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Posts posted by anzoid

  1. ELO - Balance of Power. Their last album from 1986 (as a trio, Kelly Groucutt not on bass, which does kind of show) but is usually thought of as... not their best, but I play it regularly and love it to bits. There, I admitted it... feel better now. And I will be interested to see if there is anyone else on Basschat (or indeed in the rest of the world) who rates this particular album.

  2. First of two - recently bought a P-bass and a J-bass loom from John. Both arrived super quick but the P-bass one is still in the box because it's going into a Westfield and a little woodwork is required to get these nice chunky, quality pots to fit in the where the old cheap, nasty ones were (well, still are...), so that'll be my second review at some point.

    Anyway... the J-bass loom - I bought the one with the series/parallel mod pull-pot on the tone switch. Wiring in was easy even for a complete electrical numpty like me - followed the instructions (now there's a thing...) and had everything nicely installed in about 10 minutes flat (even that's probably a bit slow...).

    Plugged in, turned up and - bloddy hell it sounds good in my Squier CV Jazz. All the normal Jazz sounds but clearer and deeper, then with the pot pulled (oe-er)... I guess all i can say is you have to try it, not like anything I've had before - bassier, still got good top end and so smooth.

    Next up is a passive loom for my newly acquired Sandberg TM4 - ideas being discussed but no hesitation at all about going to John for this - absolutely confident that what ever he comes up with is going to do the job.

    Dealing with John is a pleasure as he's willing to chat about ideas and, more importantly knows what he's talking about and what he's doing.

  3. My two new additions: Sandberg TM4 (just about counts as a jazz 'cos you can switch the humbucker to single coil for Jazz goodness...) and a Squier CV Jazz in Inca Silver:

    [sharedmedia=core:attachments:235821] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:235822]
    [sharedmedia=core:attachments:235823] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:235824]

  4. [quote name='Rikki_Sixx' timestamp='1484304136' post='3214463']
    "Going for a look" in our design studio has become the byword for "definitely going to buy", haha!
    I think she kind of expected it to be honest... and was very sanguine about it's arrival - only comment was along the lines of "make sure it stays out of the way" and "ohh, nice colour".

    [quote name='Rikki_Sixx' timestamp='1484304136' post='3214463']
    Those are both stunners, I especially love the cream/tortoise-shell combo! Dying to get a tort pickguard for my VM 70's Jazz, phwoaaar... I've heard fantastic things about the whole CV series, she's a beauty too!
    I was initially going to buy a Fender Jazz fretless that was on the Bass Direct website, and then the Sandberg caught my eye. Normaly I wouldn't go for that combination of colour/pickguard, but it just looked right somehow. I had a longish chat on the phone with Mark at BD about the relative merits of the Sandberg over the Fender and he suggested that the humbucker would make for a more versatile bass - and he's right, compared to the Squier (which is a lovely bass) the Sandberg just has more range.

    But, to be honest, in terms of quality of construction... well there just doesn't appear to be a huge difference between them. The hardware on the Sandberg is touch nicer/better, the tuners slightly more stable - but otherwise fit and finish of both bases is superb. (Interesting to compare with the cheapo Westfield I recently picked up where you really can see a difference in the hardware and the finish.) On the CV I don't think I even need to consider pup replacements or anything - but I've not actually taken it out of the house yet, and the Sandberg has only had one outing so far.

    With regards to the Inca Silver - it's even better "in the flesh", not too flashy and goes well with the aged/tinted neck - the only bit I hesitated on was the gloss neck, but it's actually rather nice. I believe it's a relatively new colour - at least my local shop had only just got it in within the last month or two. Priot to that the only metallic CV-a-like was the James Johnston in LPB, which are no longer available I think.

  5. I have been very fortunate to be able to acquire two very nice basses recently, but only just been able to do the "photo or they don't exist thing".

    First up is a fretless Sandberg TM4 bought secondhand from Bass Direct after a discussion with Mark over the phone.
    Creme with tortoise-shell pickguard. Active/Passive with a toggle to switch between full on humbucker and single coil at the bridge.
    It's wearing roundwounds at the moment and is pretty sweet. Neck is satin and so comfy. Plenty of grunt from the humbucker but does a very good basic Jazz with the toggle flipped to single coil. Personally prefer it in passive to active so talking with KiOgon about a double VT loom.

    [attachment=235821:20170113-AJF_1740.jpg] [attachment=235822:20170113-AJF_1745.jpg]

    Second is a Squier CV Jazz in Inca Silver. Popped into a local music shop to have a look and ended up buying it... wife was a little surprised as I said I was only going to have a look... Sounds great, neck is wonderful and loving the matching headstock. Quality is really very good - not quite sure what I was expecting, but very pleased with what I got. KiOgon loom has already arrived and is due to be installed this weekend.

