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Everything posted by xilddx

  1. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1413205209' post='2575779'] One of the first thing my employer did when I started my desk job was to fill out a questionaire with all questions like if I felt comfortable with things like my chair, desk, monitors and the distance between all of them hahah. Even to the point where It was asked and they also checked that I could see all the letters clearly on the keyboard and none were faded! I did laugh at the time thinking how ridiculous is this? But it obviously done for a reason! [/quote] Believe me, it's the law, and it's there to protect you from the sort of employers the OP is working for. Y'know, people often don't think. They'll ask 'but why do they make laptops if they are so bad for you?'. They don't think that most things are potentially dangerous if you don't know how to use them safely.
  2. Hey cheers guys! Yeah it really is fun! BotB, yeah Hillage and Alex Lifeson are big influences for me. Hopefully we'll be touring next year, so I'll post any details as I get them. Sheema's got a ton of influences, she is kind of half deadly serious North Indian classical and half nutcase And she's an amazing musician and composer. So she wrote an album that reflected the whole rather than one of the two halves, if you know what I mean. She's a damn good bassist as well and plays bass and sitar in Transglobal Underground.
  3. Sheema Mukherjee at the Bournemouth International Centre last month. I'm playing guitar in this band. First gig with the ol 1961 Gibson Melody Maker, I love it, wonderful beat up old thing I got at Wunjos six months ago. It's currently with Martin Petersen at the Bass Gallery having a Kent Armstrong Soapbar neck pickup routed and installed and some of his cool switching rewiring. Can't wait! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqeTH90bO1s
  4. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1413136222' post='2575199'] A very short, and very rough demo here [url="https://soundcloud.com/ambient-bassist/om-1"]https://soundcloud.c...nt-bassist/om-1[/url] Imagine it without the harmonium. This was cut down from a demo that he sent me, it was recorded on his phone. [/quote] Wickid! I like the harmonium actually.
  5. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1413132792' post='2575164'] Thanks I'm doing a collaboration with a guy that does a lot of Buddhist and Tibetan chants. [/quote] Excellent! That'll work for me!
  6. I don't dig on much jazz to be honest, but that does sound really nice, and played really sensitively.
  7. That's really sweet
  8. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1412099155' post='2565666'] There's something endearingly unpretentious about your music. I mean that in a good way. It isn't all glossy, but that seems to suit who you are and what you're doing. [/quote] Yeah I'll go with that, I like it and I bet it's great live.
  9. I like it mate, sounds really good, I like Shadow best of the two. You gigging?
  10. That you singing? Great voice! Lot of Michael Jackson going on but with a really lovely stripped out urban feel on Best Friend. Great writing, arrangement, and production. Seven Years is wickid. I'll listen to the rest later on. It's real quality man, you are very talented. You have a lot of competition in this playing field, but you'll be aware of that. Very best of luck with it.
  11. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1412882730' post='2573015'] Well, the bass sounds good. As for the vocals and the guitarist(s), not so keen I'm afraid. I think the song title is repeated too much tbh, Glad you're enjoying it tho'. [/quote] Yeah I'm really sorry but I'm with Ray. But that doesn't mean sh*t really, other peeps will love it!
  12. That's good man. You know your timing's a little iffy here and there but practice will sort that. You have a nice tone too.
  13. It's really nice mate. Some ethereal vocals would go very nicely with it too. Lovely sounds and ambience.
  14. I do wonder how it's possible to make a guitar like that and sell it for £120 without some exploitation happening somewhere.
  15. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1413110975' post='2574934'] get out!! Ya spleen !! [url="http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G3kW5J7PDi8"]http://m.youtube.com...h?v=G3kW5J7PDi8[/url] [/quote] Ahhh, a fellow Charlie Chuck fan! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q44v9baJa4E
  16. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1412993714' post='2573995'] Just done all this RSI aining stuff this week at work. Big companies have to take it seriously these days. [b]However, during the training I got the impression it was more of a CYA exercise. It was all tracked on the database so that they would have little or no comeback if I got problems in the future.[/b] New position in the company last month which involves going to different location....hence a laptop. Got a proper mouse sorted out, but workstations in these locations are basic. Back at HQ however, got myself sorted out with docking station, twin monitors, and proper keyboard and mouse. Also an adjustable keyboard shelft thingy. If your company are being sh*tty and not buying you a fullsize keyboard and mouse etc, then take the hit and get one yourself. Also worth consider hitting cokeconvertors for a sencond hand monitor. Gee come to think of it, I've probably got an old monitor and keyboard lying around if you pay P&P I could send it to you free. Cheap way to see if it improves your wrist problem. [/quote] [u]All[/u] companies have to take health and safety seriously, and have had to for decades. There are moral, legal and economic reasons for managing health and safety at work effectively. Had this been done 50 years ago we probably wouldn't have more people dying from asbestos related diseases this year than on the roads. Your company has to track this training. They have to demonstrate diligence and statutory compliance to auditors, local authorities, etc. There are many employees who receive H&S related training at work and still decide they don't want to follow it. This puts your employer in a difficult situation because employees have legal duties to take reasonable care of of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their work, so eventually it becomes a disciplinary matter if they refuse to comply. So, the problem is that employees often think that it's an arse covering exercise without thinking of the implications, or just through ignorance. Companies can often do more to promote a positive safety culture, because resistance from staff is just as big a problem as resistance from the organisation.
