Hi there,
just let me introduce myself...
My Name is Thomas, and I´m from Germany, living near Mönchengladbach. I´m 42 Years of Age, married and one Daughter..
Second Family is my/our Band AREA 41. We play Covermusic...Rock, Pop, Funk, Soul, Disco.... just everything we and the Audience like.
Currently I play my two Maruszczyk Instruments Custom Elwoods 4+5 String Basses [url="http://www.public-peace.de/"]Maruszczyk Instruments[/url] and a Squier Vintage Modified 70ies Jazz Bass as a Backup, wich is also a great Bass. Really a "Bang for the Buck" ...
I like my Gallien Krueger Amp and i use a little Aguilar Cab as a personal and additional Monitor, because in our Band, we all play and practice with In Ear Monitoring, so there´s no Need for big and heavy Stacks... I also use the Tec Amp "Pleasure Board" as a additional Bass Shaker...
That´s it. Keep it simple...
O.K thers another t.c.electronic Vintage Compressor and a Aphex Bass Xciter, but thats all...