    [attachment=235823:20170113-AJF_1734.jpg] [attachment=235824:20170113-AJF_1735.jpg]

  6. A while after I first started out playing bass (so, late 80s) I bought a Yamaha RBX800AF in pearl white - a lined fretless. I didn't really understand what I'd bought and never really made much of a go of it. I was playing through crappy amps and really didn't know what I was doing and never got a sound that I liked so I sold it. But I've never forgotten this bass...

    I think I'd like to try and find another one (in pearl white even), but how do I go about finding one?

    I could put an ad in "Items Wanted" but I'm not committed to buying something - I kinda just want to know out if I can even find one of these in good condition (i.e. not totally dinged after nearly thirty years). I've never seen one of these come up on eBay (ha ha) and a search here turns up nothing.

    Any ideas? Or do I just need to live with nostalgia... my first bass was a Westone Spectrum Series II that I loved and one came up recently somewhere and I was like "Really, I used to play one of those?!? Ugh..."

  7. Had a look at this one when I was browsing Gumtree the other day - was quite interested until I saw the fourth photo in the set where there looks to be filler from chips to the fingerboard from, IMO, a not particularly great defret. Having previously bought (and sold on) a defret that had a similar looking fingerboard to this I decided to pass.

  8. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1482698892' post='3202266']
    Wishing you a merry GASmas!

    Yeah, saw that one and had to wipe the drool off the laptop screen. Bit out of my price range at the moment though, that and I just bought a Sandberg fretless jazz type thing and a Squier CV jazz... so, no money left :D

  9. [quote name='AutomaticWriting' timestamp='1481739761' post='3194767']
    Nah I didn't mean I want to take back their songs, that's cool, they own the lyrics etc but I meant I wouldn't allowed them to use all the production work I did (it was mainly an electronic song), so they'd once again be left with the original demo that they sent me.
    Yeah, think that's fair enough, unless they want to come to some (paid?) arrangement. They're the ones that did the bridge burning...

  10. Well, they obviously own the copyright in the lyrics, but as far as I know (and the internet seems to agree... :D) you can't copyright a chord progression - I suppose if you could 99.9999% of songwriters would be totally screwed. Now, if they wrote the melody then that would be copyright to them, if you wrote the melody, then that's yours (see the likes of the Tom Petty/Sam Smith - "Won't back down" [url="http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/sam-smith--tom-petty-settlement-20150126"]kerfuffle[/url]).

    Anyway, this is kind of armchair lawyering - chris_b is right that you wouldn't see much of a result from legal action, though if your Uni has a law department I think it would be worth going along for a chat with someone, if only to set you off in the right direction for future work. That can be a part of moving on - decide not to (as far as it depends on you) allow yourself to get dumped on again.

  11. AutomaticWriting - my post arrived at just about the same time as yours (at least it wasn't there when I started writing mine :D). In regards to your comment "I will copyright my recordings...". They are already copyrighted, the question is how the rights in the work are apportioned - writer, person who owns the recording, etc. You might might not be totally home and clear on total ownership but would, I think, own the copyright in the particular recording - as you say, meaning they can't use it without your permission. (I'm not a lawyer and don't play one on the internet but have done a lot of reading on copyright... if you feel the need to totally protect your rights, talk to a real IP/Copyright lawyer - the Uni might even have one or two kicking around who'd help, might as well start early in the business getting to know how to cover yourself legally.)
    And on a different note - singer doesn't sound like a friend, friends don't rant at friends doing them a favour. You definitely got some experience though... :(

  12. Personally, I'd have a think about what the agreements were that had been made as to the production work so that the artist doesn't just get to walk off with all your hard work. Did you have anything written down? Are you the equivalent of "work for hire" - i.e. you get paid and they get the work, nothing else? Are you a creative partner with some/any rights in the work?
    I think quit and move on is the right advice, being replaced as the bassist sucks, but don't get walked over with regards to the production work in the whole "leaving the band" process.

  13. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1480948120' post='3188280']
    I use a pair of AKG K240 MKII (open backed), which I've had for about 5 years now. I've gotten to know them very well, to the point that I'm slightly nervous about replacing them! And they do need replacing... they're literally falling to bits :unsure:
    Might be worth looking at the PreSonus HD7 cans (https://www.amazon.co.uk/PreSonus-HD7-Semi-Closed-Studio-Headphones/dp/B004ACQMUQ/) - I replaced my K240 MKIIs a while back because the mini-XLR jack went on them, the HD7s, whilst pretty cheap, are remarkably good and fit and feel is pretty similar to the AKGs. Sound is probably not 100% as good but definitely good enough. I use mine mainly for doing audio mixing for audio at work at the moment and they've been very good for that. And for £30 you can take a punt (and return 'em if you buy from Amazon) without too much worry.

  14. Richard responded to my "Gotoh 201 Bridge" wanted ad within about 10 minutes of it going up, deal was agreed and the bridge arrived this morning.
    Perfect condition, appears to be new in the box and will do the job more than nicely!
    Thank you!

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