  17. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1412960159' post='2573712'] Thats not true though - go on youtube you can hear isolated vocals of loads of songs and most of them are men (which is probably as it tends to be rock acts and there are more men). That is just an article by someone on their own hobby horse who didn't bother doing any research [url="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TqrD7I6G6idEcV8ymcHf02x22oJt6Vt"]https://www.youtube....mcHf02x22oJt6Vt[/url] Personally I think her voice in that is fine, in that it sounds pretty much like her voice in the mix. Her guitar is awful but I assume that is just there as a prop, not to be played. [/quote] But those are there for interest and a lot of them are from Guitar Hero or summat aren't they? This was a pissed off geezer getting some revenge. However I somewhat agree with you.
  18. From the Guardian: Raw power: why mocking the isolated vocals of Courtney Love is misogynistic Raw audio of Courtney Love performing was posted online by a vengeful sound engineer. But male musicians are rarely exposed like this, so is it just another means to tell women they don’t belong? [url="http://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2014/oct/10/raw-power-why-mocking-isolated-vocals-of-courtney-love-is-misogynistic"]http://www.theguardi...is-misogynistic[/url]
  19. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1412953690' post='2573639'] I have had tendinitis and also thumb and wrist problems. I use a laptop all day and given a wrist rest and marble mouse they go away totally, so no, it isn't wrong [/quote] What I mean is, it's specific to your diagnosed condition. they do not constitute a panacea, wrist rests and marble mice can exacerbate certain conditions. Also, if you have not raised your laptop so the screen is at the correct height, you may risk cervical spine injuries and upper back and shoulder disorders. If you have raised it, you'll need a separate keyboard.
  20. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1412939584' post='2573456'] I work for a large company (you can probably guess which one shortly) and everything is Safety Safety Safety (including a charity contribution being based on reduced accident figures) although this is mainly driven by reducing accidents in the dockyards. In my company DSE is a mandated course, which has to be taken every 2 years along with annual check ups by Occupational Health. I use a laptop for work (and being a Systems Engineer, I also spend most of the day writing reports, spreadsheets etc) and have a screen raiser, external keyboard and mouse, keyboard wrist rest and mouse pad with a wrist rest also. If I was dealing with written letters and reports a lot (I don't, it mostly is electronic now), then I would also be provided with a document holder to reduce twisting to swap my view between the screen and the document. Before I had the wrists rests, I mentioned to OH that I occasionally had numbness in my hands at the end of the day. The wrist rests arrived on my desk the next day. This is the way it should be, CTS etc is now considered a workplace injury. [/quote] It's great your company take H&S seriously, but numbness in your hands could be for any number of reasons, and a wrist rest will not help if the cause of the numbness has not been diagnosed. For instance if you have ulnar or radial deviation while typing, a wrist rest won't do sh*t. Do you have DSE assessors?
  21. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1412936642' post='2573418'] Seper ate kbd won't necessarily help - what you need is a wrist rest, a marble mouse, and properly oriented desk and chair. [/quote] Sorry mate but that's wrong about the kbd and the marble mouse and wrist rests.
  22. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1412891684' post='2573174'] Pod XT Live for me. Does all i want and more. [/quote] Indeed. I love the X3 because I'm a guitarist as well,
  23. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1412890679' post='2573159'] I have put a LOT of time, money and effort into bass playing / learning to read / musicianship in the last couple of years. The last month or so I've struggled to put in an hour or so a week as I "feel' I need to rest for my day job that pays the bills. [/quote] Well, now you know you can do both as long as you work ergonomically and take enough breaks.
  24. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1412889495' post='2573144'] Supporting your family must, of course, come first but keeping yourself physically and mentally fit is a big part of being able to do that.. [/quote] Spot on. A friend of mine's family nearly fell apart through his DSE related tennis elbow. Couldn't play with the kids, wash up, drive, ride a bike, clean the house, mow the lawn ...
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