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Everything posted by xilddx

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1422953765' post='2678678'] KingBollock's posts exactly illustrate the point I was making earlier. It's called the [b]COMPOSITION[/b] Challenge, and yet he (and probably many others) are hung up on the recording aspect. And please don't ask us to make a video. Get the audio sorted is time consuming enough. I definitely wouldn't be entering again if some sort of visual element was required as well. [/quote] Spot on.
  2. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1423005383' post='2679598'] It's really strange the way forum mentality works, and there's definitely a 'right' way of thinking at any given time. Doubtless this is all described by normal group dynamics but I wonder if any studies have found any interesting differences in the way consensus is found on forums? Stevie was ripped apart a few years ago for suggesting different size speakers have different sounds, and yet nowadays that opinion (with caveats) goes without remark far more often. And gear seems to undergo flavour of the week, never mind month. You should post up whatever it is that you've thought about contributing as some will always find it interesting. If you get some negative comments just ignore them and just address those who are genuinely interested. [/quote] I think you are pretty much on the money. It's people who post their prescriptive opinions who tend to get more flak. And rightly so. If I said only an dumb-ass would cart a heavy amp and cab to every gig along with a backup bass, when they could take a modelling/multi-effects floorboard and one bass (cuz only a dickbrain breaks bass strings, right?), I would expect some flak. But I enjoy that But if I was a pro (I do pro gigs, mind, even though I'm a nothing) why should I get pissed off if someone says I'm talking crap? I should have a reasonable argument for why I'm right. Pros expect more respect I imagine, because they are pros. They have nothing to learn (except from other pros) and everything to teach. Right? Or, wrong? So, with that in mind, what can we learn from them if they were active members of Basschat?
  3. I did a few pro gigs late last year and the pro session bassist had a random hired amp and cab, and his beloved Stingray which had a warped neck and a disgusting action. He knew this, even had it looked at by his trusted tech, and yet it's his main bass. He loves its tone and that's all that really mattered to him. He turned up, plugged it in, sound checked. Got on stage for the show, put in his IEMs, and played great all night.
  4. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1422998112' post='2679439'] They can always answer, with absolute authority, any questions about how they got [i]that[/i] tone on [i]that [/i]song. [/quote] Hahaha! You reckon? They can possibly tell you what bass they played, maybe what amp they used, but after that the sound is all in the hands of the geezer mixing the album And I'm wondering if that information is of any use anyway. But I've an open mind on that.
  5. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1422997889' post='2679431'] I am sure there are a few "pro" players on basschat ....wateroftyne has gigged with Marknopfler ...how much more "Pro" can you get ( I for one am very envious!) I know that's not what you asked Nigel ( I know your name via osmosis rather than any real friendship so I apologies if that is too personal ) I think that the example earlier of spacechick being helped by Guy Pratt is a good example of what the Pro/named player can bring to the forum. I would also be interested in anything they can say about how they got the breaks and some "on the road" stories would be fun ...but maybe that's a little too trivial for here and best left to a book or blog. This is the second thread that has alluded to a compression thread being contensious....I must seek it out .....I have no idea what compression does [/quote] Mate, call me what you like Apart from 'Brian' Apologies to Brian
  6. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1422995862' post='2679376'] Both Yolanda Charles and Mani were overwhelmed/ inundated when they were more active - you can sort of understand why some would want to try to fly under the Radar.... [/quote] Yep, but not really related to the question
  7. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1422995370' post='2679359'] Thanks but that won't be necessary! [/quote] Good!
  8. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1422995033' post='2679350'] Yes we do seem to scare them off, don't we! [/quote] Without going into why they are NOT posting here! Please Feel free to start your own thread about that if you wish
  9. .. who actually had the time and inclination to contribute, say, 200 posts a year, what do you think we would learn from them that is not available from other sources, including each other as members? And another thought, are there things they can learn from us amateur/semi pro members? [size=5][color=#ff0000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Without going into WHY they are [b]NOT[/b] posting here please! [/font][/color][/size]
  10. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1422949208' post='2678623'] I think part of the problem is the negativity regarding the op, even the NHS website says it has limited success. I'm going back to the doctors anyway so I'll discuss options with him. [/quote] It may not require an op.
  11. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1422948689' post='2678616'] You should hang out together..... [/quote]
  12. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1422916457' post='2678465'] I have had both wrists operated on, solved all the problems. Get yourself checked out properly, a forum is not the place to get advise on health issues. Everybody is different, what worked for me may not be what will work for you. Hope you get sorted, please go talk to someone who will know what to do in your case. Ta very glad Dale [/quote] Exactly. Get a referral to a specialist. You don't 'manage' CTS, you get it sorted. These are your HANDS for heaven's sake. What are they going to be like in ten years if you don't get treatment?
