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Posts posted by xilddx

  1. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='241075' date='Jul 16 2008, 05:01 PM']The venue is a rock pub with stage, 200 capacity apparently. I say we're 'supposed' to be doing it as although we've agreed with the venue the guitarists want to see where we are in 2 more practices and then decide 100%. Although we've sorted a list of songs and are practicing them and getting backing vocals sorted, as well as planning to take all our own amps to practice one week so I really can't see any reason why they'd want us to pull out. It's 1/2 hr and 2nd in on a 4 band bill and we're doing a mix of originals and covers.
    Personally I'm really excited :) I've always wanted to gig and not had a chance to get nervous yet..although I'm sure I will if they agree to go ahead![/quote]


    I think if it's your first gig, you'll feel better with an amp of some sort.

    It may be the case that the venue will only allow the headline and 2nd headline to use their own backline, it's quite common in some London venues with small stages. I would confirm that with the venue well before the gig. You might be able to use one of the other band's bass amps, if you seek out the bass players on the day, ask nicely, buy them a pint and promise them you won't fiddle with their eq they'll often let you use theirs. Certainly worked for me when I played those types of venue, although the odd tosser refused of course.

    If you do get a bit nervous before you go on, find a quiet place, and do the 7/11 breathing technique for a minute or two, in through the nose for a count of 7 and out through the mouth for a count of 11, or thereabouts. As long as the exhale is a few seconds longer than the inhale, you'll trick you brain into suppressing the fight or flight response.

    Have a great one!

  2. Meant to say very best of luck, Sarah!

    Don't even worry about what the sound guy does, certainly not about the mic or DI argument, that's out of your hands.

    Just make sure you can hear yourself and the rest of the band and you'll be fine. Maybe take a combo with you to be on the safe side.

    What sort of venue is it?

    Are you nervous?


  3. I suppose it depends on what sort of sound and effects you like to use. My set up is very simple and I use the bass controls to adjust tone and frequencies. If you have loads of effect changes and what have you, maybe an amp is fairly mandatory.

    I [u]always [/u]go through the PA. I very rarely use an amp, only if one is provided at the venue and even then I use it purely for monitoring where I'll run a dry parallel to it from my own DI box. I have a Hartke VXL preamp DI and have just ordered a Sansamp Para Driver DI for the same purpose. I use the wedges for monitoring if not using an amp.

    If I do use an amp as well, I have it at comparatively low volume and wind off the high frequencies. I'll use it for more low end to broaden the stage sound, for the "feel" factor. Sometimes I face it across the stage rather than out front.

    In big venues and festivals I find their wedges are perfectly adequate for monitoring bass but they often have backline anyway.

    I always wanted a big stage sound in the past, like you expect at a rehearsal, where you feel like you're inside the music and get a massive buzz from it. In reality (unless you're Motörhead or RUSH), on most stages you'll rarely get that and have to compromise a lot for the sound guy/PA and the audience. The audience get the proper sound and the band get what they get. But you get used to it and you get the buzz anyway.

    In ear monitoring is probably the way to go.

  4. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='240328' date='Jul 15 2008, 07:46 PM']Hmmm, I think the layout of BGM is actually pretty decent - uncluttered, straightforward etc. I do however wish the mag was thicker - it would certainly be more to read. I guess at the end of the day we all need to remember that the 'world of bass' is considerably smaller than that of the guitarist, and therefore there just isn't enough going on to warrant a nice fat magazine every month!


    Thanks Stu.

    Two comments.

    The page layout decisions of the BGM designer are sometimes very odd. There is sometimes a loss of continuity because of the decision to make some of the text appear as though it is in a boxout. The general design concept is a little confused and slightly different every month. There are clearly some ideas that have been appropriated from Guitar Buyer but BGM just doesn't look "slick", it looks more like a car owner's club quarterly. I can live with that but the poor spelling and grammar are unforgivable. Sorry to sound harsh.

    Number two, I think bass a growing and popular market, most bands with guitarists also have bassists.

  5. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='240293' date='Jul 15 2008, 07:09 PM']I am in a pickle I have no money but I have been offered a Squire P-bass special for £120 but the guy said he would swap my OLP guitar for it .

    I have had a P-bass special before and I loved it but my OLP is the only guitar.

    What should I do?!?!?[/quote]

    If you play the guitar regularly don't do it.

    If you rarely play guitar, go for it. You'll forget about guitar until the time's right and then you can go and get one with the five quid a week you should be determined to save for the next six months ..

