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Everything posted by Mariner72

  1. Hey, nice taste. I first saw these via the Remedy video too....way back. What sort of a band are you using this with, and what are you going to run it through?
  2. A conversation with some punters at my bands gig last Saturday. I summed up my band as follows. Some of the guys are musicians, some the guys play in a band. I'm the latter, and always seem to enjoy the whole experience more....no need to worry about flattened fiths ha ha ha!!
  3. Hello from Hull! Check out Pearls Cab Ride for some FUNK in your Manor
  4. I use a guy on ebay, search fatsmellybelly as a seller (I know!!), good decals though
  5. I'll take this off your hands please. It will have to be a postal job though.
  6. Lovely bass, I've had mine a few years now.....Chris Hilman a go go yeah!
  7. We got down to the interview stage. I think once they learned where Kingston upon Hull was they cooled off! Didn't fancy it myself, but would have loved to have talked all things Shergold 8 string with Hooky!
  8. I have a 1982 4003 in jetglow, I bought it in 1995 to overcome my '1977 Bruce Foxton' obsession. I played one gig with it in 1995.It sounded bloomin awful!!! I stuck with my 77 Precision Bass with maple neck (like Bruce's) for the next 21 years. I decided to gig the 4003 again in February this year.My rig is far better than back in the 90's, Aguilar & Eden. I played two smallish shows 250 capacity, it growled, it looked cool on the gig photo's. It was finally giving me pay back. I took it to the next show 400 capacity, big stage. It sounded like ****, I managed a few numbers with it, it was swiftly put on its stand and I finished the show with my Harley B reserve road bass. It sounded great....ha ha. I'll give the 4003 another go in 2035 (maybe)!
  9. I'm developing an interest in these basses. For the those wondering what they are, they look a little like the Les Paul bass without the all the buttons. Anybody got the 2015 reissue? They're posted on the Rosetti web page, own an original even? If so, what are like tonewise, and to play?
  10. OMG!! These look awesome, I'm a sucker for greenburst!!! I've just bought a Starfire which hasn't even been gigged yet. I get the feeling my band don't like it!! This reminds me of a Vox Cougar or similar but hopefully sounding good and staying in tune! Can I really get one of these over the doorstep and into the man cave hmmmm?
  11. Have you attempted this yet? I'm thinking of buying the same bass, but the headstock is holding me back too.
  12. Hi where are you located? Will this amp fit in a hatch back? Is it a heavy one?
  13. Hi, anybody own the most recent version of this amp (200watt)? Just wondered what you thought of sound, volume, weight and gig ability??? All comments gratefully received
  14. I own one of these some how! I believe it has a good sound hiding in it somewhere, but just where that is I don't know. Like many BLX owners, I have no manual (yes I've searched the web many times), and the frustration on how to work this thing is bringing me down! A plus point is that I've no need to weight train as the amp is so heavy moving it is a work out! Joking aside, does anybody have a manual explaining how this thing works, or is using one with good results? I play soul, funk and blues.........it's a loud beast from a small footprint, but just not giving the sounds I thought it would / should? The amp itself is in super condition, it's a in UK version (1990's?), and is for sale on Gumtree, this is out of frustration more than anything else. Grateful for any comments.
  15. Interesting YouTube post, keep looking at these on Thomman, shall I or not??? I've also come across the Bach Rivoli style basses this week, looking at 400euro but they look very tasty!! Anybody got any experience with these??
  16. If bridge is still for sale I'd like this please, ta
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