, and warm, the cabs themselves look the business. I think they've got a bassist in mind, especially with removeable casters which a lot of companies expect you to just drill in. The covers are excellent. I think Tuki make them, and then Aggie add their logo, they are thick and padded. They aren't light...I think 70lbs ish, but its not bad, and the casters make it a breeze. This is why I feel a bit mental buying more, but Id like single 12s, and ive had a good scope around. The Berg and Epifani 12s seem to tick the boxes as do the DB112s, with the DBs, from reviews ive read, adding that ceramic grunt and low end, but added weight. I had a look on EA's site, they seem interesting! I've never heard any as yet. To be honest, if I had more space id snap the HS410 off you, as that cab would be great for what I do. Such is life....Ill see how things go. The girlf wants a house now to put all this gear in...oh 'eck! [quote name='JTUK' post='538281' date='Jul 12 2009, 08:55 AM']Interested in where this goes... I have a 1x15 and 2x10 SWR's which JUST fit in my 2 dr car but not in the boot. I run the above x-overed but have looked at the GS's if they could do the same job. I also like the DB's in black (1x15, 2x10 ) for the cool retro look but haven't heard them. I believe those sizes are roughly the same as I already have. The Bergs confuse me... and will have to hear them but they don't seem to have a small modular build apart from the 1x12... I favour a 1x15 for a kind of Sub bass so woukld like to know if the 1x12's could do the same.. Without going in to the sound, sixe and weight side of things... my wishlist starts at the DB's .. A friend of mine swears by his Epifanis 1x 12's with a Markbass amp...and choose them over the Ags..[/quote] Epifani 12s arent that badly priced. I was a little put off by the recent lack of information on change of wood and drivers in their UL2 line, plus they decided to build them in China and say nothing. I have no problem with this....its a modern economy....but Ampeg have lost a lot of customers due to this type of move. I for one was so unimpressed with Ampeg's customer service that I sold my 8x10....plus 8x10s are too big. But Aguilar 8x10s....mmm....now they have low end grunt. I'd check out the DBs....ive been reading the early reviews on Talkbass, and a lot of players love them! The DBs have different voicing to the GS.... One guy even messaged me to say a mini DB112 x 2 stack has done every gig he has played, incl very large clubs and even small festivals. Thats impressive! The 12s definitely pack a punch. it won't be exactly like the 1x15 low end, but its somewhere inbetween the punch of a 10 and the warmth of a 15. I was sold on the sound after a very quick test at Bass Merchant. Bergs have always confused me. It seems like they are almost the top of the market, but the price tag here is so massive. If they were even £50 less i'd take the choice more seriously. [quote name='Sjonnie' post='538392' date='Jul 12 2009, 12:03 PM']I'm more or less in the same situation, but I'm also considering 2x12" cabs. Will the Aguilar cabs be loud enough? They appear to have a fairly low efficiency compared to the other cabs. Have you considered Glockenklang? I really do like the Double (2x12) but haven't tried the Space yet.[/quote] Ive never tried any Glock gear as yet. Seems quite rare. The DBs are a very impressive little stack. Again, another Talkbass player messaged me to say he'd swapped from the Bergs to the DBs' stating they had more low end grunt, and did a little slap better. But, that could be a number of variables. Have you tried the Glocks?