  6. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='240204' date='Jul 15 2008, 04:58 PM']I wouldn't like to think that you consider the review worthless. The review was 100% fair. The GB was an awesome bass to play, and I very much enjoyed my time with it. It's actually not my cup of tea in some respects - I prefer the Rumour bass to the Spitfire, but that's just me!

    I'd recommend anyone that is interested in a GB to go and check them out for yourselves.


    I buy a LOT of guitar and bass mags and I am starting to question if I get anything other than GAS from them. OK, I have learned a lot from them and enjoy reading them. But in the end, a reviewer's opinion is only about that particular piece of equipment and how they respond to it as the person they are with the experiences they've had. I've tried and hated things reviewers have loved, and vice versa. There have been plenty of reviews that admitted other reviewers on the same magazine had different opinions.

    For me, Guitar Buyer is consistently the most professionally written, designed and put together. It is also very good value for your money. I am sorry to say that BGM looks a bit amaturish in terms of copy, page layout and design. It's also very thin. Nevertheless I am a subscriber. Like someone else said on this thread, I wish there was a Bass Buyer.

  7. [quote name='steviedee' post='240085' date='Jul 15 2008, 02:40 PM']Anyone ever tried one of these mexican bad boys?

    I have a notion to buy one to play and this acoustic band that may be starting, be good for a laugh and no-one will know if your sh*te (I hope)![/quote]

    Wot, like one of these? [url="http://www.candelas.com/mariachi-guitarron.php"]http://www.candelas.com/mariachi-guitarron.php[/url]

    No idea what they sound like.

  8. [quote name='cheddatom' post='239967' date='Jul 15 2008, 12:52 PM']I am the same (minus kids).

    I think that practicing without an amp in no way helps you "get the best sound possible out of just the instrument and my fingers" because you can't actually hear the sounds you're making, if you know what I mean? When you're performing, you're using the your bass amplified - that's the true sound of your bass and your fingers.

    Anyway, so many times i've been practicing something without an amp, and then I get to practice with the band and it sounds absolutely awful 'cos i'm so uneven etc and I have to practice it all over again with the amp turned up.

    So, I don't use an amp to practice, but I should. It's hard to hear the TV when you're amped up though![/quote]

    Think I'm with you on this Chedd. I went round to my mate's place to with my new Warwick and I felt so uneven through his 4x10 Hartke rig. I seem to play much more evenly with a band, almost like I am my own compressor/limiter, but on my own through his rig I felt crestfallen and went home disappointed in myself. :)

  9. I tend to practice without, I don't have an amp, only a desk and monitors in my studio. I find I enjoy it more with when I'm plugged in so I play for longer periods.

    I sort of assumed practising without any amplification of any sort would enhance my technique and show up errors more easily but I think I might be changing my mind now. probably a volume issue. I play fairly powerfully in fingerstyle too so eveness may be an issue because of this.

    What do you think works best? Or do you think it's a purely personal issue?

  10. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='239073' date='Jul 14 2008, 12:28 PM']Some of you may have read about the grief I've had with a certain LMII, well that problem is nearly/hopefully out the way. Luckily I found a replacement online for an unbelievable £439 with free postage and paid via CC but the nice bloke (who I have already spoken to as the one advertised on their site was all they had in stock but had supposedly been sold - I agreed to accept a short delay until he could get one sent direct from the distributor) just phoned me saying that there has been a price increase with the distributor and after scanning other prices online needs another £30. I said I'd get back to him within the hour.

    I've got 2 quite important gigs on Friday & Saturday.

    My head's in a bin today.
    Should I accept the price increase for an easy life?
    Or should I risk loosing the great deal and quote my stat rights (which I believe say that they have to sell for the stated price)?
    Or haggle?[/quote]

    They do [u]not [/u]have to sell for the stated price, it's called an "invitation to treat" which means they are inviting you to offer to buy it for the stated price, which means they can refuse to sell it at that price.

    However, they agreed to you buying for the stated price and accepted the payment from you which constitutes a contract. They now need to supply you with the amp at that price or cancel the contract.

    I would negotiate with them as it is unfair and they presumably want your repeat custom. I think they should waive the extra £30 for causing you inconvenience, but they are under no obligation to.

  11. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='237658' date='Jul 11 2008, 10:10 PM']I use the same excuss but i think I'm rumbled when they know i don't smoke[/quote]

    Remember, it's never too late to start ..

  12. [quote name='uptonmark' post='237600' date='Jul 11 2008, 08:50 PM']weird shaped basses


    Excellent! But check this out, man!


    I nearly got a Spalt after looking through this!! Then rationale got the better of me ;-)

  13. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='237395' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:40 PM']OMG!!!!.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JEDSON-TELECASTER-COPY-VINTAGE-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ310065513949QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item310065513949&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318"]Ebay Jedson bass!![/url] I can't believe he wants £129.99 for it!!!!

