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[quote name='SisterAbdullahX' post='115070' date='Jan 6 2008, 10:57 PM']Anyone tried any of Dave Hall's amps or pedals? Particularly interested in the VT5-400 or 700 amp, or the VT5 pre-amp.[/quote] Hi, The new models are all now active eq and that's one of the modifications that I will be doing on Sug's amp later this week. I am not happy with the compressor when it's integrated into the pre-amp so I am not offering it any more as an option on the amp. Another VT5-400-Bass was delivered to a BC member today with the latest active eq so there should be some more reviews soon. There are 2 more in production which are also going to BC members which are not far away now, so more reviews to follow soon I hope. Dave
what does the VT1 Standard Bass sound like?
DHA replied to papadesophie's topic in Repairs and Technical
[quote name='papadesophie' post='112985' date='Jan 3 2008, 03:47 PM']Hi Dave, I've listened to the sound clips on your website, and I like the sound of channel 1 on the VT2 Bass (I think it was) with eq off and fat on. I can't afford to shell out that much on a pedal though, and hoped that the VT1 might produce a similar sound? Slightly milder OD might be desirable. I'm just looking to put a little valve warmth and grit in front of a solid state amp, and if possible the facility to do a raging SVT would be nice, but doesn't need to be foot switchable.. cheers for your help Matt[/quote] Hi Matt, The VT2 is a VT1 when in channel 1 mode. A VT2 is really 2 VT1's in the same box plus a few other features so the tone when channel 1 only is on is the same. The gain can be set from clean to crunch on any of the VT1s and the MK3 has a extra switchable colour control that allows for very heavy compressed distortion as well. Dave -
[quote name='Voodoosnake' post='113360' date='Jan 4 2008, 08:49 AM']It came through ebay under Ali Price. Make any sense?[/quote] Got it, thanks. Dave
[quote name='Voodoosnake' post='112998' date='Jan 3 2008, 04:06 PM']Cheers Dave, Thats a fair deal. Im attempting to deal a few items in order to fund a VT2 Dual Bass Custom. Im waiting for the Bass Compressor at the moment. Will the compressor draw enough juice from a Diago power supply? Cant wait!!!!! Col[/quote] Hi Col, When did you order the compressor as I can't see an order from someone called Col or Colin? The Vt1-Bass-Compressor will draw about 150mA at 12VDC but will require about 300mA at switch on, can the Diago supply 12VDC? It needs to be well regulated or there will be hum. The pedals do work at 9VDC but there is a reduced output level and some loss of tone so we recommend 12VDC. Dave
[quote name='Jonny Walker' post='112995' date='Jan 3 2008, 04:04 PM']and VT2's?[/quote] No VT2s in stock as I just build them to order. Can do the custom paint job on them as well at no extra cost. Dave
[quote name='Jonny Walker' post='112990' date='Jan 3 2008, 03:57 PM']Cool thanks Dave… How long will it take to get hold of one? Is there a waiting list?[/quote] They take about 2 weeks. But, I have 2 VT1-MK3-Bass and a VT1-Std-Bass in stock. Dave
[quote name='papadesophie' post='112847' date='Jan 3 2008, 01:04 PM']The above sounds like the answer to my prayers, but I'm slightly put off by the distortion part of the model description. I need a pedal to do 2 things. Firstly to add a bit of nearly but not quite clean valve warmth to my solid state combo, and secondly to get a nice fat, warm SVT style OD. So far I've come across the HAO rust Ride, which does the SVT bit perfectly to my ears, but does nothing else (and I can't find one for love nor money). The other bit I'm sort of doing currently with a bit of 'clever' eq via a boss GE-7, but it's not perfect and can sound a bit flabby at volume. I've checked out the sound clips on the DHA site, but all the bass ones seem to be the VT2 custom, which is quite a bit more than I wanted to pay, although some of the sounds are nice. the sound clips of Channel 1 on it's own (with fat switch on) sounds particularly nice to my ears, but how would those sounds compare to the VT1 standard bass? Will the VT1 also produce a bit more drive if required? Anyone know? Pretty much everyone says great things about DHA, but with a family to feed, I can't afford to go dropping 80 notes on anything that might be viewed as an aural experiment! Other things that ostensibly work to my ears are the Sansamp BDDI (but I don't need the DI and again, it's a bit more than I planned shelling out) and the Fulltone Bass Drive, which is lovely but again, pricey and probably overspecified.[/quote] Hi, When the VT2 is in Channel 1 only then it is really just a VT1 as it's the same circuit. The VT1-Std-Bass has the Fat hard-wired on and has boost and bright switches. The bright adds more treble and means you can use it with guitar as well and the boost adds clean boost to the valve path which means a lot more drive is available if required. Dave
[quote name='Jonny Walker' post='112797' date='Jan 3 2008, 11:45 AM']Sounds good to me lol… in one of my threads ‘jwbassman’ has shown me pictures of his VT1 with a custom black/red paint job… how much would one of those set me back?[/quote] Same price as a normal Purist for BC members. Just say if you want the different knobs as well. Dave
[quote name='Voodoosnake' post='112895' date='Jan 3 2008, 01:55 PM']The black and red does look rather sexy. Id also like to know how much extra the custom paint job would set me back. Cheers Dave Col[/quote] No extra charge for custom paint jobs for BC members. Dave
