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Everything posted by Iain

  1. I let my playing bore people, not how I stand on stage...
  2. Just been giving my old Washburn B-90 some TLC and new strings ahead of practice tomorrow as my Thumb is having a new volume pot fitted... I'd forgotten how nice it is to play but I reckon it could do with an electronics refresh. It's got classic P-J pick-ups, vol, balance, bass and treble controls. For a rock focussed, aggressive pre-amp & pick-ups what would folks recommend? Terrible photo from a while back:
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1411978930' post='2564414']Whether their production move affects them, remains to be seen. I can't see why reliability SHOULD be an issue, but time may tell.[/quote] I've had my MB setup for quite a while now - rehearsal and gig it's been faultless. The BB head hasn't been lacking but it's not been needed to be cranked up high. Looks like we've got a bonfire night gig off the back of a lorry, so open air... will be interesting to see how it copes with that as I doubt the PA will be Glastonbury spec!
  4. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1411933733' post='2564109']I might do after his relaunch. I find his website difficult as I don't seem to able to find a section where he shows what stock is currently in. I would need to put aside 4 hours or so for traveling and the appointment. Not really comfortable with concept of how works tbh.[/quote] I was there a few weeks back and he had a decent assortment of MB kit in - ranging from Combos to cabs, BB Head, Multiamp, etc. I've always found his setup really welcoming - did seem a bit odd first visit but he knows how I like my tea now so it's all good. In tems of clarity with just a DI box in front of the amp - I used my MB kit with just a SansAmp and it sounded awesome. Looking at the tone hammer I can't see how you could go wrong. The Aguilar compressor looks great too.
  5. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1409709265' post='2542546'] I'm definitely in the Conscious Knowing level. I've had moments of Unconscious Knowing and they were awesome. Normally they're fills when I'm just messing around on the instrument and not fully paying attention to what I'm doing. Proves what he says though doesn't it, the less I think about it, the better my line, I feel anyway. [/quote] Pretty much sums up the answer I was going to give. I'd say I waver from Conscious Not Knowing, most of the time in Conscious knowing with rare moments of Unconscious Knowing. Last gig was odd - had a whole section that I can't remember other than it just felt good. Whole band were there too - we finished the second set with grins like the Cheshire Cat.
  6. Have you been in touch with Drew @ Manchester Bass Lounge? He's to blame for my Markbass stack and Big Bang head...
  7. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1398084138' post='2430211'] I found the TCbg 500 lost tone and volume halfway through the gig, put it down to speakers getting hot and amp running flat out. Headroom is king. [/quote] I ended up ditching a 500W Ampeg rig (Portaflex cabs and head) as it couldn't cope with practising let alone gigs - just no definition at even moderate levels (2x10 and 1x15 cabs). Switched to MB Big Bang head and Traveller 1x12 and 1x15 cabs. So much louder and tighter. The 1x12 is enough on its own but looked too small with the guitarists 4x12 marshalls... Not all 500W seem to be 500W!
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1411923583' post='2563942'] The mould-your-own ones look interesting but do they cut out ALL noise? This would be OK for motorsport or shooting, or whatever - but I prefer the ones that allow sound into your ears and attenuates it when it reaches a damaging level - it's useful to be able to hear what everyone's playing and actually have conversations at rehearsal, and so forth... [/quote] I've a set of these that I don't use any more - dulled the sound too much so there was just mud - started a volume-based arms race in the band which wasn't good. Switched over to ACS ER20S on recommendation of one of the guitarists and they're prefect - I can hear well but have no ringing after rehearsal or gig. the old ones would have prevented me doing backing vox. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0034ZI9AQ
  9. Having had time this weekend to est up some rigs for our current set I'm impressed with a few things on the rack... 1. User community created rigs - some great quality out there 2. Easy to use for something quite complex 3. Sounds freaking awesome the sounds are heavily biased to tube amps - but I've now got everything from a decent 'classic' rock SVT sound through to clean and edgy with some dirt for metal tunes. It'll only be after I practice at decent volume and gig it that I'll be able to fine-tune the rigs but I'm pleased so far. Only negative is the single signal path so you can't mix fizz and clean to get a perfect Rush sound - I guess the Line 6 would do that well.
  10. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1411759925' post='2562639']i think some bass lines are just too hard to play and sing at same time.[/quote] Geddy!