    "This bass guitar is about thirty years old and hard to find in good condition.Everything is in full working order and the adjustable action is very playable.It would be perfect as a starter bass guitar,or for more professional use in the studio for that 70's large single coil sound....."
    [b]'professional!?'.... 'Studio use!!???'... 'the adjustable action is very [i]playable[/i]'????!!!!? [/b] .... WTF!?! LOL! :)[/quote]

    Just offered him a fiver :huh: :huh:

  14. Yeah, I used to know someone like this in the 80s, couldn't play a note. He would say my guitar's crap because although the knobs had numbers on there was no metal spike marker under them so would be useless in the studio. He had lots of good gear too.

    Used to be in a band with a geezer who had three custom spec Sei sixers. He was complete crap too, had to let him go. Nice guy though so he's excused.

    People can do what they want of course, but it doesn't mean you want to listen to their rubbish all night in the pub, a ciggie outside is always my get out clause too :)

    Often I find all their posh gear is masking a very deep sense of insecurity. Although I do know some people like this who are completely happy in their home studios surround by thousands of quid's worth and wouldn't dream of getting on a stage.

  15. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='237409' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:57 PM']Forgiven! Have a great weekend everyone - mine starts in 35 minutes and I'll be gigging at a new venue later this evening.[/quote]

    Covers or originals? :)

    Only kidding, have a great show!

  16. [quote name='spinynorman' post='126354' date='Jan 23 2008, 07:36 PM']Korean 1980s neck-thru with no name on it. Like a Vantage Performer, but someone told me it was most likely a Kay.[/quote]

    Early Vantage = awesome. My first guitar was a Vantage Witch. It was brilliant! Vastly underrated and they come up on ebay for a bargain now and again.

  17. I was in the BC recently and the young boy was ok, but reacted sharply when I told him I could get the same Warwick Corvette $$ for about £250 cheaper online (£699 from Absolute music solutions). He spent ages checking it out on the blower and on the www. He reckoned it was bullshit. Anyway, I got a mint one in black high polish for £486 on ebay so I was well chuffed. Got my Hohner jack from the BC and had a string problem, went in and they knew naff all about strings. I don't dig D Street at all. Do all my buying on ebay and take the odd risk.

  18. [quote name='Astronomer' post='236879' date='Jul 10 2008, 09:03 PM']I've read through most of this, and there's a lot of issues. I think I can distill all of them down to this:

    1. If you're a professional musician, why are you pharting around on the amateur scene?
    2. If you're an amateur musician, why do you want to be treated like a pro?
    3. If you're an amateur musician and you want gigs, DON'T turn up for auditions with anything other than a 4 or 5.

    Simple, innit?


    Wonderfully succinct and eloquent, sir, I salute you!

    On another tip, I reckon if Chi Dai Cheng can get away with four strings, anyone can.

  19. [quote name='Ba55me15ter' post='174663' date='Apr 11 2008, 04:27 PM']Wow - I used to love them. Saw them down at the Riverside - one of the best gigs I've ever been to. Dick Nolan is a great (and under-rated) groove player. In fact they're back with an album and touring this year - Newcastle Academy on the 1st Oct.[/quote]

    I still do love It Bites, well the original band. They just don't do it for me without Dunnery who is still amazing and very successful.

    Never had any famous used gear, apart from a Gene Simmons pick he threw at me in Wembley Arena about twenty years ago. Still got it. Does that count? :)

  20. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='235578' date='Jul 9 2008, 11:23 AM']To be honest (am I the only one who types that anymore??), I think they're both pretty shoddy.

    BassPlayer is full of crappy adverts using phrases like "Holdin' it down with the Dawg Pound" etc etc, and BGM lacks the bollocks to call a peice of kit sh*t when reviewing it.

    I still buy both though. I think BGM has potential but needs a kick up the arse.[/quote]

    :) I couldn't agree more!

  21. [quote name='steve-soar' post='235445' date='Jul 9 2008, 01:07 AM']I agree that BP mag is more sophisticated but BGM is aiming for a wider audience.
    That must surely be a good thing, as we were all once beginners.[/quote]

    BGM is ok, but BP is head and shoulders more professional IMHO. What I never understand is how BGM manage to let so many typos and spelling errors creep in to the copy. I know some folks don't give a toss but to me it looks very unprofessional, they wouldn't spell Fender incorrectly, so why spell focused incorrectly? Also they reviewed the Status Streamline fairly recently but called it the "Streamliner". For me, this is not good enough. I have a subscription nonetheless. It's an ok magazine.

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