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Everything posted by xilddx

  1. Friends of mine rented a storage space at Big Yellow Storage and turned it into a budget recording/rehearsal studio for a few years. They sound-damped it with panelling and carpet. Clearly BYS were happy with this arrangement so maybe you could approach a commercial storage unit in your area and convert it if it proves cost effective for you.
  2. Get listening and voting, peeps!
  3. We are in the entertainment business here, it's not really art.
  4. Great band, I love em.
  5. Yeah there's some great music this month. One really did it for me though, I love the dubby style
  6. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1419451744' post='2640191'] My pleasure Nige. And welcome back! [/quote] Thanks man! x
  7. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1419448395' post='2640142'] [color=#800000][size=5][b]NB: new track added by xilddx![/b][/size][/color] Make sure you all give it a listen [/quote] Thank you so much, mate!
  8. Awesome! Thanks Paul. Should be ready in a couple hours.
  9. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Is there still time to enter? Nearly finished mine.[/font][/color]
  10. sh*t. Is there still time to enter? Nearly finished mine.
  11. [quote name='StevieC' timestamp='1419322530' post='2638645'] Can't agree with that! If you mean The Tall Ships was more pop than rock then I would agree to an extent but old It Bites stuff is sprinkled with pop such as 'hunting the Whale' from Eat me in St. Louis'. TTS contains great songwriting, playing and production and John Mitchell's guitar playing is awesome. Stevie [/quote] Hunting the Whale pop?! It's from Once Around The World. Calling all the Heroes is a great song, especially the proggy live version.
  12. Looks like there's a mystery elf editing my language. I would like it made clear that i would NEVER use the word 'blooming' as an expletive. It sounds jolly lame
  13. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1419097606' post='2636571'] [url="https://adblockplus.org/"]https://adblockplus.org/[/url] [/quote] Thank you mate.
  14. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1419097564' post='2636570'] Bake some bread instead, Nige Then I can look at it on FaceBook and imagine the freshly baked smell [/quote] Smell betta than Ralph Lauren fo sho. Problem is the advert is 20 secs and you can't turn the dratted thing off!
  15. i'm sick of seeing that bloomin' Ralph Lauren advert on youtube. Eighth time today. </rant>
  16. I think a lot of bollocks is spoken about how to play ska and reggae, all this stuff about accents and onedrop and all that. There are no 'rules' to make you sound right as such. But you do need to immerse yourself in the music and its history and development. Otherwise you run the risk of sounding like a politician trying to get down with the kidz. You should also see where Caribbean music has developed into and how it has spread its influence. Only when you've become educated about it and have developed a passion for it, will you be able to make musical decisions about what sounds 'acceptable' and what is too far removed from the cultural aspects of this kind of music. You also need to be playing with other musicians of a similar level of understanding so you can create something that sounds 'authentic'.
  17. Great basses. I loved mine.
  18. [quote name='aardvark' timestamp='1418846668' post='2634080'] Many thanks xilddx, that's really helpful. Some great sounds there, especially in the last section! Did you find any delay in response on the nylon strings, as others have suggested here? [/quote] No delay in response as far as I could tell, pretty powerful response actually, the nylons felt really strong, but positioning the eBow in the optimum area is important. It felt nicer playing the nylons, less extraneous noise too. I felt happier with them, more musical. I had the nylons on the E and D, the steels were on the A and G I use the eBow with guitar, this is only the second time I've used the eBow on the bass. It took about ten minutes to get the technique decent.
  19. Ok, here's a recording with my eBow Plus or whatever it's called. Clean tone with delay, reverb and chorus. You've got three sections: La Bella black nylon tapes D string / coated steel A string / La Bella black nylon tapes E string. https://soundcloud.com/silddx/ebow-nylon-steel
  20. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1418773802' post='2633341'] Must be, because they work with magnetic pickups So yes they will work with an eBow, in theory. The nylon wrap might damp them a lot though. [/quote] Indeed! I have an eBow II that I bought from here, and some laBella Black Nylon Tapes. Give me a couple of days and i'll record a comparison with coated steel strings.
  21. That is a BEAUTY!
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PCkvCPvDXk
  23. I still love this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUmIiWLoEuo
  24. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1418228970' post='2628210'] sorry to embarrass you. I'm sure your not. Face book tells everything. [/quote] Oh haha! The track was the last bit. It was a road race called the Perivale 5 Mile
  25. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1418220941' post='2628089'] sorry to stray off, topic but how many laps did you do Nige.? [/quote] Laps mate?
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