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Everything posted by SteveK

  1. It is pretty easy to get a basic understanding of chord theory: How chords are constructed; How chord sequences work; terminology etc. With (free) websites dedicated to this stuff, It's so easy to get the info these days... not like in my day😉, and it can be great fun, especially when you get the, "Aaah, now I get it!" moments, when the penny drops.
  2. You were ahead of me😆
  3. If we were talking Beatles dolls, your comment would be spot on😆
  4. Respect to you for taking, with good grace, the tongue in cheek (some might say "sarcastic") nature of my post✌️👍
  5. Ok, I'm confused by your confusion re: the meaning of worthy in this context, so... an example to help explain: Pete Plastic & the Chuckups, a pre-punk band from Hastings - not even a local, musical or cultural phenomenon. Not worthy of a biopic. The Beatles a rock n roll, pop, psychedelic etc band from Liverpool - a worldwide musical and cultural phenomenon. Worthy of a biopic. 😉
  6. Yeah, as I said in my original post - I think Mendes has got his work cut out if he's going to avoid repetition.
  7. Initially, I thought, "Oh dear!" when I first heard about it, then it occured to me that there hasn't been anything remotely like an official/endorsed biopic of the moptops. I usually avoid biopics - unfortunately, I couldn't avoid the Queen flick as my son was a fan. I like the music, but Jeez, I thought Bohemian Rhapsody was awful. If Queen and Elton are worthy of biopics, then surely, there's no question The Beatles are more than worthy.
  8. It's been announced that Sam Mendes will direct 4 Beatles biopics, each movie from the viewpoint of each Beatle. There are few details, other than Mendes has been granted full rights to the story and music. Expected release in 2027, with no aspect of their lives off limits. As a huge Beatles fan I will look forward to this. It will be interesting to see how Mendes deals with the issue of repetition, as the four of them were in the same Beatles bubble. How much Paul and Ringo will be involved in the film remains to be seen. Good to know that nothing (allegedly) will be out of bounds, so hopefully, it won't be a sanitised account.
  9. First off - I'm not really a believer in alternative medicines/therapies etc, but, whatever works... works! About 10 years ago I started to get niggly twinges in my fingers that were gradually getting worse. A bit of online research pointed to the start of Arthritis. Before going to the doctor I mentioned it to my sister-in-law, who is a nurse. She suggested trying Glucosamine Sulphate or Omega 3. I bought 1000mg bottles of both (1 each daily). After 2 or 3 months there was definite improvement. For the last 10 years my fingers have been pain free. However, a couple of years ago, thinking that I was possibly wasting my money, I lapsed with the supplements - the twinges slowly returned. Needless to say, I was straight back to Holland and Barrett's. I'm now once again pain free. It may well all be in my head, but, if it works, it works.
  10. Are you a flat-Earther, perchance?
  11. Without seeing exactly what you're doing, it's difficult to advise. Are you sure that your hand and fingers are in an appropriate position, and that you're plucking the string correctly? This is where a good teacher would sort you out in no time. I'm sure there are plenty of Youtube clips that will demonstrate good positioning and technique. If you're confident that's not where the problem is, I would advise starting with a simple 1 octave Major scale across 3 strings to start with. I would strongly recommend the use of a metronome, there are many free in the app store. Start at a tempo that you can play the scale, or any cross string exercise, easily and accurately, then move the tempo up a notch or two. I guarantee that, after a few days, you'll see significant improvement. I can't stress enough the importance of using a metronome - not just for accurate timing, but also for motivation: You'll feel you're actually achieving something when you can monitor your improvement. Stick at it - it's worth the effort! Edit: I should add - Don't only focus on the stuff that you struggle with, that frustrates you - do something that you enjoy: your favorite simple riffs, tunes, or just making a racket. It's not only about scales, exercises and hard work - You've got to have some fun too😉.
  12. I have 2 TC RH750 amps. I've owned Ampeg, Trace Elliot, Hartke and virtually every other "name" bass head out there. The RH750 is, by far, the best I've used. Strange that, alongside the RH450, it has been discontinued.
