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Everything posted by xilddx

  1. I went there yesterday. I wanted a looper and I wanted it NOW! I was told by Wunjos that Rock Stop was the best bet. I've had very patchy customer service in there in the past so I was dubious, and I noticed the same guy is still there, but there was another chap too, and he was incredibly helpful. He spent about an hour with me demoing three different loopers and I ended up with the little TC Ditto. Even said if I think I made a mistake I can return it within a few days and swap for something else. Top service from Rock Stop. Then I went into Wunjos guitar shop just to have a look around. Fancied a go on a 1960s Gibson Melody Maker that had a neck break repair at some point, new tuners and pickup, and was pretty beat up and with crazed lacquer. What a revelation! There was a really good guitarist in there trying something and I just jammed along with him. This little guitar sang like a bird, felt gorgeous and I was completely smitten. Haven't felt like that about an instrument for ages. I walked out with it and got a good deal on it. Their customer service was excellent. I'm hoping this is an indication that service in Denmark Street has finally turned around from the indifferent and even obstructive crap I've had to deal with in the past.
  2. It's called Hoshe Mamba. Featuring Ingrid on lead vocal. Hope you like it! http://www.reverbnation.com/transglobalunderground/song/20735064-hoshe-mamba?1336410755
  3. You've got the wrong guitarist. Don't be blaming Yngwie for not being able to play like Martin Carthy, and don't be blaming yourself for not being able to play like Scott Thunes.
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1399062241' post='2440692'] This is a trick question right? [/quote] No, it's definitely a Jazz body mate.
  5. I need to drill a wire tunnel between the electronics cavity and the pickup route on a Jazz body. I have a long enough drill bit, but I need the tunnel to be parallel with the body back and front. The question is what angle should I bend the drill bit?
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1398897394' post='2438931'] How long have you been waiting for your Letts bass now? [/quote] You don't have to fly RyanAir to be angered by poor customer service and want to be vocal about low standards.
  7. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1398896834' post='2438919'] Which is exactly why I closed it down. What possible good can come out of a bunch of people, most of whom aren't even waiting on a bass to keep stating the bleeding obvious? It's already a matter of record that some people have had problems and are unhappy, it's a matter of record that one of Jon's employees made a mistake. It's just coming across as petty now. [/quote] All fair comment. I know that eventually someone would have levelled it all out and then John would have felt supported as well as criticised, instead of where it is now - a cliff edge of vitriol.
  8. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1398896098' post='2438908'] Normally me too, especially when there's a good debate/argument going on. But a public execution leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. [/quote] Agreed but this wasn't a public execution, it was a public reaction. I you think it was becoming a public execution, I think the Letts PR & Marketing Team were the ones preparing the syringe.
  9. I'm sorry but I can only agree. I hate it when threads get locked.
  10. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1398591978' post='2435493'] I was wondering that as well. Most of the replies so far seem to relate to the best 'player' but I interpreted the OPs question as a bit wider. In the Beatles example, Macca was clearly a great bass player but surely his defining feature is his all-round musical ability? He not only plays bass but also guitar, piano and drums ( and probably more for all I know) and his songwriting is also pretty legendary. Is that the sort of thing the OP meant by 'best musician' in a bad? [/quote] With all respect to Annoying Twit, the question is absolutely barking
  11. What parameters are you going by?
  12. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1398416244' post='2433814'] Missed it the other night. Sky+ is poised ready to record tonight's show. Dying to see what all the fuss is about. [/quote] Not much really mate. I was disappointed after what I'd read on here, I thought I'd be blown away.
  13. As for the general slagging off of guitarists on here, why all the sperm fountains over a bassist who sounds like one?
  14. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1398378739' post='2433621'] I'm glad somebody else has said this, I was starting to think it was just me. To me they just sounded like a not particularly good band with a guitarist who couldn't do anything except play unison riffs with the bass player. [/quote] See, stuff like this gets noticed. The song doesn't really matter that much as long as it rocks and has a chord change.
  15. Ummm, clever. But would any of you have given them much thought if you hadn't realised that was only a bassist? Would you have simply thought it was a mediocre song from a four piece band, switched your ears off and finished your New Scientist Sudoku Challenge?
  16. xilddx

