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Posts posted by anzoid

  1. RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE - never looked at Schecter before but have now seen the Schecter Stiletto Stealth-5 and it looks rather tasty. Anything like the one you had?

    RJ87 - thanks for the offer on RD605, having looked on Google for what they look like... not bad but I'm not a fan of 4+1 headstocks - prefer a 3+2 configuration if possible. But will keep it in mind.

    Woodinblack - hmmm, not thought of those either... got some more research to do it seems :D

  2. Looking to buy a cheapish 5-string. Just been to try out one of the new Ibanez SR305E and spacing was way too tight for me (oh yeah, and Root Beer Metallic is more like Turd Metallic in the flesh...) In the past I've tried a Peavey Millenium (neck too slim front to back), a Yamaha RBX A5 - quite nice but didn't much like the tone and large body and an Aria 5-string fretless that was... best not mentioned. In the past also had an LTD B-155DX which I sold when I moved country and which is now out of my price range :(

    I'm looking at a Cort C5H but have heard that they're pretty similar to Ibanez (same factory?) - so, does anyone know the string spaing on the C5H (and the SR305 so I can compare). If anyone can answer the question as to why manufacturers don't put this somehwere obvious on their webstes, that would be a bonus :D

  3. Just to add - took the Synapse out yesterday and today... my shoulder hurts, which it hadn't since starting with the Radius... anecdote doesn't equal hard data but I did notice it today...
    I was up at Wunjo's a week or two ago and they had a Radius 4-string (the matte black one) but I didn't see the price... might be worth giving them a shout on a trade...

  4. Recently bought a WAV Radius 4-string from danweb22 here - I have back, neck and shoulder problems - and this bass is superb. Quite light but more importantly really well balanced and the lack of headstock means it doesn't pull so much on the shoulder. Can happily wear it for an hour or two without problems. I also have a Steinberger Synapse and that is good but not so comfortable as the Radius. The bi-radial design (curve front and back) of the Radius means the bass tucks in well (or hugs the gut...) and you hardly notice it's there. The sound is (IMO) better than the Synapse too - more traditional sounding and the piezo in the bridge is more controlled than on the Synapse. Sounds thunderous through my GK head into two Markbass cabs and had some very favourable comments.

    Overall, love it and have already sold one bass with another on the market because they're getting no love at all since the Radius arrived. Also considered selling the Synapse but can't quite bear to, but that thought was totally unthinkable pre-Radius... so, yeah, great bass. Buy one :D

    If you're ever down in Somerset and haven't bought one already, pop in and have a go :)

  5. Yeah, that's the problem, I have a trans-amber 4-string Synapse, a newly purchased NS Design Radius and a fairly recent ugrade to a Mark Bass rig and (should) consider myself GAS free - and still my first thought was... hmm, wonder how I could swing this one... nice price... could flip the amp... etc etc:D

  6. Should have said - do you have the original Steinberger Synapse gigbag or a generic? The Steinberger one is not too bad - a little tight but well padded and made from pretty tough material. If you've not got one of those might be worth trying to track one down - though no idea from where... :(

  7. Problem with the Synapse is it's just a bit longer than a regular Steinberger headless and/or Hohner stick type bass - been down this road looking for an SHC-101 and gave up because the only one I could find was in Australia and they wouldn't ship to the UK :)

    The chance of them coming back in at Thomaan is very slim - I asked and was told that they're discontinued now :( Thomann does do a generic type case for Hohner with a shaped insert - http://www.thomann.de/gb/thon_case_fuer_hohner_b2av_bass.htm - but it's pretty limit length wise for a Synapse unfortunately and you'd need to trim the insert anyway becasue the Synapse has a wider body.

    I looked into getting a custom case from these guys - http://www.flightcasewarehouse.co.uk - and was quoted £135 + VAT + shipping.

    Decided in the end to just stick with the gigbag and be a bit careful - not very helpful for you, sorry..

  8. Just bought this from Dan (danweb22) - NS Design Radius WAV.

    It's beautiful and plays so nicely. Mixing the piezo in the bridge with the EMG gives a wonderful growly sound. It's also my first red bass in more than 20 years :D

    I have a Steinberger Synapse and this feels like the natural evolution of that bass - the annoyances of the Synapse (odd jack socket placement, the weird hook, overly resonant piezo in the bridge and the fact I can't get strings that fit it anywhere...) have been ironed out. This is what the Synapse should have (and could have) been. Funnily enough it's also lighter than the Synapse despite having a normal(ish) sized body.


  9. Just bought an NS Designs Radius WAV from Dan and the whole transaction was absolutely painless - great communication and Dan got everything sorted for delivery exceptionally quickly (and then the courier's lorry broke down and Christmas happened :D - the wait was... interminable). Bass arrived really well packaged and exactly as described in great condition. Thank you Dan!

  10. Blur at the Town and Country Club in Leeds in June '94 - one of my first ever concerts and had been learning the bass line to "Girls and Boys". They were awful - Damon appeared to be drunk as a skunk, and no-one else could be bothered. Huge disappointment though I reckon I could have played "Girls and Boys" at least as well as Alex that night...

  11. Being a bit of a fan of Hohner Jack basses I've followed a few of these and there just seem to be a couple that keep coming round and round, over and over for silly prices. I wonder whether the seller just doesn't really want to sell. I moved on a pretty beat up Jack a couple of months ago and one that was on as a BIN at the same time has been relisted a few times - with the price going up. I did sell mine quite cheap though...

  12. I'm wondering whether he'll actually ship it at that price even if the final bid did happen to be legit given that he's wanted so much for it in the past.
    On the other hand, I also wonder whether we'll see it re-listed due to a time waster not paying up or similar... I can see someone getting cold feet on this particular purchase :)

  13. I'm looking at getting a Phil Jones C8 to replace a GK 210MBE. The GK cab is the bottom of the line but I've been quite happy with it for the stuff I do and it has been plenty loud enough. Only complaint with it is that it is a bit boomy when cranked up - I know I could add battens and wadding and stuff but DIY is not (at all) my strong point. Would the C8 be an upgrade worth having? Generally playing with a Steinberger Synapse 4-string these days and quite like hi-fi bass.

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