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Everything posted by xilddx

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405540217' post='2502921'] Is that because a guitar can be a full-range solo instrument in its own right and the bass is (generally) regarded as a team instrument? [/quote] In isolation, guitar just sounds better than bass innit
  2. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1405535163' post='2502854'] I think that your "it's cheaper and easier" claim will self destruct as soon as you find the guitarists equivalent of basschat! In my experience guitarists are more picky about "tone man". Thing is with bass is that deep down, however much we all go on about gear, we know in our hearts that a jazz or precision with a decent set up and a DI box would do for us, everything else is just extravagance.... [/quote] A lot of guitarists play on their own at home and craft their tones to please their ears with their tones in isolation. A guitar in isolation is normally much more pleasing than bass in isolation. Then they get in an ensemble situation and wonder why they are not audible and keep upping the level to get heard. I don't think bassists do so much of that.
  3. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1405518500' post='2502628'] So are you saying I need to be a tad more tolerant then Nige? [/quote] only if the music improves
  4. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1405511861' post='2502534'] It amazes me how many musicians can play Rock in a convincing manner but can have a total fail when it comes to Reggae, or, come to think of it Funk and Disco. There have been occasions when I've left the room thanks to a guitarist thinking he was funking it up [/quote] I think many musicians don't realise that music is cultural. You have to grow up in, or at least immerse yourself in, the cultural aspects of the music you want to play, be that Latin, Middle Eastern, Indian, African, Asian, Caribbean or whatever. Just listening to a bit of the music and expecting to be able to execute its cultural nuances is an almost guaranteed fail.
  5. He's one of 'The Men' There are lots of amazing reggae bassists. There are a few bloody good ones on here too. I reckon the simpler you play reggae the more likely it is to sound like reggae. And play on the beat, don't try dragging because you'll sound like white man dub When you get the feel of it, then you can start messing, only as long as you feel it. Best of luck Dom!
  6. [url="http://www.picturehouses.co.uk/cinema/Hackney_Picturehouse/film/No_Strobes_Super_Music_Fundraiser_For_Epilepsy_Society/"]http://www.pictureho...ilepsy_Society/[/url] DOORS: 8pm - 2am. TICKETS: £5 (for charity!) All proceeds go to [url="http://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/"]Epilepsy Society.[/url] ::NO STROBES:: DJ BLONDEZILLA’S EPILEPSY FUNDRAISER Feat. SABBEY DRUMMERS / LONDON ZULU / T-ROY ON THE SET (Broadsite) / JAMIE RENTON / SPECIAL LIVE GUESTS + DJS DJ BlondeZilla, and Jamie Renton are throwing a big party, a proper party. There'll be all kinds of special live guests; plus DJs - from Afrobeat and Soukous, to Soul and Funk, Dub and Reggae to Hip Hop, House and minimal Techno; there’ll be dancing (obvs), sitting (if you prefer), talking, beer, cocktails, some cake action ...and... a raffle. LIVE HEADLINERS: * [b]SABBEY DRUMMERS[/b] - Afla Sackey's traditional Ghanaian drumming and song collective. * [b]LONDON ZULU[/b] - from [url="http://transglobalunderground.net/"]Transglobal Underground[/url] DJs Include: * T-ROY On The Set (Broadsite) * BlondeZilla (Afro-vinyl bonanza) * Jamie Renton (Chilli Fried / all kinds of World everything) * DJave (Hip Hop, 90s Urban, Soul and Pop) * DJ Freestyle (Colourful Radio) * Tag Ara (Dub / Reggae / Dancehall) * Dok Tor Jouve (hittin' up the late night House) * Meltphaced (Minimal Techno meet ‘good’ House)
  7. Wait til you play guitar in a band. Then all that same sh*t you go through with bass will happen. You'll notice one string doesn't cut through and you'll be dicking about for ages trying to solve that problem. You'll notice your gorgeous cleans don't have the right mids to cut through the band and crap like that. I'm doing guitar gigs at the moment and there's a whole bunch of issues as I'm playing with keys, strings, horns, sitar - all of which eat mid range for breakfast. Bass is so simple by comparison for me.
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1405353621' post='2501131'] Nice twist there Clarky. Shame that [i]some[/i] subsequent posters have used it as a platform to extend their sly, unpleasant mockery of BC-er Thunderbird beyond the thread he posted elsewhere [edit: and which is now locked]. AFAIC, a small clique of members have been idly ganging up on someone when they could profitably be contemplating the meaning of the word 'community'. [/quote] I suppose I was somewhat guilty of that. Sorry TBird. However, being a former Warwick devotee, I have great respect for the company and its ethics, and had good comms and help from them. So I was a bit irked by TBird's comments.