[quote name='Jonny Walker' post='112461' date='Jan 2 2008, 05:59 PM']Hi Dave, i recently read the review of your VT1-Mk 3 in this month’s Bass Guitar magazine and I have to say it sounds like the dogs bollocks lol. I live in Devon and was wondering id there is anyway of trying the pedal out? I have been searching for the right o/d bass pedal of ages now and have tried my different manufactures but they all seem to disappoint when it comes to holding the bottom end. I was also wondering what extra features the VT2 had over the VT1 as I am looking for a pedal that will keep me entertained for many years to come. Thanks very much.[/quote] Yes, please come round and try one out. If we time it right then I will have some Vt2's in as well. I live just outside Dolton which is near Winkleigh. PM me for numbers, etc. Dave
[quote name='umcoo' post='111992' date='Jan 1 2008, 09:23 PM']Hi mate, I used to own a DHA VT2 so could be of help. The sound it seems you're looking for sounds very much like the vt2. I used to keep channel 1 on as a mild grind then use the second channel for more hardcore distortion, but it never really sounded harsh or synthy. Has a very 'organic' sound as you say so it looks liek you may like it. There is (or was, not been on it for a while) soundclips on daves site so check them out maybe? I only got rid of mine cos I wanted a green big muff and had no other way to fund it! Good luck in your search for sonic niceness[/quote] There is a new lower cost VT2 coming out in the next week or so. It's a VT2-Dual-Std-Bass with an unpainted box and less features than the standard VT2-Dual-bass. It will be on ebay and the website soon. Might be what you are looking for? Dave
[quote name='Voodoosnake' post='110953' date='Dec 30 2007, 01:59 PM']Hi Dave, Looking for some direction here to some of my sonic needs. You may have seen my discussion with bassmankev about the differences between my MXR Blowtorch and one of your O/D distortion units. I find the Blowtorch a little OTT and synthy and am looking for a 2 stage unit to compliment my active bass set up and Ashdown EVO head (valve preamp). The sound Im looking for is simply more organic than the blowtorch with both o/d stages being adjustable. Im finding my current unit has too much of a jump when switching between basic operation and engaging the "torch" button. Ive read about most of your stuff, do you have any advice on which unit would serve me best. I must admit I do like the look and spiel about the VT2 Dual Bass Custom unit. Cheers Col[/quote] Hi Col, There are a good number of VT2 owners on this forum and they might give a less biased view All I will say is all my bass pedals are design to work with bass instruments and developed with much help from BC members. Dave
[quote name='Voodoosnake' post='110185' date='Dec 28 2007, 12:56 PM']Hey Dave, As the valve pre amp / Overdrive pedals are doing well can you see some phasers or flangers coming from your workshops in the future? Id defo be interested in a handmade phaser. I know it aint valve technology but im sure youve got the expertise. Just a thought Cheers Col[/quote] Mmm, some way off i would say, but maybe one day dave
[quote name='jammie17' post='109179' date='Dec 25 2007, 12:07 AM']If this has been asked before, sorry. Please delete. How long do power tubes in a modern tube designed amplifier, in this case an Ampeg SVT CL, last before they need replacing? I have gotten ALL sorts of answers on this from an Ampeg engineer himself, stating 18 months with weekly heavy usage, to another source stating power tubes last 30 years. My Ampeg service manual states 18 months or whenever you HEAR a degrade of quality in the sound. So what is your opinion/experience in this? Jim[/quote] Hi Jim, It all depends on how lond they are switched on and how hard the valves/tubes are driven and that's down to the design of the amp. When the sound gets thinner with loss of the mids then they are done. Sometimes you may even hear an increased level of hiss and popping. The new valves will need to be matched and the amp re-biased by someone that knows how to do it. Merry Xmas Dave
[quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='105641' date='Dec 17 2007, 11:17 PM']You're sure it the Behringer and not any thing else thats hooked up to the same power supply? Simple because I've had a conversation with Dave at DHA before about using his valve pedals with daisy chained power supplies, and he said that it was a bad idea because of the way valve preamps use the power input to heat the valves and send a signal back ... I got lost about here, but the gist was that the signal could reach other pedals via the power supply if they weren't buffered/screened. Nice review though, thanks![/quote] I think that the PSU will have to be well regulated or it will hum. Dave
[quote name='bear-foot-bass' post='102833' date='Dec 11 2007, 06:21 PM']Nothing for pub gigs - my problem is keeping the sound for larger club and outside gigs when the majority of sound is going through PA[/quote] Why not use your amp on stage as a monitor and then DI or mic it for the PA? Dave
[quote name='ian' post='102195' date='Dec 10 2007, 03:33 PM']Hi im looking for some help .i have a ebs hd350.and latley just cuts off then comes back on.the power stays on so i know its not a power fault .its not the bass because i have checked everything out on the bass.it still goes to the linked tuner but nothing to the pa or my cab any ideas please thanks ian[/quote] Its all guesswork without seeing the amp and having right tools. But, the protection circuit ideas above are a good starting point. dave
