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Everything posted by Samfordia

  1. I am currently around two months away from going into a rehearsal room with a drummer and guitarist/vocalist. For the past two weeks I have been experimenting with effects and trying to find a sound that I feel will work best with the music I will be a part of. Looking around online and on this very forum I have been left confused as to what order I should be positioning my pedals in. Most stuff I find elsewhere are more with the guitar in mind and I don't know if this makes a difference. There was lots of mention about putting the overdrive first and the DI box last but then last night I was reading through the booklet for the Sansamp Bass Driver and it advised putting it first in the chain. I have the following: Hartke Bass Attack Pre Amp SansAmp Bass Driver DI Boss DD-6 Digital Delay Electro Harmonix Clone Theory Boss ODB-3 OverDrive Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie Hella Fuzz Sovtek Green Russian Korg Pitchblack Tuner I assume that putting certain ones on the board at the same time would be pointless but that is the selection I currently have to choose from. If it is merely down to personal taste as to which order they should really be in I don't know, but I'm sure by posting this thread I'll learn a good few things regardless. True Bypass - Does this mean that it can be bypassed on the board if it isn't in use? I see it mentioned a lot but have never fully understood it. Is there anything obvious that I should think about adding that I have not already? And, I am somewhat confused by the Send and Return aspect. I have noticed that some people will have certain things on a board but then also other stuff in a chain using the Effects Send and Return sockets. What use does the Send and Return do compared with sticking everything on a board?
  2. I recently bought a pedal from Ed and I was left very happy indeed. A smooth transaction all round with good communication and a well packaged and prompt delivery.
  3. I live in a small apartment and this could be great for me. To be able to play my bass through it and to also connect my android and Chromebook to play music via bluetooth is something I'd find a lot of use in. Especially if you can play music and bass at the same time, and with headphones. To save on space I usually play my music by connecting my android and Chromebook to a Chromecast, but this could sit where my small practice amp sits and do both jobs. Assuming it sounded decent when tested I would happily buy it and use it every day. But at £424, and certainly not at £549.
  4. [color=#000000][font=open-sans, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]£469 including the wireless transmitter and £424 without the transmitter[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=open-sans, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]*If you just so happen to live in the US, and not in the same country as Ashdown[/size][/font][/color]
  5. BB1200 and a BBVII
  6. I have now picked this up from the luthiers after a set-up, fret dress, new strings and a new output jack. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bzm3H_H0A9A5eEZTNjFlQkdMTVk&usp=sharing Workers from the guitar shop next door had been ogling it as it was being worked on and when I picked it up I went in to try some amps. You know you have something great sounding on your hands when people are walking over and asking if they can have a whirl. I'm pretty sure I could have sold it for a huge profit there and then. They appear to be super rare because I can hardly find anything at all about them online.
  7. Okay, so that makes a lot of sense to me now. So really this amp won't be of too much use to me at home but it will come into it's own when I need to play with others. If you can't replicate your live sound through headphones and may also need an amp to be used at a high volume to get the best out of it then I clearly need either a practice amp or a Vox amplug. Having said that, I can get my hands on a Zoom B1, which will also allow me to use my pedals. Also, I assume it's normal for a combo like this to sound like an old PC when it's running? I was surprised when I first switched it on and expected it to stop after a warming up period but it never did.
  8. What I have is a combo. If it had a phones socket then I'd have no problem. I would like to actually use the amp and familiarise myself with all it can do and the sound I can get from it. At the same time I would like to use my pedals. It's highly possible I'm being a tad thick, though. (The amp does have the ability to connect a phone etc, so that's all okay)
  9. I probably didn't do very well in explaining myself in my initial post. Although most of it has now become clear after receiving an amp on loan and having a fiddle. On loan, I have an Ashdown MAG C115-300 EVO III. What I need is something that can sit in a pedal chain and work with the amp, as opposed to an alternative device that I can use solely with the bass. Also having the ability to connect something so I can play along to songs would be great too, such as phones or laptops etc. The only two things I would miss from my present amp (thanks Steve) is the ability to use headphones and to connect my chromebook to play along with tracks. It's difficult to make any noise whatsoever where I live. I can only turn the volume up on the amp a very small amount, the tiniest of smidgens, before plates rattle and neighbours come a knocking. Having a headphone option somewhere along the chain will enable me to become familiar with the amp and to experiment with the sound that I can get from it. Doing this will also mean that when I play with others or live I will be able to use the exact set-up that I practice with at home, minus whatever I get for my headphone problem, if it has no other use. The mixer suggestions sound closer to something I could use, but I'm not sure if they're a dead end and unable to join a chain. They can also take a phone/laptop etc. Sorry if I was vague initially, I was probably thinking out loud.
  10. That was actually my first thought. With the scenario I have in my head the Zoom would only be used for its headphone capabilities, whereas I was hoping to find something that I could uae for more than that.
