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David Taylor

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About David Taylor

  • Birthday 29/04/1978

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  1. Apologies for the delay in getting back on this. Things got a little hectic this week as i ended up in hospital, and when i got home earlier today i found my place had been burgled. I'm not really physically or mentaly in a possition to do anything on this at the minute, however i will get back on it once im not puking my guts up every 5mins cause of meds I've talked to a few places, including the Ley Arms mentioned above, but so far they all seem to be a little on the expensive side, unless we get the numbers to help spread the cost a bit
  2. No idea it hasn't arrived yet was supposed to arrive today but it didn't. I'll post a sort of review about it once it arrives
  3. I'm gonna look into this a bit more. Was chating with a mate and they recomended i ask my church, since they have a lot of PA gear there we could use already, and would be next to free. Had a couple of PM's about this as well, and it's gotten a bit bigger than what i was thinking, but in a good way, so i'm gonna spend the next week or so looking into things. I'll post my ideas when i have them Location wise, for me is vitally important since i'm gonna be on public transport, which is why i was considering exeter and taunton. Both are readily accessible (to me personally) and won't break the bank getting to. I've been give a few other places to consider as well and will look at those as well. Just as an off thought of transport, would peeople who are thinking of coming to this and drive be willing to car pool if the people picked up chip in on the petrol costs? I think that would be cheaper all round for both the driver and those relying on public transport?
  4. Well, i think Exeter seems to be the location of choice over the weekend i'll do a bit of looking around and see if i can find a pub or something with a room we can rent. Meet up location i think should be somewhere easily found and easy to get to, so how about Mansons Guitar Shop?
  5. fixed it!!
  6. So i've been looking around for a few it's and bobs that i need for my bass, and i found myself looking over the bass guitars again and again. Then just this morning my new credit card arrived, and i was thinking of getting my amp, but instead i ended up buying this little beauty http://www.thomann.de/gb/traveler_guitars_escape_mkii_bass_lh.htm I need to see a doctor about this bass bug!! heheh I was looking at some of the others in that series of bass but this was the only one that they did left handed. Really awesome looking guitar, can't way to try it out!
  7. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1406222196' post='2509523'] If you need some tips send me a PM... [/quote] I wont deny that as an ulterior motive Mostly i just wanted to meet up with a load of like minded people who share a similar passion of mine!! What sort of location would be best, pub, meeting room?
  8. Would anyone be interested in a South West meet up? I'm thinking of either Taunton or Exeter as the location. Since i'm new to bass i figured this would be a good way to meet other guy/gals who like Bass, get some advice, and show of my baby!! And then of course get an inferiority complex cause everyone would be so much better than me If there's enough interest i'll look into locations and make a post in the events section with a poll for locations Dave
  9. Thanks a lot for all the advice guys, i went ahead and picked up [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/hartke_2500_bass_head_bundle_3.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ad_bundle_3.htm[/url] since it was so damn cheap, and the reviews i found online were pretty much all glowing. I did swap out the cable for a better quality one, went for a Planet Waves one, which is what i use for my bass.http://www.thomann.de/gb/planet_waves_pws05.htm More expensive, but it really only bumped the cost a few quid so i came out all right in the end. Now just gotta wait for postie to bring me my new babies and then my neighbours will regret me moving in
  10. lol you just broke my heart >.< im actually finding it rather hard hehe. But then i don't have very flexible fingers, so i'm working on them Noobs UNITE!! hehe
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1404997900' post='2497697'] A combo is fine for £100 or less but for the prices in your links there's no way I'd buy a combo! Look at the thomann site you can get either a GK mb200 or a tc bh250 for £236 those are amps people on this site will be gigging with tonight! A brand new hartke 2x10 speaker can be had for £102 pounds, if you buy them together postage is free! For £340 inc postage they do a hartke 2500 amp, a hartke 4x10 cab and a speaker lead, that's gig ready for bedroom combo money IMO [/quote] This is why i joined this forum As a total noob i tend to go on what everyone else tells me lol. I was told to get a combo for ease of transport and just ease of using. But have to admit from what i've read on the Hartke 2500 sounds like it's more than adequate lol, for a lot cheaper
  12. So i got my first lesson booked, £24 for an hour and the guy is literally right round the cornor from me (and i do mean the next street over lol) Which means he's gonna be seeing a LOT of me by accident hehe I also picked up Rocksmith 2014, from what i've read it seems like a good way to get a 'jamming' feel while playing solo, and when combined with a good teacher it apparently makes for a kick ass learning game. Guess we'll see lol
  13. i never actually thought of it that way >.< cheers! Back to the drawing board lol
  14. Ahhh cheers for the clarification! These are the ones on my list to look at when i go to bristol next: Ashdown Five Fifteen Mini Rig (£359): http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/ashdown-five-fifteen-mini-rig.html Roland Cube 120XL (£459): http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/roland-cube-120xl-bass-guitar-amplifier.html BC Electronic BG250=115 mkII (£329): http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/tc-electronic-bg250-115-mkii-bass-guitar-amplifier-combo.html
  15. [quote name='ricksterphil' timestamp='1404972876' post='2497360'] 1 word Roland 100w Bass Cube (ok 4 words) So well built and reliable and easy to sell when you upgrade If you're not in a rush, 1 will come up on ebay in the right condition and delivered. You should be able to get a decent secondhand one for £100 - £140 and you'll get that back when you sell it. If you do end up buying new, haggle the price down - they'll knock 10-15% off almost just by asking Good luck [/quote] I've actually been seriously looking at the Roland, i like the looks of the them and the fact they seem to be easily portable. I'll probably buy new, but thats cause i know i'll get a good price. My mates going back to PMT at the end of the month to pick up his new guitar and few other bits, he's spending like £3k on a single guitar o.O so if i buy my amp on his ticket i'll get a good discount, Thats what happened with my Bass, was on sale for 249, i bought it when he bought one so i got mine reduced to £200 and they GAVE me the official Hofner hard case for free. So i was well chuffed with that considering the case was going to be another 89£ [quote name='thebassman' timestamp='1404909993' post='2496871'] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Yeah, agree about the class D suggestion.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]My shuttlemax 9.2 has a headphone out and Aux in for cd or mp3 players, great for home practicing too.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Cheers[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]thebassman [/color][/size][/font] [/quote] Little confused on this one, if i got one of those do i need to get a seperate set of speakers for them? As in it's not a combo? Holy hell, no way i can afford those!! £1078 thats way out of range lol http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Genz_Benz_Max_9.html
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