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Everything posted by blue

  1. When I was learning bass guitar back in the mid 60s we had to move the needle back and fourth on 45 rpm vinyl to learn songs. Indeed it was frustrating and hard. No offence but with today's technology especially YouTube clips,tutorials and isolated bass tracks there's no excuse for not being able to figure out bass parts. Unless your trying to learn parts you don't have the chops for. Blue
  2. I wish your pictures were a little better, and before pics would certainly have been cool. Blue
  3. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1467536372' post='3084271'] It'd be nice to think that if everyone in the band is a hobbyist rather than doing it for a living, they would all show a similar level of interest and enthusiasm. With that comes a simple ability to turn up on time and actually be able to play. Otherwise, what's the point? Mind you, I was forgetting that money is the only thing that matters. Silly me. [/quote] Yes, unfortunately recruiting the guy that can play and show up, well usually there's a cost with those guys. Sorry guys, I'm just not around guys not interested in being paid for their service. When I have discussions with my gigging contemporaries, venues or clubs always comes up and what follows is "What's the pay?" We will also discuss other bass players in terms like; Oh Bill he"ll take any gig if you throw $100.00 bucks at him " Or yeah Steve got that gig with the band that had the casino gigs, he made 12k last year from gigs" All this is the fun and interesting part of this bar band level sub-culture. And keep in mind and contrary to many of you fun and music is still at the foundation of my culture. Would you guys agree this is truely a cultural difference? BTW, we're playing The world famous Summerfest in Milwaukee tomorrow on The Johnson Controls World Sound Stage.wish me luck.😔 Blue
  4. [quote name='bajistaman' timestamp='1467680678' post='3085354'] 2 years with the bass in the basement, now 2 months ago I started playing again and taking lessons, mainly learning modes, I try to study/play everyday but some days I just get bored and find even the sound of my bass dull, it might be a syndrome called the bored bassist, I think I need a band... [/quote] I never looked at the electric bass guitar as a solo instrument, and why I don't understand where the pay off is for bedroom noodler. I grew up in the regional band culture in my part of Jersey in the 60s and 70s. It was all about being in a band and gigging, plain and simple. It was where the action and excitement was. My ideology is ancient now. For the younger generation they have different ideas about playing. Noodling in the bedroom with top notch gear, no band and no gigs by design is what's happening now. Blue
  5. I'm not sure what a pro is anymore. I would think being in a professional band would be part of it. I would not label my band as professional. We gig a lot but that a line does not mean your professional. Blue
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1467581269' post='3084706'] It's unusual if a day passes and I don't play bass for somewhere between three and four hours. We do lots of gigs and play at least two long sets at each, but we don't rehearse as a band as much as I'd like to. People have other life-based things they need to do, apparently. I've never understood it myself. [/quote] Me either. Blue
  7. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1467538154' post='3084300'] I think there is a big difference between "playing" every day, and [i]practicing[/i] every day. How the time is used is very important. Some people spend maybe hours noodling around or practicing stuff they already know. IMO a half an hour to an hour spent on intense and focused practice, say twice a week ( though regularity is best...i.e. everyday) is more beneficial than an hour every day simply messing around on the bass. It's the quality...not the quantity. As for my self, I practice every day generally. I concentrate on practicing what I consider to be my weak points, as well as learning new songs for my covers band. [/quote] I put it this way if your having fun, your playing, if your struggling your practicing. Blue
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1467563225' post='3084568'] Every day? I don't even play every month. [/quote] I wonder if Rhysp represents a majority or a small percentage of bass chat members? Blue
  9. Many of you know I'm single, I don't work a proper 9-5 and I've never had any ambition other than play bass and singing in a rock band. So, yes I play several hours on a daily basis. And I'm gigging at least twice a week. Keep in mind I'm one or those guys that have to practice to keep my chops up as well as dexterity and finger strength. Some guys don't have to practice and they are still ace on the money. Blue
  10. Depends on the band and other circumstances. I contend that if you can't pay someone, how reliable do you expect them to be? Blue
  11. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1467498505' post='3084192'] Ironic that The Bass Gallery is also in Camden, [/quote] She was a nice lady, music lover And a really good mom. Blue
  12. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1467462432' post='3083849'] Tim, although I love playing with the band, I now mostly keep out of the PR/management and suggestion side of things and just play the bass [/quote] Me too. Blue