  11. I very much need to use headphones for most of the time when playing at home. Although I live alone the apartment isn't too well suited for playing without them in terms of disturbing neighbours. I have a chance of buying a decent amp for cheap but there is no phones socket, and I'm unsure how I can get around this. Is there a pedal or a D.I. box I can use that will allow me to use headphones? Are there other options that I have available to me?
  12. Yep, I purchased I need to take it for a fret dress tomorrow and whilst there I'll get it set up with new strings also. It needs some attention with the jack socket as the sound was sometimes cutting out, but I haven't played it for too long as the strings are so worn and the bass so dirty that I might catch something! https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bzm3H_H0A9A5R0VKY2RHbmhBT3c&usp=sharing
  13. Darker knobs [url="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzm3H_H0A9A5cHp0Ums2UEVqSFRoVllWN1lUYzdXRmxxTkJv/view?usp=sharing"]https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzm3H_H0A9A5cHp0Ums2UEVqSFRoVllWN1lUYzdXRmxxTkJv/view?usp=sharing[/url]
  14. It only gets worse when you look at the state of the rug it's placed on.
  15. I have stumbled upon a BBVII in a dark corner of a second hand clothes shop. Looking online has given me little information other than being able to work out the build year (1982) and the scale length (34). It's pretty cheap and doesn't look in bad shape at all really. A fret dress and new strings and it'll be good to go. The problem is that I can't find much about it at all and I have no idea if they are well thought of or are known to be inadequate. I also have no idea how much is reasonable to pay. Anybody know of these at all? (Edit: It's a MIJ)
  16. A Peter Hook Yamaha sig would be of interest to me.
  17. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1415577590' post='2601745'] Cool. If it was me I'd change the knobs for something darker, but to each etc. These are fine basses, you won't be sorry you bought it [/quote] Are such things universal or do you have to find specific knobs per manufacturer?
  18. Fret dress, new nut and jack socket. [url="https://imageshack.com/a/fTmz/1"]https://imageshack.com/a/fTmz/1[/url] (Edit: And new strings!)
  19. [quote name='1970' timestamp='1414360461' post='2588677'] Hi, are you in a band and playing shows? [/quote] No, not even close. [quote name='indiegrungesound' timestamp='1414511785' post='2590052'] If you haven't got yourself sorted yet, I can heartily recommend the BH500. I've got one & it is a brilliant head! T C Electronic heads do have their detractors in here because the power output ratings of 500 watts are not totally accurate. For me though, the only problems with the BH500 is that you'll need a Speakon extension cable to connect to a cabinet & there's no FX loop. These are very minor problems though, as I-and plenty of others on here-think it's a loud & versatile amplifier. If you do get a 2x10"/1x12"/1x15" cab, make sure it has a link socket for a 2nd cab. [/quote] I spent a while looking through the TC range and was rather into it for a while. I eventually found a fair few negative reviews based on their reliability and actual output which put me off a little. Having said that, I'm sure there will be negative reviews for everything if you look hard enough.
  20. I've checked the pawn shops on Salford Precinct but haven't ventured down Eccles. Will have a nosey, thanks for the tip.
  21. £160 There seems to be lots of other options at £300+
  22. I've gone through lots of stages whilst looking into which amp to buy. I got to the point where I decided to buy a good quality practice amp and to then wait until I actually need something more further down the line where I may know more and also have even more funds. I thought that a good solid amp that will last me for a long time would be great for practicing with and perhaps jamming with a guitarist, and then when I get to the stage where I need something to gig with I could buy something more substantial. From this, I found that a lot of the most popular practice amps weren't necessarily much cheaper than other more powerful amps. I have read that Peavey make solid builds and I found one that seems to good to be true in many ways. It has some of the things I was looking for in a larger amp such as DI, mid, headphone socket and amp in. Plus, it's 300 watts, so quite possibly something that will be sufficient for quite some time. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Peavey-MAX115-MKII-Bass-Combo-Amplifier/U6S#"]http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Peavey-MAX115-MKII-Bass-Combo-Amplifier/U6S#[/url] I doubt I will find this in a shop to try, but I have found examples of it on YouTube. Is there something obvious that I am overlooking? Because it seems crazy cheap!
  23. Question: I'm still researching and taking in to account advice I have received. I have been looking at a few tonight and there is something I do not quite understand. There's an amp combo with a few different versions that are identical other than a difference in speakers. If they're all 250w then what is the difference between one having a 15" speaker and the other two having a 12" and then two 10" speakers? I assume that I don't quite understand what wattage means if I am confused by this. I've been reading wattage as a rating for how loud it will be. But if the wattage can be equal from a 15" speaker vs two 10", yet the latter costing more, then there's obviously something I am not quite getting. Educate me, please? (Edit: Also, what is a tweeter?)
  24. I need to learn how best to upload pics onto this forum. But in the meantime, here's some I took before anything was touched on it. https://imageshack.com/a/2Bhz/1
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