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Everything posted by DHA

  1. [quote name='Toasted' post='39554' date='Jul 31 2007, 03:32 PM']I no longer have a list. Just send it to whoever wants it with Dave's blessing. I did have a list that was planned out in the right order; but since people just started sending it to whoever they felt like you may as well keep doing that, eh?[/quote] Happy for it to go to any BC member. Reviews are welcome. Dave
  2. [quote name='nick' post='37733' date='Jul 27 2007, 11:22 AM']Dave, All the best for your gig tomorrow (bump). Good cause. An issue that has, or will affect most people in one way or another, at some point in their life. Nick[/quote] Hi Nick, many thanks. regards Dave
  3. [quote name='steve' post='36553' date='Jul 24 2007, 08:14 PM']+1 from me too, very comprehensive You didn't by chance do any soundclips did you? A sound I really fancy being able to approximate is that of Adam Clayton on 'vertigo' during the breakdown when Bono is singing 'All of this will be yours....' I know it's dependant on more amp choice, bass choice, etc etc blah blah blah, but I was wondering if this might get me part of the way?[/quote] Hi, There are sound clips on the website of a VT2-Dual-Custom-bass and the channel 1 only clips are really just a VT1 as it's the same thing. But, I am hoping that there will also be some VT1-Std-Bass clips on the website soon. Dave
  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='34588' date='Jul 20 2007, 12:45 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3238"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3238[/url] Dave I've moved your offer to the special offers and competitions forum[/quote] Links not working Steve and I can't find it in the special offers section? Dave
  5. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='34588' date='Jul 20 2007, 12:45 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3238"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3238[/url] Dave I've moved your offer to the special offers and competitions forum[/quote] No problem, I should have put there in the first place. Dave
  6. [quote name='elom' post='32793' date='Jul 17 2007, 12:07 AM']I'll try and make it down. The other 4/5ths of my band are from Dawlish/Teignmouth anyway so I'll see if I can drag 'em along. Where is it, who's playing etc?[/quote] Great, please come and say hello. Most of the acts are cancer survivors including myself so there a few different types of acts. I think there is an Elvis band. I understand that there is stuff going on all day. We are a 5 piece rock band playing covers in our own way, never the same twice! Timface is on bass and I play lead. check this out - www.cancerresearchuk.org/relay Dave
  7. [quote name='BassBalls' post='32705' date='Jul 16 2007, 08:28 PM']I played one of these gigs last weekend with my two piece, its a great event for an amazing cause. Come and support these guys please if you are local.[/quote] Nice one
  8. DHA

    Fx Power Supplies

    [quote name='umcoo' post='32548' date='Jul 16 2007, 03:32 PM']I've been looking for a PSU that can include my DHA also, but I think the DHA needs 1500mA or something? Would a diago adaptor be able to handle this much (if it does come out)? I use the diago now and the PSU i got with the DHA, but one single power supply would be great. Thanks[/quote] We spec 1200mA but a VT1 is about 400mA on switch on and drops to less than 200mA and a VT2 is 700mA on switch and dropping to about 300mA. Dave
  9. Timface and me (Dave from DHA) and the rest of the "Weekend rock stars" will be performing at the Cancer Research Relay for Life at Dawlish in Devon on the 28th of July. There will be other bands, etc supporting this event. We are on at about 7:00 and again at 9:15. Dave
  10. [quote name='jimbartlett' post='32376' date='Jul 16 2007, 09:51 AM']Dave, I'm sorry, I never thought of asking you about this. I assumed it would be the same as you other equipment. So it's a standard kettle lead power cable? Cheers, Jim.[/quote] Hi Jim, It's a fixed flying mains lead coming out the back. Dave
  11. [quote name='jimbartlett' post='32355' date='Jul 16 2007, 08:33 AM']Hello, I wondered if someone could answer a question for me? I want to run a DHA rackmount unit from a Power Conditioner. I was thinking of making a cable which has a normal socket on one end and plug the other end into the Power Conditioner. I could then plug my normal 12v adapter into this then into the back of the DHA. Would this work ok? I think it would work I just wanted to check I wasn't being stupid Cheers, Jim.[/quote] Jim, Your new DHA VT5-Studio-Bass has the supply built in so you don't need the 12V power supply anymore. Just plug the mains plug on the VT5 into the conditioner. Dave
  12. [quote name='Timface' post='30211' date='Jul 11 2007, 11:02 AM']devon rocks and I hear that devonians fingers are twice as fast due to working with tractors......! I live in devon! (next to charlie watts!)[/quote] Tim, You spend more time worrying my sheep than on a tractor Dave
  13. [quote name='elom' post='22157' date='Jun 22 2007, 10:18 PM']There are a few Devonians tucked away on here. We'll be having a Devon social next![/quote] Count me in Dave
  14. [quote name='DHA' post='25562' date='Jul 1 2007, 11:51 AM']Hi, I am happy at last with the VT1 valve compressor design and I will be returning the modified prototype to CK this week. I have added a hard/soft compression switch after Steve's comments. I will do a pedal version but I will also make a 1U rack version that will be a bit more advanced. The 1U rack will have 2 selectable compression channels that can also be switched to stereo operation. Each channel will have i/p level, Compression, Delay, o/p level and a hard/soft compression switch. In hard compression mode it will also act as a limiter at high settings. The switching will be channel 1 or 2 and true by-pass with an option to have both channels running in stereo. Two 12ax7 valves will be used. There will be full switching control via the front panel and footswitch. Comments welcome. Dave[/quote] Should read Decay not Delay Dave
  15. [quote name='joegarcia' post='27673' date='Jul 5 2007, 11:16 PM']Aha, that'll be why my shoddy home-made double looper didn't do it then. Curious about these valve Bob-The-Blender ones. Do you do double or triple ones? How much?[/quote] Hi Joe, To make a double "Bob" would be possible in a larger box but it would be just the same as using two off single units. Price would therefore be about the same, maybe a bit less. I would never get a triple "Bob" into a pedal box but a rack could have 3, 4 or even more. happy to give a BC plus multiple order discount. PM me if interested. Dave
  16. [quote name='joegarcia' post='26804' date='Jul 4 2007, 12:11 AM']What do you mean by 'might not work'? What happens exactly?[/quote] Tayste's summed it up well as passive blenders will not work with all pedals. Active blenders like my valve driven Bob-the-Blender buffer the signal and there are no issues. A loop switch without blend will also work with anything as it's a by-pass switch and therefore just routes the signal without any effect. It's the same as unplugging the jacks from one set of pedals and plugging into another set, but a lot quicker when on stage! Dave
  17. [quote name='Waldo' post='27444' date='Jul 5 2007, 01:55 PM']Got the pedal yesterday. It does the same thing when I use my metal zone. It sounds like feedback but it's more of a constant squealing sound and when I move the blend knob the actual pitch of the sound goes up and down, it's very strange! I've been using it with my strat and the squeal sound goes away when I have the pickup set to a non-single coil position, so it may be something to do with interference. Any pearls of wisdom on this?[/quote] There will be limits to what a passive blender can do and there will be some pedals for which it just will not work. The thing about passive blending is that in effect you put a high resistance decoupled feedback loop across the pedal in the loop and high gain pedals may feedback. You need an op-amp buffered blender or a valve buffered one like my Bob-the-blender in these cases. Things like delay, chorus, wammy and most digital effects will be better suited to passive blending. It's a bit of suck it and see. Dave
  18. DHA

