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About LE_Gui

  • Birthday 03/09/1979

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Newbie (1/14)


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  1. Re-re-re-bump !
  2. Nice rig too ! Could you compare the neo speakers with the other PJBs ? I was afraid of those little speakers before buying but once tested with my Sandberg (the one in the first videos) tuned one step lower, it was like the combo didn't care how low you're tuned ! Sounding clean no matter what I wish I could have tried with PJB extension cabs, but with a 12" Ampeg cab added, it was a really good match. A bit more oomph like with classical setups, but still a lot of clarity
  3. Afraid of that great sounding amp ? Chicken, chicken ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhRUe-gz690
  4. And for those who would like a JB sound to have a better idea, here is an example of the amp with my beloved Yamaha SBV-J1 on that amp : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnXh88pJV_s[/media]
  5. Well, people seem to be afraid of getting a great sounding amp !
  6. Come on guys, killer amp here !
  7. ***UPDATE 2012-12-15*** It's sold ********************************* Hi guys, just checking if it could get your attention from the other side of the pond since I live in southern France. The combo was barely used / transported, no bumps to declare. It only crackles when turning the volume pot (so not when playing !), otherwise, it performs brilliantly. If I weren't so f***ing broke, I'd keep it. I only used it for 3 gigs, never in rehearsals since I always played on the amps which were already there, or on the PA. Otherwise, it's only been played at home like once every 2 months (I pretty much always play unplugged when at home). How does it sound ? Well, here it is (check the youtube pages for the setup) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei6pY2j_xa0[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOzLBUngX7s[/media] [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/legui79/videos"]And more videos here[/url] And here, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnXh88pJV_s"]a buddy from our french forum Onlybass, playing my bass, my amp, on my couch[/url] The room was quite empty, so there was some reverb, but it was still the cleanest sounding of the amps during that bassday. For pics and other info, I made a huuuuuge review here : [url="http://forum.onlybass.com/index.php?/topic/32659-phil-jones-six-pak/"]http://forum.onlybas...-jones-six-pak/[/url] Or the same [url="http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.onlybass.com%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F32659-phil-jones-six-pak%2F&act=url"]google translated version of the review[/url] The price : 1400€ (1166£ to today's exchange rates). You can send me a PM to contact me, we'll figure it out for the shipping I'd also be open for a trade with a little combo (ideally a Tech21 Landmark 120) + money. I'm not interested in another expensive combo since I need money first and foremost ! Thanks for your attention Cheers !
  8. Well, our song "Emergency" is still #1 in the indie rock chart on Ourstage.com I've never felt so famous :lol2: If you like our music, please vote thumbs up on the player : [url="http://www.ourstage.com/music/channel/68-indie-rock"]http://www.ourstage.com/music/channel/68-indie-rock[/url] Thanks
  9. For those who like Facebook, an artist page has been created with all the video and audio available [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrubbers/67417212503"]http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrubbers/67417212503[/url] And it's been some days we're #1 in the Indie Rock chart on Ourstage.com [url="http://www.ourstage.com/fanclub/scrubbers"]http://www.ourstage.com/fanclub/scrubbers[/url] Any comments welcome
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