    Oldman Feedback

    Just bought an EBow Plus from Brian, great comms, no hassle, fast delivery and he even refunded a few bob because the shipping was cheaper than anticipated. Top man! Thanks mate, Nx
  17. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1398192112' post='2431505'] Sorry folks but I've tidied this thread up as we don't host libellous content. [/quote] Quite a hatchet job Ian What was libellous? I didn't spot anything.
  18. Totally with him on this. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OoevpPS0-k[/media]
  19. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1398097510' post='2430417'] It seems to be when people decide to take thing far too personally, then go on the attack by flailing wildly in all direction with a blunt keyboard, all hell breaks loose. All this over an average song posted 6 months ago, it seems that Easter has brought out the angry in some people for no known reason. Maybe being locked at home with the family, or too much chocolate, has affected the brain in some negative way. Either way I couldn't give a sh*t. But I suppose it is politically incorrect to say that. Politics was never my thing. [/quote] Hardly all hell breaking loose is it. And there is nothing politically incorrect about saying you don't give a sh*t.
  20. Really good! Not my cup of prog tea either but it's excellent. Best of luck with the pledges and the album.
  21. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1398082747' post='2430188'] I'm sure that everything I've written was explicitly stated as my personal opinion, meaning it's how I feel individually. I though people on this forum would see that and understand that I wasn't trying to speak on behalf of every person in the world but yourself and other members seem to have missed that point in favour of twisting what I've said in order to start an argument (which won't continue as this is the last post I'll be making) or jumping to conclusions. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. The world would be a boring place if we all thought the same thing :-) I hope you (and bass tractor) enjoy your sunny bank holiday weekend listening to whatever you're diggin'! [/quote] Those old tired cliches in defence of making forceful negative judgements about other bands and musicians don't wash with me anymore. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"The lack of feel, emotion, dynamic range, groove and most importantly, space is just astounding to me. Also, IMO music should be enjoyed by an audience not create a platform to exhibit sterile technical exercises best kept for the practice room." [/font][/color]This is a judgement, regardless of whether you sling IMOs in all over the place.
  22. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1398027912' post='2429738'] Have they changed drummers in the last year or so? I rememeber listening/watching some of their shred stuff a good while ago and thinking that the bass was very talented, but ultimately way over the top and unnecessary, and the drummer was crap. It seems the drummer has either changed or improved, and the rest is the same. Just because you CAN play every note on the fretboard at 250bpm does not mean you NEED to in every single song you play, original or not. I never did work out if the bassists was male, female or eunuch though. [/quote] It's the same drummer. Gender stereotyping is not cool.
  23. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1398031441' post='2429778'] The condescending was in your original post, though indeed you did try and use your studiedness as an argument from authority and thus as a crowbar. My response was meant to show you the crowbar did not work on me, and I was having a bit of fun with your studiedness. However, afterwards I realised that you might misconstrue it as entering the pissing contest that you had started, and I certainly did not want to enter such a contest, so I deleted it, but sadly too late. [/quote] Yes.
  24. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1398021133' post='2429656'] Technically and theoretically brilliant but lacks so much maturity of musicianship in my opinion. The lack of feel, emotion, dynamic range, groove and most importantly, space is just astounding to me. Also, IMO music should be enjoyed by an audience not create a platform to exhibit sterile technical exercises best kept for the practice room. What's the point in learning the depths of music theory and becoming so technically adept if you have nothing to say and can't communicate a meaningful message to an audience? [/quote] You know, I agree with Bass Tractor, and after his comments about your diatribe you then go on to tell him not to make assumptions about you, that he knows nothing about you - which is precisely what you have done in your musicologist's panning of the band and their music. They look like they are having a f***ing blast to me, they are communicating what they enjoy doing, how in god's name do YOU know they have nothing to say, that they have no 'meaningful message'? As to your comments about maturity and musicianship, and what music 'should be' -how patronising, how misguided and how judgmental. A LOT of people love what they do, including me. Now, please tell us WHY musicians have to communicate a 'meaningful message' to an audience.
  25. I'll have that mate. Pm'd
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