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Everything posted by DHA

  1. [quote name='eddiehoffmann' timestamp='1494091609' post='3293229'] A more universal power sollution please! [/quote] They do run off a 9V negative center now, what do you mean by more universal?
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1494091411' post='3293225'] I`d like to see a pedal that ran on batteries and didn`t need an external PSU. [/quote] Might not run for very long, that's the problem. Maybe a couple of PP3's in parallel, I will do an experiment. thanks
  3. I am going to launch a new range of pedals and hoping for your help in what is it you like and dislike in my designs. The new range will be silk-screened so won't have the custom hand writing that I know some of you hate! Will still do the custom range as well but may cut back on the number of models. The idea will be to make more standard production versions that I will also sell in shops. My best seller is the VT1-EQ-Di-Bass Mk2 so thinking the first version with silk-screen writing will be based on this but are there features you guys want like wet/dry blend, etc. Do you like the headphone amp or is it a waste of time? Is the colour feature useful? Is there another model that people would like in this new format?
  4. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1473526969' post='3131028'] 12AX7 / ECC83 tubes for preamps They're all much of a muchness aren't they? It's all snake oil, isn't it? Do they really sound different? Does a Sovtek 12AX7WA really sound different to a Sovtek 12AX7WC or a Philips 12AX7WA or a Mullard ECC83/5751 or a EHX 12AX7 ??? What are the differences? What do you pay a premium for - other than NOS original valves from the 60s/70s? Is there really any discernible difference when used in a DHA preamp pedal with a bass? Discuss [/quote] I would recommend nos valves in my pedals if you can find them. They do sound better then new valves but you pay the price. I fit the a very nice valve as stock that offers good tone at a good price. Dave
  5. [quote name='DHA' timestamp='1459619287' post='3018153'] I have two prototype VT1-EQ-DI-Bass MK2's for sale, they are left over from when I was working on the new design. They have the odd hole in the wrong place which I will plug and the PCB layout is not the same but they are but fully worked and have the same tone and features of the current models. [url="http://davehallamps.co.uk/page53a.html"]http://davehallamps.co.uk/page53a.html[/url] - Price includes power supply and UK postage and the normal one year guarantee. These are normally £169.99 plus P&P and are my best selling pedal. - Looking for £140 each. Both in mint condition. [/quote] Just the one left now
  6. [quote name='Bass Fumbler' timestamp='1462290201' post='3041813'] Hi Dave, I don't know if there's a problem with the messaging service, I've sent two messages but heard nothing back. If you could message your details, I can then arrange payment. Thanks Andy [/quote] hi, have not seen any messages?? Oh well, try [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]
  7. Yes, both still available Dave
  8. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1459620698' post='3018166'] Dave - some advice sought..... as you know I bought one of your VT1-EQ-DI-Bass MK2s in February....the raspberry youghurt coloured one.... I'm already on my 3rd tube! It is vulnerable to breaking as it sticks out the side of the pedal. I have added some rudimentary protection for it fabricated from a kitchen scourer but do you have any advice for how to transport this pedal in a pedal bag without breaking the tube? [/quote] How about a pedal board? Seems to be what most people do including myself. If not then bubble wrap?
  9. I have two prototype VT1-EQ-DI-Bass MK2's for sale, they are left over from when I was working on the new design. They have the odd hole in the wrong place which I will plug and the PCB layout is not the same but they are but fully worked and have the same tone and features of the current models. [url="http://davehallamps.co.uk/page53a.html"]http://davehallamps.co.uk/page53a.html[/url] - Price includes power supply and UK postage and the normal one year guarantee. These are normally £169.99 plus P&P and are my best selling pedal. - Looking for £140 each. Both in mint condition.
  10. Price £200 - I am selling an ex-demo a Vt2-twin-EQ-Std-Bass I made in January 2016 that is in mint condition - [url="http://davehallamps.co.uk/page37.html"]http://davehallamps.co.uk/page37.html[/url] - will come with power supply and price includes UK postage. normally they are £239 + P&P - will also have my normal one year guarantee
  11. I am selling an ex-demo a Vt2-twin-Bass I made in November 2015 that is in mint condition - [url="http://davehallamps.co.uk/page36.html"]http://davehallamps.co.uk/page36.html[/url] - will come with power supply and price includes UK postage. normally they are £169 + P&P - will also have my normal one year guarantee
  12. DHA