  13. Love the 2023 mix of Revolution. It seems to have more energy. The fuzzy guitars have more definition, and make you realise how good the guitar parts are. I Am the Walrus 2023 I mostly like, but as was said earlier, not so keen on the radio in the fade. Even on the original I disliked when the radio takes over, it's even more obvious now 😐
  14. First a disclaimer: I'm not an accountant. I assume you're on PAYE, so that may complicate things. I can only tell tell you how it works for me. I've toured Europe on an almost weekly basis for the last 30 odd years. You will/should have to pay tax on your tour earnings. Is the US artist paying you? If so, then you should declare it to HMRC as foreign earnings. You may be able to deduct expenses. If the promoter is paying you as part of a band, then he will want your details. Tax will most likely be deducted by the promoter before you receive payment. For that you should eventually receive a Foreign Tax Certificate. Your accountant/adviser will hopefully know what to do with it. It's unlikely that you'll be able to claim any expenses, but your PAYE status may make that possible (I know nothing of PAYE rules).
  15. Exactly what I'm listening to right now🤘
  16. Now that I've calmed down from my initial excitement at hearing a new Beatles song I feel I can be more objective. I don't mind admitting that I had tears in my eyes when listening to it. I don't know if it was purely nostalgia, or if it was hearing a man whose music changed my life and whose own life was so cruelly and pointlessly cut short. Back to the record... It's quite nice - certainly not anywhere near the quality of the fabs in the 60s. I don't know how much Paul and Ringo changed/edited what was on the demo cassette, but It would have benefitted from the honing that The Beatles and George Martin would have subjected it to in the day. It quite probably wouldn't have made it onto an album. Another criticism I have, is the production/mix: to my (admittedly tired and abused) ears, it sounds very dull. The lovely, very George/Beatles, guitar lick leading to the "Now and then, I miss you" section really should have been brought forward. It all just sounds very awash with dull strings and voices. All that aside, I think it was certainly worthy of release as a piece of musical history, and I absolutely don't think it tarnishes their unique legacy.
  17. Patrick Cowley - Do you wanna fu*k? 😳
  18. In that case, shouldn't the FOH engineer have a spotlight on him/her, as he/she is the only one doing anything vaguely musical... Or, maybe he/she should be on stage, throwing a few shapes and getting the audience going... er, hold on... wasn't that a thing 3 or 4 decades ago?🤔😉 Edit: I fell into the gender trap😞
  19. Apparently, they use the original multi-track. A lot of absolute piffle from her MD. He should have been a politician. https://www.nme.com/news/music/madonnas-tour-to-feature-over-40-songs-and-no-band-on-stage-for-first-time-3513780
  20. Why on Earth is she holding a mic? Surely, she could dance better without it! It would also be more honest.
  21. Sadly, It has very little to do with music... it looks like she has no band - she's not even singing ffs. Basically, it's just a lavish public appearance. Lord knows how much the cost of a ticket just to watch her dancing.
  22. It wasn't the best mix I've heard of a Genesis show... It wasn't even the best performance, but I certainly wouldn't describe it as "fu#&%ing awful". There are many better examples of Genesis live on YT: "When in Rome" is a good example. I don't know if you're familiar with Genesis material, but I can imagine the OGW show would sound a little messy to those unfamiliar with their music. For my money the Dance on a Volcano/Los Endos muddly is one of the best finalès to a show Ive ever seen/heard.
  23. I'm not sure "always follow the singer" is always the best policy. In my experience, following a singer who's screwed up can make a bad situation worse. Once he realises he's messed up he'll be all over the shop - trying to follow him might result in total, unimaginable carnage🤯 There's usually someone else in the band better who can step forward and attempt to "take the bull by the horns" (there is a slim chance that it could actually be the singer😉). If the cockup occurs early enough in the song, there's no shame in stopping and starting again. The most important thing is... don't panic, smile and make light of it while on stage - Save the verbals and fisticuffs for the dressing room😎 The worst mistake I've ever been a part of was when the keyboard player had a different setlist: Count in, "1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - WHAT THE...🤯"
  24. TH is clearly a wizard in the studio. We've all heard the expression " You can't polish a turd". IMO Two Tribes proves that you can indeed polish a turd: It's a thoroughly (below) average song, turned into a great record, thanks to TH's wonderful arrangement and production.
  25. He sounds like a knob. If he's a diva now, imagine if you achieved more success😳 I would look for a replacement. Of course, during one of your singerless rehearsals, you could decide that a couple of songs sound better raised by a couple of whole tones, and forget to mention it before your next show. ... I'm only kidding, of course😉
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