  13. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1467450878' post='3083738'] Agree with Blue, I suggested the same for our home page, when the band website was being put together. So, the band went with my suggestion, which was great but then it very rarely got updated, definitely not so great. I've since argued, that if it's not regularly updated, then it should be removed. [/quote] Agreed Blue
  14. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1467441329' post='3083663'] I bet you don't kiss on the lips either Blue.......... [/quote] 😅 Blue
  15. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1465842056' post='3071510'] Time and again, In reports of instruments being stolen, it seems to be the case that they were left unattended in a vehicle. What are the legitimate reasons for doing this and why do people continue to take such a chance when, presumably, they are aware of the risk of theft? [/quote] Even at the safest coolest places we play, we always have several eyes on our vehicles. Hit that lock button even if there's only a pick in your car. Blue
  16. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1467406108' post='3083551'] I was once dismissed for not being a chronic alcoholic. [/quote] I don't drink, I don't socialize. Strictly business. Blue
  17. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1467412937' post='3083605'] Ouch! Friend of mine, his wife threw two US Strats and a MIM Telecaster out of a fifth floor window. Another one, his girlfriend chucked a 4x10 into a river. Great times. [/quote] So, are you saying I got off easy? 😅 Blue
  18. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1467379233' post='3083243'] As harsh as it sounds thats because you're the support act and not the big draw like the headliner in the eyes of the promoter so if you sound crap no one really cares (apart from a small minority of people who've come to see you not the headliner) if the headliner sounds crap then the promoter has people asking for their money back not a nice situation but thats the reality of it. [/quote] I'm out there working enough to know I can't debate your point. Agreed Blue
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1467376712' post='3083219'] Which is why for me in those instances I'd rather forego the awesome fuzz wah delay grind for a standard generic 'good' bass sound that can at least be heard out the front. Stingray pre eq, job done since '76 :-D [/quote] I usually empkoy a little chorus or phase with the bass octive pedal. But your right for Summerfest I'm probably better off with a decent clean signal. Blue
  20. I haven't read all the posts. Not a bad site. My suggestion, the second thing people should see on your home page is the time, date and place of your next gig. Blue
  21. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1467371152' post='3083149'] A drummer of a band I was in did this to the singer. Without much discussion from the rest of us. It's a rubbish way of doing things and makes everyone look ridiculous. Call someone or go see them and tell them they're out, give real reasons and move on. Otherwise you're not doing anyone any favours. [/quote] Agreed, and it's not easy telling someone they're no longer a match for the band. And getting fired when you do it for a living could be devastating. In my neck of the woods if your only resource for work is what's advertised publically, this is What you would be looking at; http://www.milwaukeerocks.com/classifieds.asp?cat=1013 Blue
  22. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1467356891' post='3083009'] There are two main reasons headline bands often have different and generally better sound at events even with quality PA/engineers: 1. They often bring their own engineers who are not only good but know the band's sound. 2. Headline band(s) often do a thorough soundcheck, and decent desks have automation and can remember and recall setups for each band (from the soundcheck) at the press of a button or two. Though events are different from regular gigs, such principles can still be applied to small setups. And at events, be sure to do a thorough soundcheck if at all possible, and bring yer own engineers if they are up to the calibre of the event and equipment, and tell the event crew in advance. HTH! LD [/quote] I've played Summerfest for the past 5 years. The sound check the supporting acts get is a joke. Blue
  23. I joined a band once and realized after 2 rehearsals I realized they were all amateurs and were on their way fast to nowhere. Blue
  24. Saw,Kings X in a small bar Monday night. Haven't been that turned on in years. Got a chance to talk with and take pic with Dug, Ty and Jerry. Blue
  25. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1467227860' post='3082154'] Most common reason for being sacked - having a daytime job . Auditions seem to go OK , initial rehearsal seem to go OK , then suddenly said band want to do festivals / stadium gigs / world tours and we haven't even played down at the local Spit and Sawdust Pub . As I'm not prepared to give up the day job ( sorry chaps , I have a mortgage ) my " commitment " to the band comes into question , and I know it's just a question of time . I have also been replaced by another bass player " who has a bigger amp " than me . I received a phone call 3 weeks later asking if I would consider re- joining the above band when they found out the big amp guy was cr@p and unreliable . [/quote] Sure, I'll rejoin. My fee is $50.00 an hour including rehearsals, Blue
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