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Everything posted by ben1

  1. I'd be looking be looking around the 200 pound mark, Mr. Git..... I've been trawling the second hand listings for weeks, so (based on 2nd price and what's been commonly cropping up) currently on the shortlist are Ashdown Mag 300, GK Backline 600, Warwick profet 3.2. Thus far I've borrowed a Laney rb4 combo for gigs; it was wired up to the PA, but I didn't like it at all. I think the warmth of a valve amp would better suit my playing style (soul, blues, bit of funk) but to be honest I could do without the weight and possible maintenance issues - given that my budget will probably mean getting an old one...is that a fair judgement?! To be honest I don't need to be super loud; we have a PA if needed and our drummer is not too mental - but just needed to know what would be enough powerwise to drive the speakers properly without destroying them Cheers Ben
  2. Cheers for the advice guys, Summising all that, 'use your ears' seems to be speaking the loudest to me! I'll trial a bit of kit and report back..... Ben
  3. Some years back when I were a nipper......me and the old man put a cab together, a combination of 2 Eminence speakers, and their trusty manual. It comprised a 15' and 10' speaker. Each is 100 w (certainly no more than 150w) at 8ohm. Both wired to the same jack socket. I seem to remember it sounded nice once upon a time with a borrowed Fender BXR 400....but that was some 16years ago so those memories may be somewhat rose tinted! Anyway, I finished my band not short afterwards and as a result never picked up a head for it. Now I'm back playing at last, and in the market for a head - any ideas what sort of power rating I should be looking for ? As I don't want to be gigging with a second cab, would it be worth wiring up an individual input for each cone? Cheers, Ben
  4. Is this still for sale Sir? Cheers Ben
  5. also a Behringer Ultrabass unit which hasn't seen any action for a good 2 years now. [/quote] Hey Josh...this behringer still knocking about? Is it the 3000 or 4500 and does it work? Cheers Ben
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