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Everything posted by DHA

  1. DHA

    Fx Power Supplies

    [quote name='Toasted' post='21127' date='Jun 20 2007, 11:24 PM']I get the feeling that there will be a 12V adaptor for the diago PSU soon... That would power your DHA Thanks, Joe.[/quote] Hi Joe, I think I need to talk to Diago as it would be good if they would cover my pedals and all the 9V stuff. Got a name, number? thanks Dave
  2. DHA


    [quote name='The Funk' post='19492' date='Jun 18 2007, 10:18 AM']£125 for a valve compressor? Bagsy me after Dood?[/quote] I am away this week on business in Germany but when I get back I will modify it, post it back to CK and then I am happy for it to do a quick tour. rules will be that anyone on the list can play with it for say a week then post it onto the next guy or girl. regards Dave
  3. [quote name='joegarcia' post='19554' date='Jun 18 2007, 12:17 PM']Cool ok. It'll be on the BBC stage on Sunday at about 6pm I think. :-) I'm playing with Rose Kemp.[/quote] Great, many thanks Dave
  4. [quote name='joegarcia' post='19184' date='Jun 17 2007, 04:18 PM']Ok, just got back from tour to find this waiting for me. Looks good. :-) How long are we supposed to keep it for? Obviously the sooner I could move it on the better. I don't have much on this week so could give it a blast at home but would be really up for taking it to Glastonbury at the weekend. I'm playing on the Sunday and could send it straight off after that. Does that sound reasonable? Would be good to put it through it's paces on a festival stage. Also, if Waldo could PM me his address that would be great. Thanks.[/quote] Hi, Take it to Glastonbury please, even if I never get to play there one of my babys will Thanks and I look forward to your comments. regards Dave
  5. DHA


    [quote name='dood' post='18934' date='Jun 16 2007, 09:32 PM']OH my Dave! the li'l fella is out in the players domain then? This pedal I have to try! ;o) CK.. if no one else is in the queue, please may I be next?[/quote] Hi Dood, Steve has made some very useful comments and I will be making a couple of design changes before it goes out again, but as soon as I am happy then your are on the list. The comments Steve has made are great and to do with things like the output level and the brightness of the tone both of which are easy to fix. Steve will agree with this I hope but the compression side of things appears to working and provides a vintage valve compression effect. If the modified design fits the bill then I will design a new PCB as this will reduce the build price, I am hoping for around £125. Dave
  6. DHA


    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='15560' date='Jun 11 2007, 01:18 PM']I don't need a compressor live when there's a tube in the signal chain. All of the compressors I've used sound too heavy handed otherwise. I do like to use a limiter at the end of my signal chain to even out the dynamics when I'm using the Deep Impact.[/quote] Steve, VT1-Compressor (prototype) is in the post. Be kind, please Dave
  7. [quote name='Timface' post='17443' date='Jun 14 2007, 11:03 AM']Or 2!!!! [/quote] I know what happens to you when you have more than two Stage driving is a good thing but wait until the crowd arrives next time Dave
  8. [quote name='jimbartlett' post='17348' date='Jun 14 2007, 08:12 AM']Nice work Dave and TimFace, the clips sound excellent! Can you not do anymore of these please as I now want to buy one!!!! [/quote] Don't say that or I will have to buy Tim another pint Dave
  9. Hi, DHA VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass-RM sound clips now on the website - www.davehallamps.co.uk thanks to Timface. As the VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass-RM is the rack version of the VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass pedal and is the most complex rack we make it also covers all the features on all other pedals, so it can sound the same as any of them. So, settings without EQ is the same as a VT2-Dual-Bass and settings on channel 1 only with no EQ, no clipping and no colour is the same as a VT1-Purist. We have tried to do a range of settings that covers all the bass pedal types. I look forward to your comments Dave
  10. DHA

