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Everything posted by Iain

  1. Two gigs yesterday, utterly knackered today. First was for a biker shindig not far from Warrington. Dodgy weather forecast turned out to be sunburn-tastic, decent crowd enjoying the day and excellent show of bikes. We were supposed to be on the back of a lorry but the bar down the middle made it impossible to fit the drums on so we commandeered a gazebo in case it rained... Hopefully enjoyed the noise we made too - comments were good and got a booking for next year from it! Second was a surprise birthday party at the a classic car show at Tatton park - just got set up in a small gazebo and the heavens opened. Raining so hard the drops were forceing their way through the roof creating a fine mist. Equipment covered with bin bags and on we went, nice light show from the lightning too!
  2. I can forget lines between run-throughs in one night so you're not alone! First practice in a month with my main band (summer hols!) and it was just a few of the newer songs in the set I was struggling with but that's down to not playing them since the last gig. I tend not to beat myself up about it though.
  3. Best value bass I've ever owned was a trans red Musicman Sterling (Us not the sub version). £800 second hand, regret selling it.
  4. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1439227418' post='2841056'] Anyone tried the line 6 Hd500x on bass? Worth a go? It seems to give a lot if versatility for routing options etc, but I would be worried that the two main sounds I use (fuzz and octaver) would not be up to scratch. It seems there's not many bass amp some either, but for me I'd only use one always on anyway,[/quote] From what I can tell there's a fair amount of extras available in mod packs - at a small cost on top of the standard. I'm a big fan of quality modelled amps, cabs and FX (I use an Avid Eleven Rack currently). Quality of OD/Distortions/Fuzz should be good but I don't think it has any bass-specific ones.
  5. Just comes off, doesn't mark the bass at all. It does depend on the shape of the bass though if it actually makes enough contact with the body to work. doesn't on my Dingwall or jazz but worked beautifully on my friends Strand a PRS...
  6. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1439126498' post='2840192']technical clap trap[/quote] Fair enough, as long as your reasons are sound and reasonable I can kinda understand being getting wound up when people criticize the output of your hard graft and passion when it's not well founded but, as is oft the case on the interwebs, best not to get into it in the first place. Currently owning 2 Markbass cabs, 2 Ampeg cabs and 1 BF Gen 3 I haven't got any real criticisms of the BF gear for build quality and, while it doesn't have the show-off orange of the MB cabs, it looks pretty purposeful. Actually, my only criticism would be the handle on the back of the top would make more sense to me being on the top of the back to make putting bigger stuff on top easier...
  7. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1439067855' post='2839800'] Don't see Jimmy Berg getting upset when someone doesn't like his cabs. [/quote] Odd thing to say given no one on this thread seems upset to me.
  8. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1438934762' post='2838708'] Lots of great lightweight 12in cabs around at the moment, Bergantino, TKS, Barefaced, aguilar etc. Any of those will certainly be a jump up from Ashdowns cabs. Personally I've got two Barefaced supercompacts, so gig size dependent I use either one or both. I find them excellent. Certainly the best cabs I've ever owned. As you can see above, Barefaced divide opinion on here, usually the division is between those who own Barefaced cabs and those who don't! [/quote] I've moved from Markbass to Barefaced and I'm totally in love with the BF gear. My Markbass stuff is still excellent - it lives at the practise room for rehearsal. The BF SuperTwin is epic and way lighter than the pair of MB cabs (1x12 + 1x15 traveller series). No issues with the build quality either and nothing that looks home-made. I don't understand the hate.
  9. [quote name='SmoothHoundChris' timestamp='1438963715' post='2839054'] The Neutrik Rean NYS236 plus a short patch lead is the best solution. The end of that adapter fits beautifully and lets the transmitter jack close completely flush. If I could find an inline jack socket that fitted as well as that does then a made up patch cable might be viable but I've had no luck so far. The NYS236 is available from a few sellers on ebay or we can send you one for £4.00 inc. P&P. Just make a paypal payment to [email protected] and I'll get one in the post. [/quote] Thanks Chris - good point about the fitting the 236 does seem pretty slim. Sounds like a top idea!
  10. [quote name='mrn1989' timestamp='1438772625' post='2837053'] Gone for a Barefaced Super twin now [/quote] Good call!
