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Everything posted by anzoid

  1. Nah, gone over what I would have been prepared to pay and @edstraker123 made a good point about hanging on to my EBMM Sterling anyway. If it had stayed around or under a grand I would have been mighty tempted at this point - so probably for the best it's gone way over
  2. Here's mine:MusicMan Sterling - according to EBMM it was completed on September 20th, 2013. And it's Pacific Blue Burst. Original scratchplate is black, but for me at least it was crying out for pearl white...
  3. Sounds good - I'm in
  4. @machinehead the carbon fibre extension is pretty impressive - is it something you made yourself, as in, at home, or was it outsourced? One thing I like about the Anygig straphook, and also the Steinberger Synapse hook is that you don't get a twist in the strip once you've put the strap on the hook because the end of the strap rest perpendicular to the hook (same as at the strap button at the other end). I'm wondering whether a combo of your extension and the Anygig/Steinberger type hook would be worth making...
  5. @Chiliwailer Very nice!! But very sorry to hear of your hassles with DV247. Glad they finally came good. My XT2 came from GAK (though they reduced the price about a week after I bought mine... grrrr) and seems OK so far though frets could do with a little bit of attention. The straphook I acquired from Anygig should also fold back like you've done on yours. It's shorter than the extension, very similar to the straphook on the Steinberger Syna[se but not quite as well made. When I get round to installing it I'll do some pictures...
  6. Impeccable construction, fanned frets were no real problem, lightweight and well balanced, looked very nice, but couldn't get a sound out of my ABZ4 that I liked. Maybe that was down to it being the passive version. Also found the slanted pickups left me nowehere comfortable to play - but that's mostly muscle memory I guess, I maybe would have persevered if I'd liked the sound. Try one though - you may like it... or not
  7. Nice with the black scratchplate rather than the stock white. Do the Custom Shop pickups make a big difference?
  8. Little bump to this topic... Something arrived in the post today courtesy of the folk at AnyGig:
  9. Yeah, that's kind of my suspicion - the Sterling is gorgeous, probably the nicest bass I have ever owned... and sound is, pretty much everything I've wanted from a bass. GAS is a harsh mistress
  10. Heh... now updated with a £160 shipping rate to UK and rest of the world. That's me out. Spoke too soon... collection still possible.
  11. Weird - because if you try and get a postage rate for the UK it still comes up collection only and doesn't give an amount. I wonder how much of that is eBay's systems being, well, rubbish
  12. Yeah, I'm contemplating whether a 220 mile roundtrip is worth the effort... that and the fact I'd probably have to sell my EBMM Sterling...
  13. Thread's over - we have a winner
  14. Started out as a £1,200 BIN and I was so so tempted (even if it means selling a bunch of stuff...) then someone bid and we'll see where it goes. Based on prices for Kubickis on here it might go for a decemt price, but looking at completed sales on eBay (of which there are only two anyway) it could be severly underpriced. I guess these are rare enough that it's difficult to judge the value. Plus they're kinda weird Looking at sound demo videos last night - all anyone seems to do is play slap on them
  15. Yeah, you'd think Hohner would have better records of their own instruments... maybe a new Hohner thread is in order to try and gather together everything known about B2s Jacks, B basses and all the rest. When I started out playing back around 89-90 I had a Westone Spectrum Series 2 in red, it was... a bass. A mate had a Hohner B Bass (black I think) and, wow, would have loved that bass but so far outside my price range at the time it was unbelievable. Got my first B2A in 95 from the classified ads in the back of the local paper. It was listed as simply a Hohner B2A, no other info, guess you had to know what that meant. He was asking £100 for it and, to be honest I was expecting a bit of a dog at that price - but it was immaculate. Seller was a semi-pro bassist retiring due to arthritis, he just wanted it to go to a good home. I like to think it did, had it as my only bass for nearly 15 years and it travelled a lot. Finally sold it to a friend who was just learning bass - one of my few regrets.
  16. Yeah, the B2 five-string is definietly worth a mention (and a picture). It doesn't feature in the PDF I linked, but I'm not convinced that everything is in there anyway - there's no mention of the B2A, though the B2A FL is in it... strange omission really. The Jack II is a very nice oddity, for which I have plans
  17. Not sure how rare this is - a newly acquired Hohner Jack Bass II. It's passive with a bolt-on neck and PJ pickups. I knew that Hohner did a bolt-on B2, but I've not seen one of these before. Don't think these are the original pickups, but they sound very good. Tone pot does absolutely nothing though For those interested in old Hohners - found this recently: https://www.hohner.de/fileadmin/documents/service/guitars/Gitarren_Hohner-HistoricalModels.pdf - the Jack Bass II didn't come out until 1991... whereas the (more common?) 4-string Jack Bass was in production from 88 to 93.
  18. That looks like it is in excellent, even amazing condition!! And all original too... nice. Just bought a Jack Bass II - passive, bolt-on PJ otherwise would be all over this. GLWTS.
  19. Looks really good
  20. @DarkHeart Did you paint the body yourself?
  21. Another option might be Anygig basses - https://www.anygigguitar.com/model/anygig/anygig-agb.html Full-scale, look to be pretty lightweight and cheap on eBay - around £200-220. It's got a piezo rather thahn "proper" pickups I've got a Steinberger XT2 and it's very transportable... and got an Anygig bass strap holder on its way to add to the Steinberger to make things a bit more comfortable.
  22. Drool worthy photos is cool as far as I'm concerned - not sure what the protocol is in Gear Porn threads Although this is a yellow bass thread any photos of your Factors would be welcome... I wonder if there's a Kubicki porn thread... So, now I'm going to have to track down an unknown person (Dutch apparently - - thanks @LeftyJ - way to make the GAS even worse :)) and see if they want to sell... or maybe not, got no money for a Factor anyway.
  23. It's rare that I get jealous of other people's basses - I'm generally pretty content with my collection - but this, oh wow... this is... yes please when you decide to sell it - which you never will
  24. Hi @Kev Jefferies and welcome to the forum! Sounds like an interesting mod as most other mods seem to go the other way - trying to extend the neck strap button out from the body. OK, time for the questions... Have you found moving the strap button to the new position has affected the balance at all? And does it make the strap tight as you've got more of loop going on due to the distance between the strap buttons? Do you have any photos of the mod plus "in use" on a strap - I don't think I would be the only one who would be interested to hear more about how it's working out and see what it all looks like
  25. Just sold a Markbass amp to Chewie - brilliant transaction. Time spent having a drink and chatting basses was time well spent. Great communications and everything - A+++ and all that stuff Thank you!!
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