    new delay pedal?

    [quote name='tayste_2000' post='27408' date='Jul 5 2007, 01:08 PM']Very very very few true bypass delays out there, none that have trails. I've never had an issues with the bypass on the DD-20 but then I wasn't running any other Boss or Behringer pedals and the king of all tone suckers that is known as the whammy.[/quote] I agree with tayste, most delay pedals are not true by-pass and that's why I use my Marshall echohead pedal with a blender or sometimes just a loop. Dave
  19. [quote name='BassManKev' post='26242' date='Jul 2 2007, 09:41 PM']how much dya reckon the pedal will be dave my man?[/quote] Hi Kev, About £120 I think. Dave
  20. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='26013' date='Jul 2 2007, 01:37 PM']How many vintagilator controls will the rack mount version have Dave? [/quote] I didn't forget your Vintagilator control - I think you will find the hard/soft compression switch will help vintagilatoring Dave
  21. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='25591' date='Jul 1 2007, 02:13 PM']I'm in the market for a 1u rack compressor Dave - this sounds interesting - any idea of ££ at this stage?[/quote] I have not worked it out totally yet but it should be in the £200-£250 range plus power supply and P&P. I am looking for a home for the Rack version prototype and will give you a good deal in return for a review, etc. PM me if interested. Dave
  22. Hi all, Looks like the VT5-Studio-Bass is born. We are wiring one up now as well as a silkscreened front panel as there is no space for my hand writting! There will be 5 valves providing the following. 1. 2 separate RED and BLUE channels - each channel is a VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass with i/p pad, Gain1, 1>2, Gain 2, Colour, Boost, Treble, Mid, Bass and o/p level with bright, fat, clip, boost, colour and tone by-pass switches on each channel. 2. Switching via the footswitch or front panel for by-pass (true), Red or Blue channel and 1+2 gain selection. This is a true 4 channel plus by-pass pre-amp. 3. Valve driven FX loop with blend (VT1-Bob the Blender) with pre or post switch and true by-pass footswitch. 4. Tuner out with mute via footswitch. 5. DI out with level. 6. LED VU meters on i/p and o/p. 7. master level control. 8. Headphone amp with level. 9. 2U rack. 10. Single or dual guitar in operation. If one is plugged in then you can switch between red or blue, if 2 then one is on red and the other on blue. Comments welcome please Dave
  23. Hi, I am happy at last with the VT1 valve compressor design and I will be returning the modified prototype to CK this week. I have added a hard/soft compression switch after Steve's comments. I will do a pedal version but I will also make a 1U rack version that will be a bit more advanced. The 1U rack will have 2 selectable compression channels that can also be switched to stereo operation. Each channel will have i/p level, Compression, Delay, o/p level and a hard/soft compression switch. In hard compression mode it will also act as a limiter at high settings. The switching will be channel 1 or 2 and true by-pass with an option to have both channels running in stereo. Two 12ax7 valves will be used. There will be full switching control via the front panel and footswitch. Comments welcome. Dave
  24. [quote name='BassManKev' post='21630' date='Jun 21 2007, 10:22 PM']just out of interest, why did you choose this pedal to tour the uk? i would have thought it woulda been cooler to send round a more interesting effect, say a valvetone or a bob the blender[/quote] We did that already. It's just cos it's new. I guess who ever gets it after Joe will have to wash all the mud off Dave
  25. [quote name='BassManKev' post='21628' date='Jun 21 2007, 10:20 PM']update i got over the hiss problem with the odb-3, coz i actually like the overdrive it gives, so ye its on the board[/quote] Hi Kev, I notice all the gain settings on my pedal are set to 11 Are you sure you are not a lead guitarist really regards Dave at DHA
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