[quote name='bear-foot-bass' post='102359' date='Dec 10 2007, 08:06 PM']OK - so how do I keep the bass thump going - turn the overrall level down?[/quote] I am not sure you can when using PA speakers. What's wrong with using you bass amp and speakers? Dave
[quote name='bear-foot-bass' post='101738' date='Dec 9 2007, 02:55 PM']yes VT1 Mk 3 bass[/quote] I expect it's not really a loss of bottom end but a flater response across the mids and highs which the PA will be produce better than your amp. Dave
[quote name='bear-foot-bass' post='100540' date='Dec 6 2007, 10:00 PM']Hi - I have a Valve Tone Mrk3 and love the sound through my rig at rehearsal - its a great sounding pedal. When through the PA though there is a noticeable drop in real bottom end when I use the pedal. Any way round this? I tend to run the colour switch flat and the Ge/Si in central position. Cheers[/quote] Is it a bass version? Dave
[quote name='hallo' post='100171' date='Dec 6 2007, 01:00 PM']I'm after a decent A/B/Y. I've been looking at a few, my ideal choice would be to able to switch between two signal chains and to combine them both. The ideal pedal should have two switches to go between A and B and the other switch to combine them (which rules out the boss). It needs to be able to run off a power supply (which rules out the ART one as well). Any ideas? Didn't DHA make one or am I just hoping? Thanks[/quote] Yes, we do AB/Y boxes but that's not what you are asking for as if you want to combine 2 signals than its a mixer. If you want signal Y to go to A or B or Both then most AB/Y boxes will do that. Dave
[quote name='Hit&Run' post='99624' date='Dec 5 2007, 02:53 PM']Are the boost switch & pot 'standard issue', or optional extras? Cheers.[/quote] There are two versions now. The VT1-Bass-Compressor is the painted one with hard/soft compression switch, boost, boost pot and the controls you see about. The "new" VT1-Std-Bass-Compressor is unpainted, soft compression only no boost or boost pot. Low cost version. Dave
[quote name='DHA' post='87785' date='Nov 13 2007, 11:03 AM']The Weekend Rock Stars are looking for a new bass player in Devon. We play classic rock and blues and get lots of work and have a good following all over Devon. We do it for fun but the money is nice so it's important we get someone that fits. We have stopped gigging while we find the right replacement but we are booked new years eve and have several larger gigs booked for next year. We also want to get in the studio this year if possible. ring Dave (DHA) on 01805 603369[/quote] Hi, We are still looking and need a dep for New Years Eve, any takers? Dave
[quote name='Johnebass' post='98537' date='Dec 3 2007, 11:49 PM']Hi Dave, Can you help me please, I have a Shuker bass with 18v electronics/pickups and my main nighmare situation is for the batteries to fail in front of a theatre full of people. To that end I change batteries way more often than I need just to be on the safe side which is getting a little expensive. Is there any way of fitting anything to the bass, maybe an LED to the rear of the battery cover which would identify when the batteries are getting low? I know that a 9v system is available at [color="#0000FF"][url="http://www.guitarelectronics.com/product/PMTLBAT/9_Volt_Low_Battery_Indicator_for_Active_Pickups_Electronics.html"]http://www.guitarelectronics.com/product/P...lectronics.html[/url][/color] unfortunately they do not do an 18v version. Help would be much appreciated. John[/quote] Hi John, It should be possible to design a circuit that detects when the voltage drops. It will be an op-amp and voltage ref (zener diode). I will have a look into it for you. Dave
[quote name='Alien' post='97021' date='Nov 30 2007, 10:38 PM']Does the output transformer make a difference? I thought that a good transformer worked fairly evenly across all frequencies. Wouldn't it be possible to leave it out and simply use a higher resistance in the dummy load (obviously with the same power rating), since the transformer is used to match the high output impedance of the valve to the low impedance of the speaker. It's just matching the dummy load to the valve impedance. Andy[/quote] Hi Andy, Yes, the output transformer does add a lot of colour to the tone. The transformer as you say does match the speaker impedance to the plate load resitance but it also generates a back emf as the current flow changes this softens the sound which is part of the output valve distortion. I don't use a resistor as a dummy load, I use a 3.5" speaker. So my dummy load is not really a dummy! The load the speaker gives at different frequencies varys in impedence unlike a resistor. A speaker has inductance and capacitance as well as resistance and the inductance and capacitance of the speaker affect the phase angle of the voltage and current flowing. So, a resistor could be used as a load instead of transformer as you suggust and I know that there are designs out there that do that but IMHO it's no where near as good so not something I am interested in doing. I would go as far as to say that an output valve without an output transformer will sound the same as a pre-amp valve with pre-amp overdrive distortion but no output valve softclipping distortion. Dave