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Everything posted by SteveK

  1. Your photos look less different from the original shape than the photos on the Warwick site. That newer bottom horn, though, looks as if someone has taken a sanding block to the front😟
  2. Just had a look at their (very poor) website - You're not imagining it, they are a different shape. I have no idea why Warwick did this.
  3. It must be awful for those with "unexplained" tinnitus. Obviously, the more research the better. Unfortunately, I can explain with 99% certainty why I have a constant ringing/hissing in my ears - Occupational hazard! I've not seen a doctor about it as I would feel slightly foolish... a bit like a heavy smoker going to the doctor and asking, "Why am I coughing and wheezing, and short of breath?" At least with a smoker, he could take the doc's advice, quit, and notice a significant improvement in subsequent months/years. I wouldn't have a problem donating, if the tissue of self inflicted tinnitus sufferers was required.
  4. It's well known in the industry that Manfred Mann has exceptional taste when it comes to bass players he chooses to work with
  5. For all those that know how to use a screwdriver and allen key, and have the correct tools for the job, It makes complete sense to learn to do a simple, truss rod, action, intonation, setup. Of all the many, high quality, basses I've bought over the years, not one has been setup to my satisfaction. Even after a professional setup I've usually had to tweak the action. Why, after buying your long lusted after bass, would you wait a few more days, to have it setup, before bringing it home? Why, after deciding on a change of string gauge, would you be parted with your pride and joy for several days? My guess is, those that can't/won't do it themselves are probably living with instruments not optimally setup for their playing style. DISCLAIMER: There are those that will mangle a simple slotted screw, not realising that they are using the wrong bit. If you're one of those you should go nowhere near a bass setup.
  6. Manfred Mann. He wasn't even the singer... either🤪 He wasn't even the featured artist🤔
  7. No contest... RED I have a similar blue Strat. Poor thing rarely sees the light of day. Not only does it have too many strings, but that blue truly makes it the runt of the litter🤢
  8. I have to admit that I have little experience of 5 stringers. However, I've heard the dead/dull B string story too many times for me to know that it's a problem. My experience is limited to owning a 5 string Music Man, and, of course... it suffers from a dull B string! Like yourself, I've tried various brands of strings, but none ever really solved the problem. Consequently, the MM rarely sees the light of day. When it does get used, the B string is mostly used as a thumb rest. As with most instruments, compromises have to be made. The scale length of a bass can't be so long that is impossible to play, but the fatter the string the more compromise re: tone and sustain. As I see it, the only real solution would be a fan fretted bass, where the lower strings have a significantly longer scale length.
  9. They didn't have to "go through that"! It was Paul's idea, and the others obviously went along with it, with differing degrees of enthusiasm.
  10. Even though it's been fairly well documented that John, George and Ringo wanted Allen Klein to manage them, I thought the scene where John and Glyn were discussing Klein was quite a revelation. Glyn clearly didn't like Klein and is trying to give John a "diplomatic" heads up, "He really is a strange guy", and John replies, "He's fantastic though!" Likewise, when John's telling George about him. John seemed to be totally smitten with Klein😲 I had the feeling that George probably sided with John and Klein as an emotional protest to Paul's style of leadership, effectively saying, "F*** you, Paul!". John and George came to regret it in the subsequent years, John even admitting as much.
  11. The Apple rooftop performance proves, if proof were ever needed, what a great live band they were.
  12. Very sad to think that 2 of those featured were shot and killed in the US.
  13. Watched the first episode last night with my 15 year old son, who is a huge fan. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. Staggering to see how easily great songs flow from Paul's mouth. It was quite striking that while Paul is playing around with The Long and Winding Road everyone was just sitting around, reading newspapers, bored and generally not interested. I'd be like, jumping up and down, and shouting, "Hey everyone, listen to this f***ing amazing song Paul's writing!" I'd probably be asked to leave the studio . I guess, when you're there, witnessing a genius at work on a daily basis it just becomes the norm. Looking forward to 2 & 3
  14. Oh dear, I appear to have found myself in the Daily Mail comments section.
  15. This quote from Tony Visconti: "If we'd used [Bowie's] former musicians they would be rock people playing jazz...Having jazz guys play rock music turns it upside down."
  16. This track features Tony Visconti and myself in 1981, in a mega bass shootout🤩 Actually, I'm kidding! I think minimalist is a word that better describe what's going on, or not going on in the bass department😕 Tony plays the high acoustic bass in the verses, while I play the more traditional role throughout. There's a section where Tony suggested I track the bass several times - probably in a desperate attempt to make the track sound vaguely interesting.
  17. That reminds me of an onstage episode I witnessed with The Troggs. In the late 80s I was in a band that played quite regularly with The Troggs. During one show, a short way into a song, Reg (singer) turned to Ronnie (drummer) and bellowed for all the crowd to hear, "Why are you playing those drums so f***in' slow?"😳 Those BCers of a certain age will be aware of The Troggs Tapes. Let me tell you it wasn't an act.
  18. It seems to me that you already have it nailed. Obviously difficult to offer advice without hearing the part and context, but it's easy to fall into the trap of "Oooh, that's a good bit. let's make sure everyone hears it", by doing so, you run the risk of over egging it.
  19. Yeah, good job the appearance is ruined by overhanging baseplates🤪
  20. Maybe it was "customised" for some bizarre quiz show - "Now it's time for the 'Tune this bass in less than 30 seconds' round".
  21. Jammyryqui jimmyrockway Jay Kay's band were never really on my radar, so don't really have anything to contribute, other than to say... 3 or 4 years ago I was invited to Warwick's Bass Camp, as was Stuart Zender. I think it's fair to say that he still hadn't forgiven Jay Kay for his treatment of him😠. Oh, and he missed the artists bus from Warwick (Markneukirchen) to Frankfurt airport which made for much gossip, bewilderment and amusement to all those on board. Edit: I should add that he seemed like a thoroughly decent chap🙂
  22. I put ABBA in the same bracket as the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. They're obviously well crafted songs, well performed, and the whole world likes them. Personally... my life would be just that little bit better if I never hear another one of their tunes (😉). ABBA and ALW get nowhere near to pressing any of my buttons. Having said that, ABBA do inspire me get around the aisles of Morrisons like Max Verstappen around Monza😊
  23. I wouldn't let "consistent sound EQ etc" determine whether to use fingers or pick. I haven't heard you play, but I would think the sound difference is less than you think. Certainly not enough that a little judicious adjustment wouldn't fix it. If you have a FOH engineer you may want to give him a heads up. For me, the difference between pick and fingers is more than EQ - There's a difference in attitude, and a subtle, or not so subtle difference in playing style. Only you can decide when to use which.
  24. Assuming that your IEMs are operated at normally safe levels, the text I've highlighted suggests that your tinnitus may not necessarily be a result of loud noise. Maybe a trip to the doc's would be advisable. While I've never used IEMs myself, I've worked with many professionals... and singers😉 who have. Invariably the professionals say that they have to be used properly, ie: Not half in - half out; Not just in one ear; Problems can arise when using IEMs in addition to on stage monitors; etc Edit: Just seen Bolo's post.
  25. I've had a maple P bass since '72. Apart from when changing string gauge, have never had to make any serious adjustments. I would doubt humidity would make much difference to a lacquered maple neck. Extreme heat though, may well cause problems and necessitate adjustments.
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