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Everything posted by Iain

  1. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1432484991' post='2781913'] Where did you buy yours from? I've seen them quite 'well priced' (!) through Thomann at the mo, with the decent exchange rate. Have a great night with it! [/quote] Popped up to PMTs Manchester store "just to see if I liked it"... Poor guy in the bass department hadn't had a chance to play it yet. Practised with it last night and it was really great to play. Balance around the neck is perfect. Not the lightest bass but 3 hours of practise were okay so no issues for gigs. Intonation on the D and E strings are a little off, A & G spot on @ 12th fret. It'll benefit from a proper set-up - it's really good out of the box but could do with a slight drop across the board. Pick-ups are really quiet and great tonal options. I'll most likely play with both up fully and use the tone to take the edge off on some songs and the FX for bigger shaping though. Quite nice playing something so simple - my Dingwall almost has too much flexibility - great for recording but confuses my small brain live! Overall finish is prefect - the neck inlays are beautiful and I love the way the neck binding covers the ends of each fret. I'm a happy boy - will take some piccies later!
  2. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1432484706' post='2781908']If it is one, please tell me it's a terrible bass and you're going to send it right back......! [/quote] It's a terrible bass and I'm going to send it back. Feel better? Just heading out to practice and the Dingwall's staying home for the evening...
  3. Had a major attack of GAS at the tail end of last week that coincided with pay-day, an altogether dangerous combination. My wife, rather than a voice of reason would better be classed as an 'enabler'... US made, inspired in Canada.
  4. A powered 1x12 + tweeter floor wedge. Would be great for gigs where I'm DI'd and stage space is at a premium.
  5. I run an Avid Eleven Rack and use the tube modelled bass heads mostly. I did have a comp in the chain but with the overdrive I generally have on I couldn't discern a big benefit. Removing it from the 'clean' settings did allow me to vary the dynamics more to emphasise notes.
  6. Anyone found a good video of the various sound capabilities of these?
  7. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1431323897' post='2769879'] I wouldn't be able to do it these days Blue. It would mean retirement from gigging for me. I had to rest up all day yesterday to recover from a 2 hour 30 min gig on Saturday night [/quote] The skin fell off my fingers after the last hour set I played in my main band. I'd vowed to take it easy but with the adrenaline... 4 hours would see me down to bloody stumps.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1431254437' post='2769184'] Spill the beans! It can't be any worse than THE DONKEY SPOKE. Can it? [/quote] Actually, no, well, maybe... looking at some on here it's not really that bad... just doesn't sit well. Spydabyte There, I said it. Recent gig the board outside read "SpiderBite" which was slightly less crap. We're all around 40, it's a rock covers band. Sounds we're still in college. There was a band playing the same venue the night after... "Bees of Burden" I know nothing about them but already know they're cool.
  9. My main band's name is terrible. So bad I'm embarrassed to tell people when they ask. So bad we all agree it needs to change but we can't find anything that fits!
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1431067910' post='2767411'] The Revolting Cocks. [/quote] Too cheesy to be funny.
  11. Last night's gig was cold and moist. Semi-outdoor courtyard gig in a town-centre bar. Not many people out as it was utterly tipping it down, fingers slow due to cold, guitars going out of tune... Wasn't too bar otherwise!
  12. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1430940587' post='2766228']The new ones are made in Mexico and you can get one from Thomann for under £700, which sounds like a great deal to me.[/quote] Nice that there's a choice of the MiM and US models now. I guess the question is does the US made one play £1k better than the Mexican. it certainly looks better to me.
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1430858405' post='2765391']Usually though it`s the guitars, those with bigger valve amps sound great whereas the smaller ones, especially the amp-modelling combos, well, just nah![/quote] My main band 'borrowed' a guitarist recently (our rhythm guy is out with tendinitis )... plays a mesa Dual Rectifier sounds utterly amazing. Another band one of the guys has a small fender modelling thing and it's loud but not nice. Last practice I took a lot of bass out of my sound (head has bass, low-mid, high-mid and treble). Turned the bass down from centre to ~50% (so -8db @ 40Hz) and the sound was incredible - so much punch. Will see how that eq translates to the barefaced cab but it worked wonders in making the bass sound more present in the practise mix. maybe more lows aren't always the answer...
  14. Interesting that average takings are p on a Friday/Saturday by ~£650. Even if that's 50% profit then the bar will see an extra £325. Doesn't make sense then for the landlord to pay out more than £200-£250 if that. You can see why most of us don't give up our day jobs! For a band, when you've covered real costs, insurance, annual PAT tests... Is it really worth doing for less that £250?
  15. Huge fan too - was planning on getting a MIJ Geddy but might save up a bit longer and get one of the US jobbies. Look stunning.
  16. Didn't realise the LM250 was as cheap as it is. If you're after more vintage/warmth the VLE can add soften the top end a little.
  17. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1430639948' post='2763195']Me too, best cab I've ever had, and so light![/quote] For comedy value ask an unsuspecting band member to pick it up by the side handles and watch them chin themselves as they put way too much effort in...
  18. I'd have probably gone for the 104 if it'd have been possible to get it in my car!
  19. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1429615097' post='2753153'] We were going to buy the lm tube with 1 traveler 121, then I'd buy a second traveler for larger gigs. But now he's decided that he wants a traveler 151, which changes things.[/quote] I've got both those cabs. Run then off a Big Bang. having practised and gigged them I should have gone for 2 x 121H. The 151P doesn't bring anything except bulk to the mix. I only use them for practise now though (they are stored at the practise space) and use a Barefaced SuperTwin. It's half the weight of the MB pair and the sound is better to my ear. A lot more headroom too. It's also pricey - about the cost of the two MB cabs or slightly over! Given the budget though I guess you're going to be limited to a single small cab now and add on later if you need to.
  20. Do it! Loving my Super Twin!
  21. [quote name='simonlittle' timestamp='1430312278' post='2760130'] I'd highly recommend an Ampeg PF500 and matching 1x15" cab. Maybe the PF350 head if you want something less powerful. Both have headphone jacks for practice and you can mount the head to the cab for flip-top storage. The 15" cab sounds lovely and warm with plenty of vintage ooomph. It has a tweeter too which you can turn up or down on the cab itself to suit your sound.[/quote] Funny isn't it - I had that setup and couldn't stand it. Too wooly at higher volumes. I added a 2x10 cab and it was still muddy. Moved to a Markbass set-up, big improvement. Now use the Markbass head into a Barefaced cab and it's perfect. I did try the 1x15 Ampeg cab recently with the markbass head (having sold on the amp and 2x10) and it sounded much better so my conclusion was the Ampeg amp didn't do it for me.
  22. [quote name='Bearfist' timestamp='1430493859' post='2762040'] That Z3 is absolutely gorgeous but yeah thats quite some price tag! [/quote] Can't go far wrong with a Z3 though. Almost too many tones to pick from.
  23. Got a gig in Macclesfield on the 8th and 28th if you wanted to hear it in action. 28th is the better band, not sure how the 8th is going to go! If you do see Drew say hi from me!
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1430165805' post='2758622'] When you guys order a pint you don't tip the bartender? Blue [/quote] Only when he's poured it wrong!
  25. Drew let me borrow the SuperTwin he had in stock to practice and gig with... knew after the practice I wouldn't be returning it. He's got a few BF cabs in place.
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