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Posts posted by xilddx

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='450605' date='Mar 31 2009, 03:30 PM']That's quite a depressing PoV.[/quote]

    I don't know if it's depressing, it's just how I feel. Even though I'm an attention-seeking exhibitionist on a stage, and for all my opinionated gobbiness, I'm actually a self-deprecating, self-loathing approval seeker, constipated with inhibition. If I strapped on one of these I would be thinking people would want to see me live up to that bass and play like Victor Wooten. I would die.

  2. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='450578' date='Mar 31 2009, 03:07 PM']Yeah, I know you're right. I just sometimes think there's [i]playing it safe [/i]and then there's [i]playing it BGM safe[/i].

    At least the style of writing could be slightly more interesting? If I hear the phrase "passable Marcus Miller/Jaco impression" one more time, I'm heading up the bell tower with the sniper rifle.

    Read the reviews in the majority of guitar magazines and they're so much more interesting and entertaining - even if the review outcome is the same.[/quote]

    Yeah, spot on.

    It's like eating rice crackers, totally bland and not even good for you. Still, I know some dudes that like eating them.

    I just now bought the latest Bass Player and it feels so much more "professional".

  3. Do you reckon, to justify buying something like this, you should be a pretty fabulous bass player? Or, if you appreciate and can afford this sort of sublime craftsmanship, playing ability is secondary?

    If you were a maker of these sort of basses, would you feel like selling one to a substandard player, or for someone to put in a display case and play at home three times a year?

    My feeling is, if I won the Pools, I would still not buy something like this because I am simply not a good enough player - I would feel overawed by it and scared shitless of putting a ding in it.

  4. [quote name='Russ' post='450199' date='Mar 31 2009, 01:41 AM']Dug out that copy of BGM I was talking about... seems all the reviews I have an issue with are down to one particular writer (not naming names). His writing style is OK, but his reviews are devoid of any information that anyone might actually need to know, instead talking about how it's easy to raise and lower the height of the Enfield pickup, or how the Line 6 rig sounds better in the corner of the room. Sounds like padding to me.[/quote]

    Good ol' Brooksy.

  5. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='450195' date='Mar 31 2009, 01:29 AM']I've been reading... I just don't really know what I can add really. Some people don't like the mag. Some people do. I don't think that will ever change.

    It could be worse. We could have just released a green bass with a bright orange scratchplate. ;-)


    British apathy at its best.

    :) (that's me wondering what I'd do if we were standing next to each other having a piss.)

  6. Right I'm off to bed. I need a thorough night's sleep. See you in the morning, when, I hope, comrade Clayton will join in the discussion so we can encourage Bass Ferret to set up a new and thorough British government due to our dissatisfaction with the current one.

    Good night.
    xXx :wub:

  7. [quote name='Russ' post='450171' date='Mar 31 2009, 12:41 AM']I read the review wanting to know what it sounded like, how good were its respective J/P/MM tones? Nothing. The tone hardly got any mention, other than it was "versatile". No further details. One of the main features of the Enfield range is its supposed ability to authentically ape J/P/MM tones, so you think it'd deserve a mention.[/quote]

    I believe the tone is "thorough", like the Vigier.

    [i][b]EDIT: [/b][/i]I just checked and sorry, it's the low B on the Vigier whose notes are "[b]well defined and thorough[/b]". That's what I like about my $$, the notes are "[b]thorough[/b]". I've always said that. I've always wanted "[b]thorough[/b]" notes. My singer said to me in the studio yesterday that my notes were really "[b]thorough[/b]", I was well chuffed and drank a bottle of pop to celebrate. In fact I've just traded my Fender Jazz Special (plus cash) for Alex's Warwick Fortress 5 fretless on here. Alex, the notes on that Fortress had better be "[b]thorough[/b]", or yer 'avin the bugger back.

  8. [quote name='Jase' post='450158' date='Mar 31 2009, 12:22 AM']I've spoken to two people involved with the magazine.....I speak as I find, the two guys in question are very helpful, very approachable people.[/quote]

    Super! Would you pay them to build you a two bedroomed bungalow with a small conservatory?

