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Everything posted by ricksterphil

  1. Best music shop experience I ever had was in a store in Birmingham Me and my band were buying a Traynor PA.....well actually the drummers dad Harry was paying (we were in our teens) How much we asked? £400 said the salesman (should point out this was the 70's) How much can you knock off asks Harry (the drummers dad...keep up folks) Oh I reckon no more than 10% off says salesman bloke. Well Harry wasn't happy with that and a session of good old fashioned haggling went on which culminated with us half way out of the shop, with Harry sticking to his offer, before the manager gave in and we got the PA. £240 Harry paid ....that's a 40% discount! Never forgot that encounter, learnt much about the art of haggling that day
  2. Just got a mono - seems to do the trick, holds my Sandberg nicely (mind you they aren't heavy) So go Mono for me Those nice chaps at Bass Direct have them in stock for £30 of your English pounds + delivery
  3. I'm still chuckling over this one...."...[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Her Who Makes Toast By Breathing On Bread."[/font][/color]
  4. I've tried this bass as I was considering it before going back down the Sandberg route It's a really nice bass to play and I'd have bought this as well as if funds had allowed ....and Josh is a top bloke
  5. Wow, I'm in love.......f*ck it, I can manage on 1 kidney!!
  6. Standard precision neck width or narrower (some of the MIJ's are 40mm)
  7. Set of 4 Chrome Schaller Tuners 4 in-line Bought off Umcoo of this parish to fit to my Farida Jazz but they don't fit - back plates overlap slightly which I guess means that Fender head stocks are very slightly longer with the holes a little bit farther apart £35 posted which is what I paid for them last week As new, in a Schaller box and they are really well made things....well worth the cash
  8. I have an ex Scott Whitley Richwood 3/4 scale piccolo strung bass/tenor/whatever Love just noodling on it....I also play guitar (badly) so it's a half-way house job if you see what I mean Can't imagine gigging it, although we are looking at adding 'Oh well' to the set so it would be ideal for that
  9. No messing about, no fuss, paid straight away. Top basschat behaviour Thanks
  10. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Fender Super55 Jazz Bass Pick Up Set[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As new - bought from a dealer in the states and never got round to fitting.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]£65.00 posted[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]One of the foam pads which sit under the pick ups is missing - available off evil bay for about 4 squid[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Will post more pics later[/font][/color]
  11. Hi all East J-Retro 01 pre-amp for sale Fantastic bit of kit and in perfect working order £120 posted UK Apologies for the rubbish photos
  12. That's a beautiful bass I had the opportunity to play a Status Buzzard from the Entwistles collection for a gig once - those graphite necks are sensational to play Going to have to have a real serious think about this one
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