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Everything posted by DiceSociety

  1. Sounds good! Over the years I've had demos which we paid for which have sounded a lot worse! One of the drawbacks with home recording is that it's never really finished as you can fiddle with things for ever and it still won't be perfect; you know the songs and the your own bass lines so intimately that the slightest thing can become annoying, and there's always something you would prefer to be different. My advice would be keep in mind what the recording is for, and learn from it for next time if there's something that grates for you. Re fret buzz, don't worry about it. Check this link and skip to 2:11, didn't do them any harm! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fPYyoY49Bc
  2. *** Now SOLD *** Thanks everyone for your interest.
  3. [b]****** Possibly SOLD pending the usual **[/b]*** Will update when confirmed either way. cheers
  4. [quote name='bigthumb' timestamp='1432059002' post='2777718'] What a stunner! You must have bought this at around the same time that I bought my first Stingray from Musical Exchanges. Great shop and happy days! [/quote] Absolutely, great shop. I had always wanted one without really knowing a lot about them. Have been very happy with it and it has always served me proud for both live and studio work. When you say 'first' stingray, how many have you had??
  5. Photo of date stamp (hopefully now attached), sorry I'm a numpty and missed it off previously...
  6. [b]Musicman Stingray 1983 (Pre Ernie Ball) - For sale[/b] [b]Price:£900.00*[/b] [b]* Or make me an offer![/b] This is a great bass which I've for approximately 18 years, having bought it second hand from Music Exchange in Birmingham. The reason for sale is, apart from needing the cash, it just isn't been used since I bought a Jazz bass a couple of years ago. This bass sounds great so it's a shame for it not to be used. Being over 30 years old, and used a lot, it has acquired a number of dings and scuffs (or Mojo as we like to say on BC), but nothing that affects playability. I've tried to show these on the pics, but if you need some more, please give me shout. This has been ultra reliable, and is a quality bass, and when not being used has always been kept in a quality Hiscox hard case which is included in the sale. Musicman Stingray (1983) Body: Ash Neck: Maple 2 BGand EQ 4 bolt on neck Finish: Natural Hiscox hard case The neck is fantastic, straight and fits snugly in the neck pocket, as you would hope. I'll be honest, the bass is unfortunately missing the battery cover which was accidentally thrown out by an over zealous ex-girlfriend (ultimately I suppose it's my own fault for temporarily removing it). Any questions, please let me know. I'll also try and get some more pics up shortly. Collection always good (Shrewsbury), otherwise I can arrange a courier. Anyway, feel free to make me an offer! Many thanks for reading.
  7. Many thanks!!!
  8. Hi! I know this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find anything using the search option; basically I just want to sell a bass but not sure how to attach photos's. Sorry for being a pain. I did just try a drag and drop approach and it all went a bit pear shaped. Apologies... Thanks
  9. I'm sure some more will come to me throughout the day, but for starters: Def Leppard, Prefab Sprout....
  10. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1430918701' post='2765924'] Thank you, I think that has been the clearest example to me about playing around the beat. I think I have known about this without realising it, or knowing what I was doing. I feel like I have had an epiphany! [/quote] Glad to be of some sort of help. I know what you mean though, I think it's something most people do instinctively without being aware of it, depending on the feel of the song. I remember when I first started playing bass, I was in a rock band, and I would try to make the songs sound exciting, and without realising at the time, I was playing a smidge ahead of the beat. Probably something not to get too bogged down with IMO.
  11. This link of john paul jones talking about, and demonstrating playing ahead of, and behind the beat is quite interesting I think. Skip to 11:50 on the link. Picture quality is pretty poor though, and it's a shame that his bass isn't plugged in. Oh well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaa1axJ63Qg
  12. Cool, thanks for that, glad that's sorted out. For a moment there I thought I might get something unhelpful and sarcastic.
  13. I was changing strings on a 2013 jazz bass recently, and the bottom part of the machine head literally dropped out. These are easy to put back, but not having a specific spanner or tool for the job. could only tighten them 'finger tight'. This might be enough, as there don't seem to be any problems, and I understand that over-tightening could be detrimental, but wondered what everyone else used to tighten them? For reference, the machine heads aren't screwed into the headstock, and it's the nut on the top (as opposed to the cog on the rear) that I'm concerned about. Hope that makes sense! Cheers
  14. I like this one from Bootsy, one of the filthiest, and wet sounding bass tones out there. Probably. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH41GWzUr8M
  15. The Trots
  16. I'm not claiming to be an expert, but I bought an American standard jazz bass last year, and I have to say that I'm very happy with it. Build quality seems very good (I admit I'm no expert though), the neck pocket could not be more flush, plays exceptionally well, etc. Yes there are probably better quality bespoke instruments available if you have the cash to spend, but for me, when choosing an instrument, my primary concern is the sound it makes. And what a sound! IMO Fender basses have that classic sound synonymous with countless classic albums (especially with CS 60's pick-ups they now come with), and watching a live band, or an episode of Jools Holland shows that the majority of players are still choosing Fenders, and I think there's a reason for that. Just saying. As a GB Streamliner owner, I'm not overly impressed by their aggressive take over antics though.
  17. Hi! I do a lot of home recording, and after being given an old quarter inch reel to reel machine, have had some good results with it. Although it can be a bit of a faff compared to digital. What I've done on some occasions is record the track digitally and then bounce down some of the instruments onto tape, and then re-record it back into the DAW for mixing and mastering. Personally, I've found that bass and drums sound great using this method as it does seems to add some depth and subtle compression (depending how you do it of course!), but have had less success on guitars and vocals. Alternatively, some of the tape emulation plug ins are pretty good these days such as the Waves Eddie Kramer. Nice to have the option to experiment, depending on the situation anyway.
  18. Hi, If you were to sell it, how much would you want for the Chapman stick? Ta
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