  9. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='450123' date='Mar 30 2009, 11:44 PM']Its not great but it is all we have got, so use it or lose it. Perhaps the smart arses can publish a rival to give them some competition.[/quote]

    I suppose I have little choice but to infer from this that I am one of the smart arses you refer to.

    Let me ask you this, next time you complain about the level of moderation on this 'ere forum, and how it's wrong what they do, are you going to set up a bass forum of your own, to give 'em a bit of competition?

  10. [quote name='OldGit' post='450036' date='Mar 30 2009, 10:13 PM']Feel free to buy any of the competitors they are competing with[/quote]

    D'you know what? I do. I buy Guitar Magazine and Guitar Buyer. I am quite happy to read three guitar reviews to one bass review, because most of the time they are of very high quality opinion backed up by years of experience in the field of comparison. One of their bass reviews is worth a whole issue of BGM's puerile, worthless reviewing. I get enough information from GM, GB and on here to satisfy me.

    I enjoy the writing styles in both and the interviews are much more penetrating - generally. And I like something music related to read on the khazi, something that doesn't make me feel like I'm sitting on a potty with the KanDoo next to me and an unlocked door.

  11. [quote name='Hamster' post='450021' date='Mar 30 2009, 10:06 PM']True - you've got to be pretty motivated if it's only yourself you're in competition with.[/quote]

    Erm, sorry H, that's a completely vacuous statement and you are fully aware of that. Just sounded quite funny at the time you thought of it didn't it. :)

  12. [quote name='captain black' post='449979' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:40 PM']At least it's OUR bass Mag not an ad-plastered American one.[/quote]

    Sorry, that's very silly indeed. I ain't paying £3.95 for a load of jolly old nonsense just because it's "British and prahhd"

    [quote name='captain black' post='449979' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:40 PM']And, hey, don't forget it's going monthly from the next issue.
    Happy days.[/quote]

    Twice the frrrrrrrrrp for twice the money.

  13. An example from March / April BGM

    [i]"Music Journalist" [/i](?) Joel McIver to Dave Ellefson.

    "Is your bass style in F5 different to the way it was in Megadeth?"
    You are a music journalist!! You should already know!!! [/b][/size]You should ask Dave Ellefson [u][b]why [/b][/u]his approach is different!! I'm not a 12 year old, I want some depth and a fascinating, challenging interview. You might as well ask Dave Ellefson if his hair is longer or shorter in F5 than when it was in Megadeth. [size=5][b]Look at the photographs first!![/b][/size]

    [i][b]My Edit: [/b]Text emphasis needed due to mod's removal of needless profanity and sheer frustration at having spent £3.95 for a waste of my time.[/i]

    [b][i]Edit 2: [/i][/b] While I think about it, what is [i]needed profanity[/i]?

  14. [quote name='Rich' post='449936' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:17 PM']Luckily I borrowed the Da Vinci Code, so it didn't cost me money to find out just how appalling it is.[/quote]


    I got it £1.49 from the Oxfam shop because I wanted to know what the fuss was about. I was on the tube when I finished it and without thinking chucked it on the ledge behind my seat as if it was a well thumbed copy of METRO.

  15. [quote name='OldGit' post='449907' date='Mar 30 2009, 08:54 PM']I agree with CK: Don't ask what your bass mag can do for you but rather what you can do for your bass mag otherwis two pages in a gu!tar mag will be all we get[/quote]

    OK, you agree with CK, well done. My opinion is that BASS Guitar Magazine is not a bloody public service. They should get off their arses and do a proper job to gain some competitive advantage.

    Next time I see a boring pub band I've paid four quid to see, I will go to their dressing room with some very helpful suggestions. Maybe I should also tell Dan Brown what I want from his sh*te novels .. :)

  16. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='449858' date='Mar 30 2009, 08:18 PM']Good work, SteveO, although I would recommend people look at other Bach pieces - this one has been played to death by players the world over :rolleyes:[/quote]

    Fair enough but for someone like me who knows little theory, can't sight read and is trying for the first time to learn a little classical on the bass, it's an enormous help that I am familiar with the piece so I can hear in my head how it should sound.

    Thanks a million SteveO, I am having a good time learning this :)

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