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Everything posted by skywalker

  1. Hi Gaff This I think means that customs want to look at the paperwork, rather than the clearance being simply computer generated. It should add 1-2 days to the transit time, so long as they are happy with what the paperwork says. Steve
  2. Hi Nik Welcome along, I was in Rothwell until a few years ago, but there are guys on here from Otley and Baildon and other places close to you. Enjoy the banter Steve
  3. The bassline on Stairway to Heaven can be very minimalist if you want, which cannot be said about the guitar part. Tell the guitarist you wan to do that, see if he's up to it. Hey Joe is also a pretty straightforward thing to learn. Try printing some chord charts from www.chordie.com (songs you like), and play along with the song, I find that a good way to learn new things, and you improvise and add your own twiddles as you leasrn them. Failing all that, find a jam night somewhere close to you, go and enjoy the experience. Music should be enjoyed, if you don't enjoy it, make your apologies and leave in a civilised manner. Steve
  4. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='124756' date='Jan 21 2008, 04:41 PM']i may also try and come along to this. i have an ashdown (which everybody hates ) and a USA precision, a 3EQ stingray, bitsa jazz and a JV Precision, which i imagine everybody else has seen before so i'll leave them at home, unless anybody has any desires to see them! I might bring a guitar![/quote] I can pick you up if you want John, I will only have one or two basses. Steve
  5. skywalker


    Hi Phrage Enjoy the forum and welcome Steve
  6. Fender Rumble series are good, I think they come in 15, 30 and 60 (and upwards), headphoe socket and a CD in slot. I Paid £90.00 for a 60 on E-bay, good as new. Steve
  7. Hi Captain Bass Welcome along, I think there are a few others here from your area. Enjoy Steve
  8. Northampton or Leamington Spa is okay for me, about 45 mins to either.
  9. Welcome Leo - best of luck with band - and getting the USA Jazz - mine is beuatiful Steve
  10. Hiya Hairy Welcome, enjoy the banter Steve
  11. Me too
  12. Most couriers should accept anything in a carton, (except hazardous chemicals) so long as the carton is robust enough to stand some knocks. I use UPS and sent a bass to a buyer just in it's original box with some bubble wrap around the neck for some added protection, and it was fine. Most basses are shipped from the manufacturers without hard cases. Steve
  13. I'm trying to do Bell Bottom Blues and am getting stuffed by the chorus.
  14. [quote name='tombboy' post='117819' date='Jan 10 2008, 01:39 PM']I know what you're saying but the sender usually arranges the transport. 99.9% of the time on ebay its the buyer who has paid for it. bit of a chicken & egg thingy!! [/quote] The buyer pays the seller who pays the transport company - so the sender has the shipping contract.
  15. Add one more Welcome to the fold SF Enjoy Steve
  16. +1 to all that
  17. Hi Perry The most important thing is to take photos of the smashed amp and send them in with the claim. Also if you can get photos of the carton to ascertain if there was any obvious external damage. I would ask the guy in Ireland if he can put it in a corner and keep it for a while, the insurance company may want to take a look, and there is always the chance it could be further damaged on the way back, then you have a fight on your hands over who damaged what. The courier company will almost certainly have a seven day limit on the time you can claim, so of course it needs to be sooner rather than later. Was it insured??. If not the courier company will have a claim limit somewhere in it's terms and conditions which might mean you can't get the full value. Best of Luck Steve
  18. Hi Mods Would it be possible to start a board here which would act purely as a "Knowledge Base". We get the same topics turning up time after time (Courier/Customs issues, Flats or Rounds, Which strings on Fretless etc,) which could be incorporated into a knowledge base board for anyone to search. It could also incorporate the names of members who have specialist knowledge on a given subject and who would be willing to offer help if anyone needs it. I for one would be quite happy to help with Courier/Customs requests. Steve
  19. Hi Toasted Look Here: -http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10271&hl=CPC There are some specific forms issued by the Post Office, the details are in the thread, and if need any more PM me. Steve
  20. Hi Ram I'm looking forward to being there sometime in summer, I have family in Mount Prospect. I will be in touch, let me know where you play, I will come and have a beer, and welcome to the forum. Steve
  21. Excuse me for being a numpty, but what's the point of a thumb rest below the strings??
  22. [quote name='spinynorman' post='114480' date='Jan 6 2008, 12:48 AM']OK, thanks. I guessed it was probably the door-to-airport thing that cost the money. Does that affect duty though? I was charged VAT, but not duty. However, I calculated the duty should only have been about £8 anyway, it was the VAT that was the bigger money. To be honest I was a bit worried about the $80 shipping quote, although a couple of years ago I payed $75 to have an Epi Elitist EB3 shipped and that got here ok, just took about 5 weeks. Regarding some of the items that seem to have disappeared, if Parcelforce is delivering here they write you a letter telling you how much duty to pay, and they're not quick about writing it. And it may not show up in tracking. I had one bass that left the US and disappeared for about 3 weeks, and then a letter arrived. It had been in their warehouse for most of that time.[/quote] The amount quoted as VAT might include the Duty, they might just show one figure for the sake of convenience. Sadly in our industry with personal shipments you get conditioned to every charge being queried, so the less charge items you invoice the less there is to query. Sad but true.
  23. My way to do new things is to take a song I like, get a chord chart and work out what I want to play from that. I might play the same song 10 different ways before I get what I want, but I have the chord chart to point the way, I can then improvise over the chords, putting in thirds, fifths and whatever other chord tones or chromatics and phrase against the bass drum. I also don't get bored, as something new comes to mind each time I play. It also helps me learn the chord progression for the song (not necessarily every note of the bass line), and I can then jam with other muso's and make a reasonable fist of the song Might not work for everybody, but I enjoy it. Steve
  24. Hi Jono I have family in Teviot Street. Love Scotland, and Ayr is not bad too. I used to go the disco at the Caldonian Hotel (More years ago than you are old probably). Steve
  25. [quote name='spinynorman' post='112979' date='Jan 3 2008, 03:43 PM']Just posting this a bit of a warning, also wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. Bought a bass on eBay from the US. Seller quoted $80 shipping using "Bax Global", neck-detached in two boxes. So then I got an email saying boxes had been shipped, but the friend he got to do the drop-off shipped them door-to-airport, not door-door. And he offered a refund of $25 for the "inconvenience". Then I get a call from Schenker at Birmingham Airport. Their charges, excluding the VAT on the bass, came to £118. Airline handling £31. UK delivery £32. Charge for paying the VAT £15. Charge for clearing customs £40. So, bearing in mind I've had a bass shipped whole from the US via USPS, in a large heavy case, for about £80, including customs clearance, I feel like I've been well and truly rogered. Well, at the least I'm out by about £50. If I did this again, I think I'd insist the seller uses USPS, or not bid. At least, the Bax/Schenker option seems expensive.[/quote] Hi Spiny The Schenker UK charges are about what I would expect, at least they are not stiffing you. The moral to the story is that shipping must be door to door, and anything else will cost far more than expected. If it is door-door you may have to pay the Duty and VAT, but at least you don't get stung for all kinds of handling and final delivery charges. Steve
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