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Everything posted by zvirus

  1. Small village pub in south-west Poland (Im from Poland), we play Dire Straits - Money For Nothing. A local drunk guy approaching me and whispering into my ear: "Are You playing or F*******g about? Well, everybody's got different taste I'd say.....
  2. Thanks very much! More than enough but..... looks like I have to throw a coin I've had Squier Jazz 70 and I was very very surprised when connected to my Hartke Amp - sounded better than my handmade GMR with active MECs... I'm also low string action lower but same time play hard when required. I`d only accept 3mm and below on 12th fret. Which one of them will allow me to have low string action?
  3. Hello Everyone, Having troubles to make decision. Im after a bass which will fit any kind of music lets say more in a studio... Im focused on jazz but as said will be happy to play other kind of music as well For money I have I can buy: Fender SQ Vint. Mod. Jazz Bass 77 + Set of Fender CS60 Jazz Bass Pickups all for about £340 including shipping. or Yamaha TRBX504 which is an active/passive bass, good looking and I guess - versatile. It will cost me £335 with shipping. Thanks in advance for any tips
  4. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1405764358' post='2505017'] The height above the board is not the thing to focus on in fret dressing. What you need to determine is whether line described by the tops of the frets is straight. A good way to do this is to find a short straight edge which spans just a few frets, lay it across the tops of the frets (along the length of the neck) and see if it either rocks or has any visible gaps. [/quote] I did this with the long steel ruler and they are not same level.... > edited - i have found my ruler is not straight After trying everything here it is what I have: Buzz on a random strings and random frets like D string frets 2-7. The only solution which works is lifting up the strings up to 4mm on 24st fret which is an action which nobody will accept. I have played basses with action like 2mm on the last fret and there was no buzz. There is no buzz on frets 8-24 and as mentioned above those were not touched... Later on: After messing around I have managed to get low as 3mm over 24st fret and there is no buzz. Bowed the neck more + removed shim under the neck... It looks like this was just a matter of proper setup.... again...
  5. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1405763877' post='2505012'] The bass has received two fret dressings by the same person and there's still an issue? I think you need to find a new luthier. [/quote] I want to know what "fret dressing" means in plain English as still unsure. As said need to know if I'm fooled or not. My father used to say "need to good job to be done? - do it yourself!" and maybe he was right... Im not going to spend another £50-70 for new dressing. Im going to spend it on tools... its crazy but this is what Ill do.
  6. Hello, I just want to establish if Im a fool or maybe Im not. Ive got GMR 4 string bass custom made. I had some great wear on the 1st fret so decided to go to the luthier. He honestly admitted there is no need to refret whole neck just needs some dressing. After 24h I have received my bass and sadly spotted a lot of buzz on A string fret 2nd and 3d, took my caliper and found kind a interesting thing... 1st fret 1.24mm height 2nd fret 1.04mm height 3d fret 1.08mm 4th fret 1.12mm 5th fret 1.26mm until 24 all around 1.26mm My caliper has 0.02mm accuracy and I`d say we talk about +- 0.04-0.06mm error while measuring. Took it back to my luthier and after a week I found.... same situation the only difference is first 7 frets are lower than the rest of them so still can not set the string action low as I wish and Im very very frustrated. You can see even by an eye that first few frets are LOWER. Anyone can tell me what kind of dressing is this? I expected ALL frets filed to the SAME level from the 1st to the 24th It looks like I have to sort it out on my own... I'm quite disappointed. Any advice?
  7. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1404488661' post='2493161'] Congrats man, I had one of those and it was ace! Wish I still had it actually. A great place to start your fretless journey, and not a moment of it will be a waste of time if you're having fun Enjoy! [/quote] I hope I`ll enjoy ... BTW it costed me just £207 with shipping for brand new one....
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1404414836' post='2492500'] I've got two Overwaters (Tanglewood ones), a classic J and contemporary J and a Yamaha TRBX 504. So whilst they're a range above what you're looking at I can compare these for you. In my opinon, the Overwaters have the better sound and good playability but are heavy with only decent build quality. The Yamaha is superbly built, flawless in fact, is ultra-easy to play and is really light but lacks that lovely sound that the Overwaters have. It doesn't sound nice and special and doesn't cut through as well as the Overwaters do. I gig the Yamaha and record with the Overwaters. But see if you can find a proper fretless first. That way you can try it out and won't have an unpleasant surprise if the conversion takes away some of the mojo of the bass. [/quote] My fretted GMR weights 8 or 9 kilos (18 pounds) and You can feel it after just an hour of practicing! But..... the sounds it makes... I llove it. Thanks for the comparison!
  9. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1404392679' post='2492229'] rather than buy a bass at 200 and spend 100 quid on converting to a fretless... why not just buy a fretless? i'm sure you could get some decent options for under 300 if you look around [/quote] Hello Everyone, Made up my mind and went for.... VINTAGE V74MRJP FRETLESS... Its on its way to me now... Many people claiming its far better bass than F Squier VM Fretless , buying Squier I leave the shop and just lost £100 in value(!) After all Its just beggining of my journey with the fretless and I do not need Fancy Big name on my bass`s head ? I agree now, converting will be lot of hassles and a week or two wasted in my life its a lot as Im almost 40 yo. Thank You all for participating!
  10. Hi, Could You give me some advice please. I would like to buy a bass under £200 and convert it into fretless and have two basses in my mind: Yamaha TRBX 174 and Overwater Aspiration Standard Pearl White 4 stings Active Bass Both same price range. Converting will cost me around £100 What shall i do? My local luthier said go for Yamaha... but fell in love with Overwater`s sound.
  11. zvirus


    Thank You everybody !
  12. zvirus


    Hello Everyone, My name is Tomas, I`m from Bangor in N. Ireland and originally come from Poland. In the past played some blues/rock music mainly gigs in local pubs. After years Im heading to Jazz all because of Mr V. Wooten, my mentor... hero... ect. After years of playing roots, thirds and fifths I'm trying to extend it to other degrees and read music from sheets... Its a bit hard as I do have wife and two small lovely kids, but I do not give up! I owe GMR Bassforce IV (hand crafted) Recently this guitar been touched by great Ernie McMillen and has dressed frets plus new side inlays (what a job done!) I have it for over 7 years now. I hope I`ll fit here somehow and learn something as my life motto is - If You spend a day and haven't learnt anything Your day has been wasted! - excuse my English, still easier to remember new scale than a new word or grammar rule...
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