    Dave Hall effects

    [quote name='tredders' post='15681' date='Jun 11 2007, 04:05 PM']Cool - thanks. I'll keep an eye on the website. Mark.[/quote] Hi, DHA VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass-RM sound clips now on the website - www.davehallamps.co.uk thanks to Timface. As the VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass-RM is the rack version of the VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass pedal and is the most complex rack we make it also covers all the features on all other pedals, so it can sound the same as any of them. So, settings without EQ is the same as a VT2-Dual-Bass and settings on channel 1 only with no EQ, no clipping and no colour is the same as a VT1-Purist. We have tried to do a range of settings that covers all the bass pedal types. I look forward to your comments Dave
  11. [quote name='guyl' post='16304' date='Jun 12 2007, 03:30 PM']Sorry Dave - we're clogging your thread with general "wishlist" stuff. My upright has a piezo pickup (to sound like an upright) and a magnetic pickup (when it starts to get loud). I blend the two on the hoof depending on the circumstances of the gig. My electric is a whole different level of output again. All I really need is a 1U mixer - but as I've never seen one off the shelf that is quite right, may end up get one custom made. Probably something for a new thread. Good luck with your preamp![/quote] No problem at all, in fact it's all useful stuff. I will have a think about your requirement but I can't see how a custom one off would be cost effective? Dave
  12. [quote name='guyl' post='16224' date='Jun 12 2007, 01:45 PM']If you remember ....... Hang on - an idea ...... Dave - how much to knock together a 1U mixer, with 3 channels in (1/4" jack on the front please), and one channel out into your (unbuilt) preamp or our bass amps? A bit of eq, volume and a mute for each channel would be handy. Oh yeah .... I've a thing for flashing lights so a couple of LEDs too please.[/quote] Hi, I am trying to keep as much as possible to the valve/tube route as this is what poeple know us for. So, unless I see a demand for a valve mixer and EQ then it may not be something I would want to do. But, maybe the idea of having a valve mixer on the front of one of my pre-amps is an option? Why does it have to be a mixer and not a switcher as you will only be playing 1 bass at a time? A 3 or 4 way input switch is much simpler and hence much cheaper. Dave
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='15468' date='Jun 11 2007, 10:33 AM']I can't speak for anyone else and their set up but I use the eq on the amp for address stage/room acoustics anyway. Bass = fundamental tone/character on board eq = coarse tone shaping for the bass according to the music style (before it goes to the desk) amp eq = room acoustics (DI is taken pre amp eq)[/quote] Hi Steve, The rack units have an EQ by-pass switch anyway. But, I could just not fit the EQ to reduce cost if requested to do so. Dave
  14. [quote name='Toasted' post='15513' date='Jun 11 2007, 12:01 PM']To Dave: Your PB-2 went out on tour with Joe Garcia in Germany today. I'm not sure who is next in line yet. But I'll let them know.[/quote] Good stuff, I look forward to the comments. Dave
  15. [quote name='Sugden' post='15526' date='Jun 11 2007, 12:29 PM']Are you thinking about making a basic pre for people who dont really use over drive etc so just as a tube rack mount pre, along the lines of others out there such as the trace v-type and alembic f-1?[/quote] Hi, I think people are using my rack designs as both pre-amps for driving power amps and as overdrives to drive amps. Not sure that I need change much anyway as my overdrives are really just pre-amps. Or am I missing something? Dave
  16. [quote name='MoJ' post='15348' date='Jun 10 2007, 11:29 PM']Dave, if only for your info, I remebered that I was recently looking at the Fender TBP-1, which is a tube preamp with a seperate channel for overdrive. I mention as I know you use a tone stack based on the Fender Bassman circuit. It also has a blendable overdrive channel, but only one EQ for both channels. Obviously there are other features that have been mentioned like a user definible crossover, and some that havent such as "Room balance EQ" (????), a lot of which are I would imagine neither hear nor there. A [url="http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=2147000000"]link[/url] for it here, and also the [url="http://www.fender.com/products/view_specs.php?full_partno=2147000000&name=TBP-1+Tube+Bass+Pre-Amp"]spec[/url] here. The average price Ive so far seen it around for is £6/700, so I think you could easily compete with this if you manage to keep it within the price you want. And Im still going to champion a core unit with optional extras if it keeps the price affordable. Thanks Andy[/quote] Hi Andy, Thanks for the info and support. We will start putting a rack together this week. Dave
  17. DHA