  11. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1438787501' post='2837327']Sadly I found that the 'PRO' button didn't make me play any better.[/quote] I've just got mine (thanks Chris) and I've noted this too. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1438787501' post='2837327'] I am a happy bunny, Chris at Smooth Hound is easy to deal with and quick with his communications. Delivery was fast and, being by Royal Mail Special Delivery, insured in case the worst happened in transit. So far, so good [/quote] Well put. Nice to be able to support British innovation too. I'll need to make up an extension cable though as it isn't possible for the tape to keep it on place on my Dingwall or jazz but that's no biggie. Maybe an idea to put these as orderable accessories if there's some profit in them?
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1438467503' post='2834787'] So we all got wireless kits and that all stopped. So I`d say only really practical in small venues if you have a clumsy band. Oh, good for soundchecks though - you can walk right to the back of the venue and hear the mix which does help a fair bit. [/quote] There two points are the winners. First one even if noone is all that clumsy. on a small stage the fewer cables running around the better. Our singer, however, has a knack for treading on stuff, tripping over stuff and generally making me nervous when he's near anything breakable. Sound check is pretty crucial if you've not got a proper engineer doing it someone needs to go listen and asking a mate/punter is usually useless.
  13. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1438510897' post='2834987'] I would be having a look at the Dingwall website [/quote] This! If you're looking second-hand you could have something other-worldly for that budget - Bass Direct would be one of my starting points.
  14. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1396096092' post='2409893'] Looked at Markbass before buying the streamliner 600 and they looked good but my gut instinct is that the class D amps lack something in a classic rock setting and I cant quite put my finger on it. [/quote] Whole can of worms about class D vs AB vs valve.. but I use a Markbass BigBang into a Barefaced SuperTwin for rock/metal covers and it's not been over half volume yet. Big(er) venues you'll be though the house PA so you only need to cover the stage. Small venues where your backline is the PA and there's no need for more power or your drummer won't be heard...
  15. Just noticed that GAK have a stunnign deal on the LIne 6 Amplifi... £144 http://www.gak.co.uk/en/line-6-amplifi-fx100-bluetooth-multi-fx-and-amp-modeller/95002
  16. Terrorvision's Oblivion goes down a storm, not heard it done very often. Open the set with Queen's We Will rock you (fast live killers version), again not heard it done often.
  17. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1438186517' post='2832392'] That's odd: we have it in our set, and it gets folk up for the second set just fine... [/quote] yeah, not all that interesting to play but generally works for the punters! Songs like that I tend o just enjoy the crowd enjoying the song rather than the playing per se. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1438351712' post='2833821'] We play AYGGMW, and it seems to go down quite well. I don't mind playing that, it bloody Highway to bloody Hell that bores the living $hit out of me. Eff all in the verses, so I have to stand there like a pork pie at a vegan wedding,then plodding quarter notes in the chorus. Hate it with a passion. Complete and utter rubbish. [/quote] True, again though, it's a decent song people react well to. Anyway, unless you're in a tribute act you can bring your own style to it a bit - if you can do that without completely effing the song up then you're golden.
  18. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1438247023' post='2832796'] Mustang Sally. [/quote] Try the verse part from "All Right Now".
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1438282475' post='2833269'] While playing and you realize your standing in an inch of piss, your playing a dive. [/quote] Genuine laugh out loud moment. Never had it that bad.
  20. [quote name='SmoothHoundChris' timestamp='1438343194' post='2833712'] Iain, No problem. Just email using the 'Contact Us' button so we know which order to hold. Chris [/quote] Done, thanks!
  21. [quote name='SmoothHoundChris' timestamp='1438330650' post='2833547'] The Classic is now available to buy direct at the usual price of £149 + P&P. [/quote] Chris - can I specify an delivery date on the site? Away until Friday next week and would like to put an order in before I go.
  22. Just fitted to my Geddy US Jazz - thought they were a long way off roundwound zing until I realised the tone was knocked back 2/3 or the way. Not played them in yet but the sound is great from the little play I had.
  23. Just went to order one and there's no option to order direct anymore? Price seems to have gone up too...
  24. I've an Ampeg Micro-CL stack in the study where I learn songs and do solo practice. My 'old' Markbass cabs - 1x12 and 1x15 live at our rehearsal space and I use that with my gigging head.
  25. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1437820071' post='2829266'] The Ampeg PF breaks up when pushed which is the whole point of it, IMO. That IS Ampeg. [/quote] Nothing to do with breaking up and you won't get the classic Ampeg sound from clipping in tbe D power stage. The MOSFET pre-amp maybe. That wasn't the issue with it though - as I said it didn't do 'loud' and went into cut-off when asked to work hard... Certainly seemed to lack bottom end too and putting the Big Bang through the 115 PF cab I still have backs that up.
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