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Everything posted by SteveK

  1. Yep, definitely sounds like a pick.
  2. Of course they're punk... they tore up pics of John Travolta!😂 Gotta say, the bass part never sounded particularly well played. Like he's teetering on the edge of a cliff.
  3. Lying, dishonest politicians... who'd have thought(?)🙄
  4. Who the hell knows what's going on? It appears to be official. The government's own website shows it in black and white. Of course, the phrase "short term" looks rather suspicious! https://www.gov.uk/government/news/visa-free-short-term-touring-allowed-in-19-member-states Edited: as my autocorrect is seriously misbehaving!
  5. For many musicians who tour EU countries regularly (of which, I am one), this is potentially good news! Re carnets: A lot of bands (such as ourselves) keep their gear on the continent. Many other bands will have promoters hire in equipment, so for a lot of bands carnets shouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, I don't see the carnet situation being resolved. A lot of countries on the continent require carnets. EU countries will now most likely require the same.
  6. I've owned several Warwick basses since mid 80s and have never encountered bowing problems. Unless, the shop has no problem (which I doubt) with you turning up with your tools and attempting an in shop setup, I would steer clear!
  7. Which takes us right back to The Fabs✌️🤩
  8. ... and Richie Blackmore🤘
  9. I don't subscribe, but could read the whole thing. It is a small article. I've looked around the internet for a little more info, but couldn't find much more. Apparently they are going to use a "Future-proof digital storage"😂 "Brain"? In a thousand years brains will be soooo last millennium
  10. Not a fan of Blackmore's Night, then!😉
  11. Don't see any mention of The Stones stuff being included! Guess that answers the "Who's better" question😀😴
  12. This seems to answer that oft discussed topic, "How long into the future will The Beatles music be listened to?" The article brings up more questions than it answers. I'm a huge Beatles fan, but can't help thinking, musically speaking... Post apocalypse, wouldn't it be nice to just start again(?) https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/beatles-music-bomb-proof-vault-b1891562.html
  13. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=a+remark+you+made&&view=detail&mid=0C7549DFC4038667779D0C7549DFC4038667779D&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Da%2Bremark%2Byou%2Bmade%26FORM%3DHDRSC3 'A Remark You Made' from Heavy Weather is one of the most sublime pieces of music. Edit: Obviously there's a trick to inserting links😕
  14. Are you talking about Jaco the hugely influential, innovative, bass player, or Jaco the person? You only have to listen to Jaco with Weather Report, his solo albums or his various guest appearances to know who the bass player "Jaco really was". I have never heard of Michel Hatzigeorgiou, but I'm always keen to check out any players who I may have missed, so did a quick Google. The first video result was Michel doing a Jaco. Michel's Wiki also states that Jaco was his "main influence". To be honest Hellzero your posts kind of remind of the great Vim Fuego quote, "I could play Stairway to Heaven when I was 12, Jimmy Page didn't write it till he was 22. I think that says quite a lot"
  15. Just to be clear - my post was in no way suggesting that JT didn't play on the original Rio.
  16. I'm a little confused about this "isolated" bass track! Assuming that the leakage we hear is going into JT's cab mic from studio monitors. And assuming, that drums, bass guitar and basic rhythm tracks were the first to be recorded. Then, the leakage we hear would be of something very basic. Just drums, a guide vocal, basic keys and guitar, perhaps. What we actually hear is, what sounds like the finished track, with vocal harmonies, keyboard overdubs etc. It sounds like JT's bass was the last thing recorded, and he was playing to a "final" mix. I don't know many musicians that would be happy playing to a "final" mix. Something doesn't add up! Of course, having said all that, the answer could simply be that it isn't just an "isolated" bass track🤔.
  17. That is the beauty of the young. Jagger was in his 20s when he wrote Brown Sugar. He was still subconsciously thumbing his nose, not really giving a toss, the way that the creative young do! Now he's 100, like most artists as they get older and become part of the establishment, he doesn't have that same creative blood running through his veins. I don't suppose Pete Townshend would write My Generation today, or John Lydon write Anarchy in the UK (OK, I may be wrong on that one🤔). Brown Sugar is a story, as is Delilah. I actually think the lyrics of both are rather exceptional and thought provoking. Isn't that what we want in our art?
  18. I wish I'd kept some of those 70s Melody Makers, just for the ads! "No ties" always sounded sinister to me, as if they want to make sure nobody will miss you when they take control of your mind😱
  19. For many years I've toyed with the idea of having a bass built with no controls whatsoever - pickups wired straight to output jack. Unfortunately, in the real world an on/off switch would be a necessity. In 50 years of playing I've only ever used the vol pot as an on/off.
  20. I assume that's the RH750! That is a great deal😲 I have a couple of those. In my time I've owned Marshalls, Hi-Watts, Acoustic, Ampegs, Trace Elliots, Hartkes, and probably other that I don't remember. For my purposes the RH750s beat the above by a country mile. They pack a serious quality punch for something so small.
  21. Yeah, I didn't appreciate them in the 70s. Grew to appreciate their talent in the 80s & 90s. Sick to the back teeth of them in the 2000s.🤮. They are clearly very talented. The songs and records are very well crafted. But, Mama Mia (the movie)... Why???? (rhetorical question)
  22. Really showing my age here... Simon Dupree and the Big Sound / The Moles
  23. I see what you did there!
  24. Is it any good for "Soul"?
  25. Yeah! Not sure who originally bestowed the title "The Voice of Rock" on him (The KLF perhaps), but totally worthy, IMO! I thought for a second that I'd inadvertently stumbled onto Daily Mail comments 😕😉 As we're on the subject - I did a couple of gigs with him in 2019, and we chatted. I don't recall thinking, "oh, he's wearing a syrup", just thought that he was a very nice, and humble chap.
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