  13. Not seen this Rush documentary before. It's a nice one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TwUp-TP350
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422918784' post='2678505'] What, you'd be w@nked off to sleep by Maude? ...Didn't think I'd be typing those words today... [/quote] Not seen Maude since Christmas.
  15. I wouldn't know. I'd be asleep by the verse.
  16. I think he's made it perfectly clear in the past that he doesn't mind strangers at all. Just on an equal basis. Both strangers to each other. It's fans that he finds a bit tricky. Fans can be a bit scary and invade your space in a scary way. Didn't he say something about having a great time with a gas station guy in a remote location who didn't know him from a bowl of spuds? The interesting thing about all this is why on earth do we fans want to interact with him at all? It a bit bloody needy isn't it. Give them love, buy their albums, buy tickets, buy t-shirts and key rings, put their pictures in your kitchen. All good. YOU DON"T NEED TO TOUCH THEM AND SMELL THEM AND CONVERSE WITH THEM! But some people think they do need to. Them peeps is SCARY!
  17. Well done, Wooks!
  18. Does he have a quick crack on the helium balloon before each number? Really bloody good aren't they.
  19. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1422800769' post='2676861'] Hi Im after doing a bit of fret crowning/levelling, can anyone recommend a decent file or set of and where to get them please? Ta [/quote] Depending on how bad your frets are, you may need a levelling file and a fret stone too. I bought a whole refret kit from Stewmac after I defretted my Fender Japan Jazz years before. Refretting wasn't as hard as people make out and it was a great learning experience. I refretted the neck, sold the bass on ebay with an honest description and they guy who bought it said it was a great neck. Everyone's a winner. http://www.stewmac.com/Luthier_Tools/Essential_Tool_Kits/Essential_Fretting_Kit.html
  20. I've only entered a few times, but I've only missed one of the votes. It's the voting that's important, partly because the music is so subjective that if there are enough voters then it's likely everyone will get a vote, and that can give rise to the confidence and encouragement almost every composer/musician needs to keep doing it and getting better.
  21. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1422720661' post='2676046'] I prefer my music cynically packaged and promoted. It's better than the other stuff. [/quote]
  22. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1422664653' post='2675528'] Nobody is saying it shouldn't be on the forum, I've got no problem with it being on the forum, it just gets a bit tedious every month when the "Don't forget to vote" stuff starts when it should be very obvious by now that nobody apart from a small group of people give a sh*t about it. People can be as creative as they want, and can post as many bits of their music on the forum as they want - great if that's what they want to do, just don't keep having a go at the people who aren't interested in listening to it. [b]I have no interest whatsoever in the monthly photography competition either, but the people involved in that seem to be quite happy to get on with it & not keep whinging about nobody looking at their pictures.[/b] [/quote] What would you think if it was on a photography forum and no-one was interested?
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422660600' post='2675484'] Yes! I suspected that generally most people aren't particularly interested, but I must admit to being a little surprised at the apparent irritation of some members about the whole thing - almost as if it's something that shouldn't be on the forum in the first place! Why? Saying it's a bass forum and not a recording forum doesn't make sense to me - surely bass playing is music, recording is music, it's all part of the same thing isn't it? Or should the GAS 'N' GEAR aspect of the forum not be contaminated by any kind of creative musical output? It's almost as if being publicly creative is to be frowned upon, as if it's something dirty or shameful! Ooh, yeah. [/quote] You know what mate, I'm really not surprised. Not these days. Unless it's got at least 500,000 hits on youtube it's not worth the bother. And even then most peeps will only watch it hoping it's something they can take the piss out of or criticise.
  24. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1422645402' post='2675180'] most people on here have access to a computer or tablet that can host a digital audio workstation, the skills are not particularly difficult, but do need the will to want to learn aquick scan through as you were surfing through BC with headphones on , 20 seconds each if it doesnt grab move on , you night find something you like and could throw a vote at [b]not really necessary Nige , if Skol can't ask for honest opinions without getting piss taking responses then he is wasting his time . If people don't want to or can't participate or vote for ANY reason that is their perogative , if we can make the thing more inclusive all the better .[/b] [/quote] Fair comment, Sorry BRX.
  25. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1422643676' post='2675145'] I think that is part of the problem. The challenge is billed as composition, but it's just as much a recording one, which I think puts off people who don't have the facilities or skills to make a recording they believe can compete with what has been produced before. [/quote] [center]Poor, poor people. What [i]are[/i] they going to do?[/center] [center] [/center]
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