    Dave Hall effects

    [quote name='tredders' post='15297' date='Jun 10 2007, 10:09 PM']Timface Any news on the sound clips mate? Cheers Mark.[/quote] I have them! Tim plays bass in our band so has to use a DHA pedal or he's out, only joking. We did them today and I will post them on the website in a few days. Tim has a VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass-RM so it covers just about all of the tones available in the pedal and rack range. Dave
  18. Thanks for all the feedback guys, it's very useful so please keep it coming. I will put together a 2U super bass pre-amp as a starter and see what you guys think of it. Dave
  19. [quote name='MoJ' post='15043' date='Jun 10 2007, 01:38 PM']Dave, I know you mentioned earlyier that you may possibley do a couple of units, but would it be worth doing a 'core' unit of say just the 2 independant channels, and then a list of optional extras that could be added like the compressor or blender? Obviously you couldnt have too many options as it would get silly and you only have so many hours in the day you can dedicate to your work. Not sure if that helps or is possible? Andy[/quote] Good idea.
  20. [quote name='dood' post='15027' date='Jun 10 2007, 01:06 PM']I know there's a minority of stereo users out there, but if there was always one thing that made my choice of preamp even harder, was trying to find one with a stereo FX loop with a DI out (post loop) for each channel. The Warwick Quadruplet has one, as does the EBS classic, I think. but none others come to mind at the moment. I suspect not many people will want it or need it to warrant the cost addition.. but it'd be nice! (I have actually half decided to start building a preamp myself, including all the things I like - I have the rack case and most of the components too - but I'm lazy.. and it has always just been 'half' a thought! lol lol)[/quote] Hi, As all my stuff is handbuilt it's really not a problem to pick and mix the bits people want, so if there is a request for a stereo FX loop and stereo DI then you got it. I use a stereo FX return and stereo output stage on my own amp. Once you have tried stereo chorus and stereo echo there is no going back. Dave
  21. [quote name='MoJ' post='14973' date='Jun 10 2007, 10:47 AM']Well, its not [i]that[/i] much when you consider that the only two Ampeg preamps being made at the moment are coming in at around that price. Add in to the equation that you're giving both channels tone controls (independant of each other I assume?) which Ive only seen on say the Ampeg BSP, and you maybe adding a compressor in there too, plus a footswitch to control all this (which I dont think are included wiht the Ampeg's but could be wrong) and its about right. Would taking out the silicon and germanium diodes and associated controls, and the colour controls do much to the price? I know I for one don't use those on my VT2, but cant speak for anyone else. Out of interest, where are you considering putting the compressor in the chain? As for the DI impedance, just looking in my trusty TE manual, which just so so happens to be near my PC, the spec at he back states the impedance as 600 ohms or greater. Wouldnt know if thats standard though. Not sure if DI out is overly essential, but if you did fit it Id make it post EQ if there is the option. Thanks Andy[/quote] Hi Andy, There will be a separate passive EQ on each channel. I may consider a different version with active EQ but I want to do this one first so that the signal path is pure and without solid state. I was going to leave the clipping and colour controls on each channel as they are not big cost drivers. Dave
  22. [quote name='Stewart' post='14977' date='Jun 10 2007, 11:02 AM']Hi Dave, It should be capable of feeding 600 ohm at 0dB. There's a nice transformerless circuit here (figure 3): [url="http://sound.westhost.com/project87.htm"]http://sound.westhost.com/project87.htm[/url] Cheers, Stewart[/quote] Very useful, thanks Stewart. That's the balanced DI out sorted then! Dave
  23. [quote name='MoJ' post='14950' date='Jun 10 2007, 09:56 AM']WOOOOOO!!!!! +1 for that! And +1 for a DI out too. I would say maybe not a crossover, but how about stereo/dual outputs, to at least allow a crossover to be used, or to bypass the 'high' part of the crossover for a full range and low pass arrangement. It would allow for a very flexible set up whatever though. I definitley like the idea of each channel having its own output so that levels could be matched. How about a blend control (not just the fx loop blender) to allow blending of the clean and overdrive channels? Would definitley like that option. How much roughly would soemthing like this go for Dave? Thanks Andy[/quote] Hi Andy, I think just a splitter and extra op-amp should give a line-level DI. Does anyone know what the impedance and level of a DI out is? Blending one channel with the other is interesting LED VU meter is in. Looking at crossovers. Stereo output could be an option and might even cover the DI issue as well. Cost would depend a bit on what we end up with and it may even be two or three models. But aiming to keep it around £500-£600. I know it's a lot but this will take about 2 weeks to make and have well over £250 in parts. Dave
  24. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='14187' date='Jun 8 2007, 01:47 PM']Dave how will we set the levels of either channel so that loudness isn't affected when we change channel? Would it be worth putting in a crossover as well?[/quote] Hi, Each channel is a separate circuit with it's own boost and output level controls so that the level of each channel can be matched regardless of gain settings. There will be a master output level as well. Being a simple guitarist I am not up to speed on crossovers, got anymore info? Dave
  25. Hi all, I am building a new 2U rack pre-amp for bass and I would grateful of a bit of market research before the design is set in stone. It will have two separate channels, channel 1 will be a VT1-MK3-Bass but with tone controls, channel 2 will be a VT2-Dual-Custom-Bass but set to 1+2. Switching will be 1 or 2 and by-pass giving two separate channels 1 being low to mid gain and 2 being low to very high gain. It will also have a valve driven FX loop with blend (this is my "Bob the Blender") which will be switchable pre and post the overdrive channels. There will be a tuner output and footswitch mute. All the switching functions will be controlled with a footswitch as well as front panel overrides. We are talking 5 or 6 valves here. The plan would be to add my valve compressor design in as well once I am happy with the design. The Guitar version will have a valve Tremolo instead of the compressor. So, would it be good to know if this is a useful set up and should I have 2 valve FX loops one pre and one post? What have I missed, what's nice to have and what's must have? Would an LED level meter be good? thanks in advance for your help Dave
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