Hello Everyone,
My name is Tomas, I`m from Bangor in N. Ireland and originally come from Poland.
In the past played some blues/rock music mainly gigs in local pubs. After years Im heading to Jazz all because of Mr V. Wooten, my mentor... hero... ect.
After years of playing roots, thirds and fifths I'm trying to extend it to other degrees and read music from sheets...
Its a bit hard as I do have wife and two small lovely kids, but I do not give up!
I owe GMR Bassforce IV (hand crafted) Recently this guitar been touched by great Ernie McMillen and has dressed frets plus new side inlays (what a job done!) I have it for over 7 years now.
I hope I`ll fit here somehow and learn something as my life motto is - If You spend a day and haven't learnt anything Your day has been wasted! - excuse my English, still easier to remember new scale than a new word or grammar rule...