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Everything posted by anzoid

  1. OK, think I found the bass - it looks like it's a Joseph Kaye Guitars custom build - found a gallery on Facebook, so not sure if this link will work: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Josephkayeguitars-The-london-workshop-142235195836790/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1197588173634815&__tn__=-UC-R
  2. First two verses of "Wings of a Dove" was painful but the rest - very enjoyable, but spent most of the time trying to work out what brand the bass was - family wouldn't have appreciated me pausing the show for a better look...
  3. I've just acquired a couple of Ampeg SVT210AV cabs (pictures to follow, etc.) - running from the TC Electronic head in in my BG250-208 they sound pretty immense. I'm thinking I'd like to try out a new(ish) amp and the current options (both of which I can get for around £250) are an Ampeg PF-350 or and Orange Bass Terror (2nd-hand). From the little I've been able to find out about the PF-350 it's works quite nicely with a pair of SVT210AVs and sounds pretty good. For the OBT - apart from Happy Jack's re-valving thread from 2011 I've not seen a huge amount about these amps. Is there anything I should be wary of when buying (sight unseen, but from a shop) 2nd-hand? Any recommendations in the £250 bracket?
  4. You joke (perhaps...) but was in a guitar shop that had a secondhand Ray 34 in superb condition. Someone else was trying it out and it sounded rubbish through an MB CMD121P - weak and lacking. They put it back on the wall and left. I had a go and was unimpressed. Grabbed a sales person and asked if he would check the battery... lo and behold, it didn't even have one in it. He popped in a new one, I tried it out and it came home with me and was very pleased for the money I didn't actually keep it - neck was just a bit too chunky for me, but made some money on the sale (which is pretty much a first for me...).
  5. For anyone still following this thread... Would anybody be interested in a straphook for their XT-2, XT-25, Hohner B2A, etc.? I have the possibility of placing an order for some properly made and finished straphooks that will shift these basses into a more manageable position for those of us that don't have arms like orangutans. If there's interest I'll put in an order and put together some packages that would include the straphook, felt washers to go underneath and two screws in black of the right dimensions (the screw on the XT-2 I have wouldn't fit through the hole) and P&P. If you're interested, message me for more details. Would need about 10 people for this to be worthwhile - are there even that many of us who play these?? The metal is not as thick as the Steinberger straphooks, but looks to be about 1.5mm, gives slightly but seems solid enough. The finish is good. The pictures:
  6. Oooh, nice. Would need two brackets for the bottom strap buttons to keep everything balanced, but that's a rather neat system. Now just need to see if the missus will let me drill holes in the walls... I'm notorioulsy bad at DIY
  7. Any ideas for what I should do with this one?
  8. Oh yeah, there's also the IK Multimedia iRig 37 Mini (https://www.amazon.co.uk/IK-Multimedia-Keyboard-Controller-cable/dp/B015QUPU9Y) is pretty good too, not quite as nice as a Korg Microkey, but decent and you get some version or other of SampleTank 3, which if you install and register it will get you inundated with upgrade offers for the full version at reasonable prices. I love my iRig 37 - just wish they did it as a 49 key controller...
  9. If you're up for buying new the Nektar Impact LX49+ is rather nice. Good keys and a whole range of other controls. DAW integration is pretty good too. I had one for a while but moved it on only because it was too big for my desk. You can get 'em off Amazon for £114 at the moment: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Nektar-Impact-LX49-Controller-Integration/dp/B01HZWL64O If you've got limited space then you could get an AKAI Professional LPD8 (https://smile.amazon.co.uk/AKAI-Professional-LPD8-Portable-Controller/dp/B002M8EEW8) for drums and knobs and pair it with a Korg Microkey 37 (https://www.thomann.de/gb/korg_microkey_37_mkii.htm) or 49 https://www.thomann.de/gb/korg_microkey_49_mkii.htm. They're ridiculously good for the money, and same size keys as your MPK mini, but with a better feel. There's a 61 key version too, plus Bluetooth enabled versions...
  10. Not quite ready to sacrifice my Hohner Jack just yet And your Peavey is too nice to take a saw (or axe?) to either the headstock or the lower horn (cosmetic challenges or not)!
  11. You've got a project on your hands then - can you turn it headless, but do a better job?!? Now wondering why I thought it was based on a Hohner Jack (which is conclusively disproved) - I've even seen and played BreadBin's Peavey... - and very nice it is too
  12. What vintage is that then? Never seen a Peavey like that - gorgeous And still wonder why someone would do that to a Peavey 😮 What do you make of the (apparent?) gap behind the neck pickup, did the Dynabass ever come in some type of PJ config? (Which is possibly a dumb question given the obvious match between the pickups...)