    DHA Vt1-Di-EQ-Bass MK2

    [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1443982026' post='2879200'] looks like mine might have been one of the first of these then: [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/greeb0uk/media/IMG_20150518_225519_zps8pd0ibux.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] it was one of two I made earlier in the year that pushed me into designing a new PCB with the headphone amp on it. two of the latest design have now gone out and making two more right now.
  13. DHA

    DHA Vt1-Di-EQ-Bass MK2

    [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1443723975' post='2877220'] Excellent news, please post back here and let us all know when they are up on the site [/quote] website done - VT1-EQ-Di-Bass MK2 is now available. This is the same spec as the old VT1-Eq-Di-Bass-Drive but in a much small box and the headphone amp is now a lot quieter. The one on the site is in the orginal colours but happy to do other coloured boxes as well with or without splash. I buy in these boxes already painted so I can offer blue, light gray (looks white), red, yellow, orange, green and purple.
  14. DHA

    DHA Vt1-Di-EQ-Bass MK2

    [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1443723975' post='2877220'] Excellent news, please post back here and let us all know when they are up on the site 😀 [/quote] will do, hopefully today
  15. DHA

    DHA Vt1-Di-EQ-Bass MK2

    [quote name='DHA' timestamp='1440591191' post='2852181'] a while back I stopped making the DHA VT1-EQ-Di-Bass, the one in the big box and with a headphone amp as it was replaced with DHA VT1-EQ-Di-Std-Bass which is the same but without the headphone amp and in a much smaller box. But people have been asking for the headphone amp which I dropped because it was noisy, so I have made a new headphone amp design that is much better and I managed to fit it into the new smaller box. I will be launching the new smaller DHA VT1-EQ-Di-Bass-Mk2 in the next few weeks. Watch this space... [/quote] shipped the first couple with the new pcb that has the headphone amp and line in on it. I will get it on the website soon.
  16. DHA