  11. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1411751970' post='2562564'] I have always found singing and playing bass a lot harder than singing whilst playing guitar . There is always the strong temptation to sing the words on every beat , you have to try and lift the vocal away from the bass line so you are in effect " multi-tasking " . Try to learn the bass line so well that you don't even have to think about it , so it just comes automatically . This will then allow you to concentrate on the vocals , the correct pitching and phrasing . Start with a simple bass line , this will again free your concentration for your singing . Watch youtube vids of the masters of singing /playing , Sting and Mark King come to mind . Yolanda Charles has a very good tutorial vid on this very subject . Practice , practice and even more practice . [/quote] This is all great advice. Knowing the bassline inside out is the key for me so I can tune that out and just concentrate on the hard part - singing. I got drafted in for BVs on one song where the guitarists rhythm went to pot on just one piece - 8th note chugging and a totally off beat vocal part. Turns out I find it easier to separate the two and we've now got a song or two with three-part harmonies. Beegees we're not but it's starting to sound good. I also found a big difference in easy if I use a pick rather than my fingers, I've practised so I can use my normal finger style but noticed that i revert to a single finger when singing!!! I still struggle on some songs - where you play staccato over a flowing lyric is really tough for me but it's just a practise thing. With three of us being able to carry a tune it really gives us a lot of flexibility and we've been lucky both of us on BV duty have similar voices.
  12. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1411416026' post='2559384'] Do I ? [/quote] CDO - like OCD but in the correct order. on that topic... I was pretty relieved to find the Gator 6U case that arrived today is the same footprint as the top of my Traveller cabs - no overhang!
  13. The Eleven Rack arrived today... wow. Just playing with the factory presets shows the scope and there are only a few bass-specific ones out of the box. Didn't have much time today to play with it and it'll be the weekend before I get to grips with it properly and start to build the tones I want for the current set list. The editor it comes with is really good and you get Pro Tools bundled with it so there's something to play with when not playing!
  14. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1411223805' post='2557669'] This is what confuses me with the Big Bang. 1. Are the VLE/VPF on all the time and only switched OFF by the footswitch, or, 2. Do you need the footswitch to put them on or off? I tried a Little Rocker on Thursday and the VLE/VPF could be dialled up, or down to zero without a footswitch. I really liked the sound with the VLE at about 9 0'clock, that really helped the amp, for me. What I really didn't like with the Little Rocker was that the volume was really very disappointing until you put the valvey gain thingy on. I am going to be putting my Carvin up for sale, as it overhangs the 2 Markbass cabs (thanks again Barrie ), by an inch either side . Sad, yes, but I can see that overhang even looking into the eyes of the beauty in the audience [/quote] If you dial them all the way anti-clockwise (off) then it's the same as using a FS to turn them off. With a switch you can have them set to switch in and out - maybe use the VLE to get a softer sound on some songs, VPF to scoop the mids for an aggresive sound on another... mix and match as it were. Not the same as having a big peddle board/rack fx but certainly helpful. I tend to use them to 'tune' the rig to the room (or my mood).
  15. So I've plumped for the Eleven Rack - great deal on Thomann right now... Will feeback when it's been abused a little.
  16. I've got the Big Bang and it's been faultless so far and has a great set of tones if you need to tweak. I use mine racked now but the size and weight were fantastic - just fitted into my gig bag nicely. Have it driving two Traveller siries cabs (12" & 15") and the gain's at about 10 o'clock and master never above 12 o'clock. It'd be nice to be able to switch out the VLE/VPF without a footswitch but that's the only grumble I've had.
  17. Fantastically timed thread... I'm looking into this and the Line 6 was my only contender given the cost of the Fractal. Time to do some research on the TC Elec and Eleven Rack. A quick Google seems to show that the G Maj isn't great on the low-end. Line 6 or Eleven Rack... hmm.
  18. We have a lot of fun practising but without the goal of gigging it'd all be very pointless. We play rock and punk covers loud and fast and gigging is the reward of the work put in behind the scenes. Our band has gelled in the practice room but on stage is where we find out if it's worked. When you look out at a crowd and see them having fun it's a great feeling. Getting paid, even if it's just beer and petrol money is a nice bonus but not the reason we gig.
  19. [quote name='Descendent' timestamp='1410533502' post='2550512']I played the red Sterling at MBL a while back (I know pretty much all Drew's stock because I do the design and website for MBL!) and it's a cracking little bass.[/quote] First time I visited there I think I played most of his basses - some lovely kit there. Was sorely tempted by the Jack Bruce Thumb but it was just a little pricey. MBL Site looks great - you've done a great job on it.
  20. We had our first gig @ MASH in Macclesfield which went really well. Usually more of a laid back place - blues and jazz mainly we managed to keep the volume levels 'sensible' for a couple of bars. Invited play there regularly so it must've been ok - moderately drunken dancing and lots of silliness in the crowd.
  21. [quote name='Descendent' timestamp='1410453638' post='2549626'] Used to be mine I think! Did you buy it from Drew at MBL? [/quote] Yeah! Small world eh? First gig with it last night which went great, taking a bit of getting used to after my MM Sterling though.
  22. I've just PXd my 205SM and, fir the price it was a cracking bass. Decent playability and the active EQ belied the price tag.
  23. Decided to hang fire and px'd my Sterling and ESP for a Thumb 5 String. I'll get one of these beauties but not just yet.
  24. Yeah, I'll get right on finding someone with that kinda skill, I certainly don't! Certainly lends itself to different expression though.
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