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Everything posted by anzoid

  1. I'm on the verge of buying an Ibanez 5-string, had one to try out for a few days a couple of weeks ago and the neck fits... I found I really got on nicely with the 16.5mm string spacing at the bridge, 45mm nut, and slim neck profile. But... I'm wondering... how do Spector 5-string necks compare to Ibanez ones? I believe the Legend series (and Rebop?) have 16.5mm spacing at the bridge too, not sure what the nut is, but is the neck similar in profile to an Ibanez? There's no way I'm going to be able to try out a Spector anytime in the near future. Any thoughts welcome on quality comparisons between, say one of the new Ibanez SR875s (or the SRMS805 fan fret) and either a Legend 5 Classic (or Custom) or Rebop 5. Thanks!
  2. Looks lovely, but are the controls a bit closer to the edge of the body than on a "standard" jazz?
  3. Greek symbol and very light - what's not to like... I presume it's the Greek symbol for "Up yours"... or "Dis Dafuq"
  4. Then there's this one: Looks like she has a bass saw leaning up against the table!!!
  5. OK, that is just awesome... I think I want one, and the price has dropped to nearer £30. Still wonder why it ended up under "Bass Guitars" - way too high pitched
  6. Sold (and bought) a load of stuff over the last three years, my only regret (weirdly...) was the Cort C4H I sold. It wasn't the most expensive but the double MM style humbuckers just gave it an awesome tone. It was also really light and comfortable to play... so why did I sell it... no idea...
  7. Bought one of these last week from someone local to me - excellent bass, best fretless I've ever owned - the piezo pickup in the bridge is awesome. GLWTS!
  8. Really? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Feldmann-s-Singing-Saw-Musical-Instruments-Germany/362303083782 And it's in the bass section too...
  9. Seconding Stylon! Thanks Happy Jack. This kind of stuff is why I only play at home anymore... or maybe I'd be the one the other band members started a blog about... whatever
  10. Well done Yeah, saw there was no real mention in the description but the title is nicely confusing...
  11. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Vintage-Style-Bass-Guitar-Neck/332614379986 Um, yeah, don't think that's Fender, vintage or otherwise - though it probably is Vintage.
  12. Yeah, just going to go out and sand down the car... The refin I had done a couple of years ago was on a body I'd already striped down (not very well apparently...) and was done by Jack's Instruments Services in Manchester - was very pleased with the quality of the work done - then promptly sold the bass anyway as I realised it wasn't working out for me anyway Was a good lookin' bass though.
  13. So, worth about £450 realistically now... ouch - I recently got a quote from someone I've used before who did a very good refin for me and body only would be about £200, and as you say - some off for inconvenience like having to ship it for the refin, etc. etc. Amazing how a bit of sandpaper can kill the value of a bass.
  14. Some people really are stupid... isn't it worth far less than the £750 he's hoping for now??
  15. I bought this bass from the TheGreek a while back but realised it's not really for me (maybe I've just not found a fretless that works for me... but I'm beginning to think I'm just rubbish on fretless :D). Condition is as it came from Mick, only thing I've done is change the strings. I had someone look at the cracking round the fingerboard but the conclusion was it was very minor and a bit of glue would solve any issue - having said that, it still plays beautifully and seems stable and I've not had time (or inclination) to sort it out... Anyway, yeah, it's on Gumtree, local pickup only as I would prefer the buyer to look it over and be happy with what they're seeing. And the Hohner B2B is also mine - got to clear out some basses...
  16. You had me at "burpy bridge"... That's the kind of tone I'm looking for. "smooth mwah" sounds like it might be a bit too tame.
  17. Looking at getting a fretless (again). My current hit list is Ibanez Portamento SRF700 or something Spector. On the Spector front there's the Spectorcore with piezo and EMG HZ pickup or the Legend Classic with two SSD humbuckers. Both are lined fretless and have a 38mm nut, which is what I'm looking for in a 4-string. Not interested in 5-strings. So, any opinions on the Spectorcore compared with the Legend Classic? Pros and cons of either would be welcome - what you like and what you don't like
  18. I messaged the seller about this one as I was quite interested (note the "was") - apparently it is rather on the heavy side and a bit of research suggests that the body may be plywood. It's still up for £250 but I think that is possibly a bit overpriced. Also didn't like how the jack socket had been modified - if you wanted to put a normal P-bass scratchplate back on it you'd be left with some mess to sort out, shame really.
  19. Mick just sold me his SGC Nanyo fretless (finally :D), easy deal - good comms, arrived as promised in great packaging and is a truly lovely bass - and to p**s off the h8ers... it plays like buttah... nah, just kidding, but it is a very nice bass, practically plays itself.. Thanks Mick. I'll be after that 5-string next... hold me back!!
  20. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1509732646' post='3401317'] Adrian (Anzoid) if I ever think about getting rid of the fretless I'll send you a PM. [/quote] I'll be here waiting Don't take too long And I'm so tempted by this one too - the SB100 is my "go to" favourite bass since it joined the collection. Gigged it last Sunday night and it was magnificent. You just can't go wrong with these!
  21. Mick, you ever want to sell that fretless then I'll take it off your hands!!!! Would love this one too but [a] got no money for it and [b] I don't do fivers anymore
  22. [b]Best:[/b] Bass Collection SB100 (from TheGreek) - now sports a KiOgon loom and SD Quarter Pounders (P/J) and is an absolute monster that plays beautifully. [b]Worst:[/b] Steinberger Spirit XT-2 - absolute piece of junk with a bad paint job and poorly finished body and neck. Arrived one day, got shipped back (at my expense) the next day. The day after that I bought Paul S's Hohner B2B and I'm very happy with that.
  23. Line 6 G30 wireless in good condition. Missing metal belt clip but comes with Levy strap-mountable pouch. Receiver has velcro on it. Transmitter has been well looked after and the plastic door works properly (always a bit of a weak spot on these...). Will include a set of rechargeable batteries. The PSU isn't the Line 6 original but does the job fine. Will also include a decent cable to go between the transmitter and guitar - neutrik (I think...) connectors and good quality cable. £95 shipped - 2nd class signed for in the UK. Contact me for shipping abroad.
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