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' post='538167' date='Jul 11 2009, 09:36 PM']Lakland 55-02 ...enough said[/quote] Hey thanks. Had a look on their site. Nice looking bass...the soundclips sound great. I might have to look into a Lakland. [quote name='XB26354' post='538173' date='Jul 11 2009, 09:44 PM']Or even Lakland Joe Osborn 5 - it has passive JJ and there's a nice one in natural for sale here.[/quote] Thanks. How do passive elecs handle a low b? Is it something I dont need to even worry about? [quote name='JTUK' post='538267' date='Jul 12 2009, 08:14 AM']Agree with either Lakland or MM as a lot of bass for the money...or that money. but..... can your rig take a low B.. ? and that note needs to be defined so spend all your focus on that, IMV... as you have found out, I guess. Also, are you hearing the move to a 5...or just want one...? Will you chop back to a 4.... if so, then get a comparable string spacing with the one you are already comfortable on I had major major hassle swapping over and I could not go back ... it took more than a few months I think Id just like a 5 for versatility. I got quite used to my old crappy 5 string, but sold it on for the MIJ Fender I still have. Im hoping the LM3 and the Aggies can quite easily handle the low b. What do you think? Thanks[/quote] [quote name='BeLow' post='538370' date='Jul 12 2009, 11:34 AM']You could throw money at it, or if you want a good budget instrument that won't embarass you sound wise how about a Squire Jazz deluxe. I have two hand made Shuker 5's and my own design MM5 copy, but the Squire does a good job at a fraction of the price, served me very well at a gig last night where I don't think the Shuker would have fitted in. If you pick one up secondhand they are phenominally good value for money and would be a stop gap while you save. PS Lakland 55-02 9s a very nice bass but 3 - 4 times the price, I think I saw a Squire change hands for about £170 a while back.[/quote] Ill also take a look at these! [quote name='chris_b' post='538375' date='Jul 12 2009, 11:43 AM']I wouldn't get an AC as my first 5 string bass! A lot of people switch back when they find they prefer 4 strings! With your budget I'd try a Lakland first. In my opinion, you won't get better for the money. Also, when you get your 5 string put the other basses away. Don't keep switching between them. You'll find it easier to make the transition if you only play the 5 string![/quote] I agree on the AC. Im mainly a 4 string man...so the AC will 99% be a 4 string. Lots to think about on that one, and also whether its an AC, or a Sadowsky. Does anyone have experience with Sadowsky Metro 5's? This looks stunning! [url="http://www.sadowsky.com/media/metro/thumb/photos/UV70-RW-ALD-5-3TB.jpg"]http://www.sadowsky.com/media/metro/thumb/...W-ALD-5-3TB.jpg[/url] Thanks
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='536947' date='Jul 10 2009, 12:54 AM']If you are after a Jazz or P type you just have to try the Shukers. The JJ Burnell Precision is stunning [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/pbassgal.htm"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/pbassgal.htm[/url][/quote] Good prices! I expected much higher.
  21. Ok...Ive come to the conclusion that my next bass is going to be a 5 string. I was hoping to save for a fair while til my 30th (nearly 2 years away) for an Alleva Coppolo, but my gas for a 5 might hit me before then. Basically, Ive only had one 5 string, when I was young. It was an awful Tanglewood...the B was flat as hell even with new strings. So...I want to move into the world of 5 strings. I would probably look at between £700-£1200...unless I can hold off for the Alleva, or indeed a Sadowsky. I like, as you are probably aware, tradtional body shapes. I really dont get on with small bass bodies....but I might be convinced. I wouldnt mind some active electronics, but nothing crazy. I am aware most low b's sometimes need the active elecs. Id like 2 single coils...J Bass style. I did gas for an EB MM 5 a few years back, but I am aware 5's have come on a long way. Suggestions? I think I'd like to try a manufacturer I've never used before. Thanks
  22. [quote name='lojo' post='538014' date='Jul 11 2009, 05:32 PM']Thanks for the prompt replies guys - Musicman20 I see you have the orange rig, despite the advantages of lightweight, Ive fallen for and purchased an orange410, gigged it last night and loved it, I was wondering if you use yours much and if so why do you choose it over the other gear you own, not sure if I am going mad, its heavy but seems to have something the lightweight cab I borrowed to try doesnt[/quote] It definitely packs a massive punch. Lightweight cabs are cool, but still the majority of the bassists I know still go for the normal weight cabs. The Orange 410 is heavy...definitely. But, it is damn smooth, punchy, and looks AMAZING. Lets face it...If you are paying £550+ (or even lower) then you want it to look good. Id check out the Orange 1x15. That cab is amazing...and not that bad a lift. Its not even that bad to carry on your own. I dont use my cabs much at the moment as we are usually supplied a bass cab and I just take an amp head. Which lightweight cab did you try?
  23. [quote name='OldGit' post='534106' date='Jul 6 2009, 08:16 PM']That gimmick worked for Trace too [/quote] This impressed a few girlfriends a few years back. Even recently my girlfriend said 'cool lights, ive always liked Trace'....and she knew what a Fender/Ernie Ball Stingray was. Needless to say im still with her...probably because she 'gets' my love for all things bass. When I was 17....the cool lights and Trace colous scheme sold it for me. Its now been sold on....but it served me well
  24. That is a beautiful Precision. I love the tuning keys, the logo, the burst. If I wasnt so worried about getting vintage I would have done a similar thing but I bought a brand new one last week. People can say what they want about us Fender-lovers, but there is definitely something about a Fender P/J that I cannot find in other instruments.
  25. Think this thread is the right one [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=46789&st=80&start=80"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...80&start=80[/url]
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