  13. I'll shut up now!
  14. Now I'm not even sure the knobs are Hohner originals as looking at a close-up they look like they're missing the double grooves that go all the way round. What is this thing...
  15. Though on second look - the bottom of the body by the bridge is all wrong - it's "cut in" on a Jack to give the tuners some room. And the end of the neck is angled whereas on my Jack II B it's straight across. But that upper horn is very Jack-like. Photos I can find of Peavey Dynabasses have (it seems) chunkier upper horns - and also, why the hell would you mod a Dynabass with Hohner hardware??? Completely nuts.
  16. Modified Hohner Jack II B by the looks of the upper horn. I only think this because I've recently bought a Jack II B - it's a bolt-on neck rather than the usual neck-through. You can also see that behind the neck pickup there is a hole - that's because the Jack II B (normally) has a PJ set (on edit: presuming it was even a Jack at one point...). The knobs are definitely Hohner standard, though have been moved around and it looks as though it's active. The lower horn (which, for me at least visually balances the Jack, has been hacked off and, overall, it's a bit of a monstrosity. Also been re-finished as I'm pretty certain the Jack II B only came in white or black. Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole
  17. Looking through the brochures, flyers and bits & pieces here - http://statii.com/status_cats/ - though I can't find this bass anywhere... The S1 Classic only appears "headed", was a headless ever made? And there's nothing much on the S2 at that link anyway. In addition... there's a switch on this one that doesn;t appear on the S1 Classic. Hmmm...
  18. I reckon it's Tippex - the dots aren't very even... I'm so glad that I saw this as I've got this on my watch list and was seriously thinking of (maybe) making an offer thinking it was an S2. Interesting to see it's not... so, I almost fell for it and have thusly been saved from a potentially costly error.
  19. Yeah, you're not the first person to say keep the Jack original. I did buy it as a project but it's 80s slightly battered charm is growing on me. It does raise (at least for me...) a potentially interesting question as to whether we ought to preserve our rare(ish) basses simply because they're not being made any more, are in some cases hard or almost impossible to come by and have historical value (for certain values of both "historical" and "value"). Against that is "well it's mine and I'll do what I please" With the Jack one option would be a refin back to the original metallic ice white (it's gone creamy off white that is not totally unattractive, but not particularly nice). My only hesitation for that would be getting the correct "Hohner Jack II" printing done on the body. As it is it's actually a very good sounding bass, though could benefit from a pre-amp as the output is a bit weak. Maybe I should just look for an active Jack bass
  20. I nearly bought one of those Space PBs a year or so ago, but I messaged the seller to get an idea of the weight and he said it weighed a ton! Was a bit surprised, but he claimed it was plywood. Maybe should still have taken a punt on it... though thinking of dismembering my Hohner Jack II (bolt on neck) to make something similar...
  21. Frome £500, the answer is... it varies. If you go the full eBay route + PayPal payment then it's 10% on the final price, then PayPal fees are 20p + 3.4% - so you'll end up with 500 - 50 - 17 -0.2 = £432.80. If you included shipping for free in that then you're also out the cost of shipping - another £20 or so (at least). If shipping is extra then you still get charged 10% + PayPal fees on that money too. If you decide to go the cash on collection route then you just pay the eBay fees - so £450 in your pocket, but you have to deal with the prats who insist on paying by PayPal anyway (refunds, multiple emails, hassle ). Sometimes, if you're lucky and eBay deems you worthy you'll get a "Sell anything for £1" offer - that's the moment to sell a high ticket item as you only pay - you guessed it - £1 (+ PayPal fees I think...). So you're down £18.20 on your £500. I've more or less given up on eBay for selling because it's mostly been too much of a hassle, but that's been because of buyers more than "the system". Though probably will use it again... Had reasonable success moving stuff on here but haven't needed to sell anything of late anyway. I tend to buy secondhand through shops where I can find what I want as although you might pay a bit more, the experience (with the right retailer) is 100x better.
  22. Good job I don't have that sort of money - blue with maple would be my bass kryptonite (that and yellow...)
  23. Truly gobsmacked... now we wait for it to be relisted after the buyer realises that the price was completely over the odds...
  24. @BCH that Overwater is gorgeous 🤩
  25. Reckon it might top out around £1500...
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