    DHA Vt1-Di-EQ-Bass MK2

    [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1440708740' post='2853256'] Honestly, if there was a VT2 EQ with the headphone and aux in option I'd be all over that!!!! Currently the VT1 EQ is my 'don't leave home without it' box. It's my recording tool and my home practice rig. Fecking marvellous thing, Dave Hall should be knighted! [/quote] I used to do a Vt2-Twin-eq with headphones and line in but the headphone noise was not great so I dropped it. But I have a new headphone design now that is much better, I will try it on a VT2 and if good I will bring out a version.
  17. a while back I stopped making the DHA VT1-EQ-Di-Bass, the one in the big box and with a headphone amp as it was replaced with DHA VT1-EQ-Di-Std-Bass which is the same but without the headphone amp and in a much smaller box. But people have been asking for the headphone amp which I dropped because it was noisy, so I have made a new headphone amp design that is much better and I managed to fit it into the new smaller box. I will be launching the new smaller DHA VT1-EQ-Di-Bass-Mk2 in the next few weeks. Watch this space...
  18. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1437738834' post='2828664'] Hello My DHA pedal has a terrible buzz when using the DI. It only affects the DI signal - the standard signal is fine. I have tried it with no signal going in, with different XLR cables, via a power strip or direct and the noise is still there. I do not have another 12v DC power unit to try, though. I think - [i]think[/i] - that this is a new development but I am unsure. I have used the DI many times before without there being a problem at rehearsals, but it is possible that the noise level was not high enough to have been a problem when playing in that environment or, even, that there was a noise gate in place that cut out the buzzing when not playing. Has anyone here experienced something similar? I am not overly keen on pointing the finger at the power supply as it works fine when not using the DI. The headphone out has always been noisy. Oddly, fiddling with the headphone volume (headphones not connected) affects the sound too. I'm starting to wonder whether this is a bit of a lemon! [/quote] Does the line out do the same thing? if so then is a power supply problem. If it just the Di that hums then I expect its a fault in the Di board or a damaged cable.
  19. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1432834064' post='2785480'] This. I've heard of similar models to mine being fried when sound engineers erroneously put phantom power through the wrong channel. The old SWRs really don't like it. Yet again, DHA saves the day. [/quote]i put a couple of protection diodes in my Di's so they can't be damaged if someone switches it on at the desk
  20. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1418304475' post='2628966'] Those probably aren't suitable for DHA 12v pedals though, I doubt they're rated to provide enough current so you might fry them! [/quote] My pedals run at 9-12VDC not 18V, 18 V would damage them
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364752068' post='2030427'] Thanks, Dave! How would you say the Mullard sounds in comparison to the EH? I'm after a big, round, meaty big and bouncy bass tone - clean(ish), but tending towards a nice organic crunch when pushed. [/quote]remember I am a guitarist!, but lower gain and more grunt, smoother if that makes sense
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364130972' post='2022170'] [b]Is it [i]really [/i]worth changing my 12AX7/ECC83 valve?[/b] I'm sure this has already been covered, so apologies for making you lose the will to live, but... As a valve noob, I humbly call on the BC valve-geek massive to answer me this basic question: Is it [i]really [/i]worth changing the 12AX7/ECC83 pre-amp valve in my DHA VT1 EQ? Having read various contradictory articles on t'interwebz, I'm now completely confused. Is it worth spending money on a vintage Mullard or Brimar? Are their modern equivalents any good? Should I stop agonising over piddling crap like this and simply practice the bass more? This modern valve claims to be as good as a vintage Mullard. Is it? [url="http://www.watfordvalves.com/product_detail.asp?id=1396"]http://www.watfordva...ail.asp?id=1396[/url] There is a 12AX7EH in there now, which I believe to be a Russian-made Electro-Harmonix jobbie. Should I leave well alone? Is it all just snake-oil like bass woods, gold cables and replacement bridges? Is the difference negligible, or will it actually be some kind of revelation - making me happy, fulfilled and sexually attractive to young women? Or is it a load of festering tummy-rubbish? [center][/center] I thank you! [/quote] You will go a long way before you beat a Mullard ECC83 or 82 IMHO. The EH12Ax7 i fit as standard is very good valve for the money but its hard to match the tone of great British NOS valve.
  23. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1357142780' post='1918047'] I use a separate supply for my VT1EQ. I [i]can[/i] run it daisy chained from my one spot (with an inverter), but that's only 9v. The only time I've had 'buzz' issues was with a digital pedal (EHX Freeze), so I used the 9v feed from a Boss TU3 and that sorted it; must be them magic buffers... I find that old style 'transformer' supplies are cleaner than newer 'switch mode' ones, but that's just me. [/quote] this is the problem I have seen before. Don't fully understand it but there seems to be a reaction between some digital pedals and soundcards and the Vt1's switchmode power supply or the Vt1's very wide bandwidth. Must be something to do with the digital sampling rate which is way outside of most pedals frequency range but valves have a huge bandwidth which I keep as wide as possible to keep the bass and treble response. Most of it you can't hear but these high and low frequency harmonics have an effect on the tones "fat" sound, just makes it sound richer. the good news is that it can be fixed either with buffers, moving pedals around a bit in the chain and/or power supplies. Dave
  24. [quote name='Ashwood1985' timestamp='1357118628' post='1917577'] Yeah it does have it's own supply, and it's fine sitting away from the board! It's when its sitting near or on the board with the other pedals powered with the 9v daisies that it misbehaves. [/quote] poor ground by the sounds of it, check your cables. failing that I have seen once before some digital pedals causing problems. Try adding a pedal at a time to the board and see if which one is to blame.
  25. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1357065289' post='1917075'] Have ordered in purple Thanks Dave! I'll stop hijacking this thread now! [/quote] many thanks I will get on with it Dave
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