  9. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1405067289' post='2498414'] I get the point about returning the strings to Thomann thing but the whole point of the thread is really about the customer service and the" I don't really care attitude" that is what has annoyed me more than the strings [/quote] You aren't a Warwick customer, you're a Thomann customer.
  10. I put Paul in touch with a friend of mine who was after a new bass and who I thought would love the one Paul was selling on here. Here's her feedback. Thanks Paul. Nx [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] The Tele P bass is just totally gorgeous and exactly as Paul described it to be on his profile. The neck is really friendly to run/(stumble!) around upon and the output has a really nice ‘backside’ to it. It is a powerful signal, which makes it easier to ‘punch’ and is much less effort than my old Ib, and I am very much enjoying letting it teach me to play![/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] As I said Paul’s description of this bass was bang on, and it came as advertised, in a timely fashion, though a very smooth and friendly transaction, so well wrapped up and packed that between the bass and the bubble wrap I predict a fairly well stressed managed few years ahead for me [/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] So it’s clear I love it. Tell Paul, no way he’s getting it back. It is a joy to play and it was a great pleasure doing business with Paul. [/size][/font]
  11. It's all about developing your own voice as a bassist and being in a situation where your voice is accepted and where it creates synergistic vibes with the music and other musicians. Most bassists are nowhere near that level, and the ones who have achieved it are not even noticed by most other bassists.
  12. I liked the one who looked like Tom Cruise best.
  13. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1402481313' post='2473913'] I've actually got the GAS shakes looking at that. Cor blimey. [/quote] Yeah me too. Been waiting for these pics for a while! It's achingly beautiful.
  14. I'll get that! It's the best guitar mag out there. Well done for getting a feature on your collection which I'l read with great interest.
  15. Mine's called Sky Full of Stars, I'll upload it in a sec
  16. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1401776604' post='2466633'] Well done Stephen. I voted for yours. Its the first time i've voted for the winner [/quote] I voted for yours, I thought it was brilliant! Well done to Stephen though, a great entry. They all were.
  17. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1400743614' post='2456497'] Dustin Hoffman. Marathon Man. I believe the tale goes that he stayed awake for 3 nights to look dog rough for the torture scene and moaned to dear , dear Larry Olivier , luvvy how much he suffered for his art but felt it was required to get into character convincingly. Olivier tutted and said ' Then learn how to act , dear boy , learn how to act'. [/quote]
  18. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1400710130' post='2456402'] We shared the bill with one , went into their dressing room to say hi to find the singer on his knees in front of a Freddie poster. Drummer told us to bugger off while he 'invoked Freddie's spirit'. What can you do ? ! [/quote] I suppose it depends if they blew the roof off the joint or not as to whether the invocation was justified.
  19. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1400604548' post='2455393'] When it became apparent that the 'reviewer' is hopelessly addicted to the exclamation mark and the word 'f***ing', I lost interest. I suppose it's probably funny in a Frankie Boyle sort of way. [/quote] Frankie actually IS funny. That review was just an arrogant reviewer who's up his own chuff with his own sense of self f***ing importance. I'm not defending Coldplay, I liked them a lot early on, they were a great band, but I've not liked the way they developed because it just not my thing. Doesn't mean it's a load of f***ing f***ing f*** though, does it.
  20. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1385622460' post='2290288'] Si wasn't unique on this website. While he was everything that's been said there are others who are just as kind, helpful etc. [/quote] Yep.
  21. [quote name='goingdownslow' timestamp='1399716235' post='2446890'] As I suffer from excema and have itchy ears I wonder if this is also my problem. [/quote] Me too.
  22. You know what, I think she looks f***ing cool. Never the sort of guitar I would go for, but the sound and feel is the best I've come across. I'm going to take it to the Gallery and get it tidied up. It really is one of those instruments that one can play THROUGH rather than simply ON. I can't leave it alone. I want to play it all day. I know it looks cool in a way that a six string burl top single cut bass can never do
  23. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1399332501' post='2443279'] You know the rules Nige - that Melody Maker doesn't exist without pictures Nuff said [/quote] Here you go mate. I'm marking a point off Wunjos because although they were honest about the replacement pickup, when I asked if it was a Gibson pup the guy said, oh yeah of course it's a Gibson pickup! It's actually an old Seymour Duncan Mini HB. It's a cracking pickup nonetheless, but I prefer 'er, I dunno' rather than what I got. Great players' guitar though, I'm going to shield it properly and get the disgusting mess of soldering sorted out. Already ordered a Tonepros bridge and Tonepros Kluson keystones. I realise I'm talking guitar gibberish on a bass forum
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