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Everything posted by blue

  1. Don't play free gigs if you can avoid it. For the elete "I don't need or want the money". Well that's another matter. Blue
  2. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1466135192' post='3073577'] I agree about a mini tribute , but there's always the risk that lots of people don't like that particular band and would hate four in a row. You would have to gauge your audience [/quote] Rule number 3 You can't please everyone. Blue
  3. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1466280415' post='3074690'] It's not my responsibility to chase non payment from a client. It's my responsibility to receive payment and pass the agent their %age of the fee. The agreement is between the band and the agent, and the agent and the client. Not directly between the band and the client. . [/quote] Understood, If a agent can book 2k gigs, that makes perfect sense, but an agent for bar/pub gigs? Blue
  4. Strictly electric bass guitar and backing vocals. I need to put more into singing. I'm thinking about taking lessons. Blue
  5. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1466188923' post='3074054'] you did the right thing Playing for nothing, messed about, FFS what is the point of doing useless gigs like this? [/quote] It was their 4th gig. I'm thinking this is a new and younger band. Most younger bands have to go through the learning curve. I'm sure they'll see it before it happens next time around. Blue
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1466172709' post='3073874'] Looks like I'm going to be the lone voice of dissent then... No matter how unprofessional everyone else acts, as a band you should always do your very best. Don't stoop to the low levels of the promoter and venue, but get up there and play the best gig you can. If you don't play you get to be known as the band that couldn't be bothered to do the gig. It doesn't matter if you are "in the right" this is a battle you can only win by playing the gig. Then chalk it up to experience and have nothing to do with the promoter and venue again. [/quote] I'm an advocate of giving 100%, always give it your best. However, giving your best for an unpaid gig generally gets away from me. Blue
  7. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1466271357' post='3074602'] I just think any gig is exposure. No matter what the challenges, you play and people enjoy it All is forgotten once you have hit them with something good!! [/quote] Not really, some gigs are mistakes and nothing more than a waste of time for a band. High profile gigs, that's a different story. Blue
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1466272272' post='3074610'] The big problem with handing over responsibility for this type of thing is its out if your hands and sometimes if you turn up and everything is wrong you have to make a descision. I think you made the right descision. Suitable entertainment was provided. I once did an Irish party for an agent. We wern't an Irish band and it got really quite scary at points with large drunken Irishmen demanding you play that song that goes diddly oi! You know the one. In the end we packed up early and they refused to pay us. That's the agent's problem as far as I'm concerned. Not good. [/quote] How is not getting paid not your problem? Blue
  9. I would have walked. It's also an example of what can happen to bands that play for nothing. When you play for nothing you run the risk of being treated like nothing. Take it as a learning experience. The same thing has happened to most of us at one time or the other. Blue
  10. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1465767350' post='3070881'] Proper stage management is key to festivals. Each stage needs a sound engineer to do sound and a stage manager to get the bands on and off. Both these guys need to know what they're doing and take their job seriously[/quote] Agreed, as you know we host the world's largest music festival in the world, Summerfest here in Milwaukee (Macca opens Summerfest this year) The whole system is top notch. Separate entrance with streets blocked off off for musicians entrance to the grounds. Plenty of security and parking. 2 vans are asigned to each band. One for the band and one for gear. Your dropped off at your assigned stage at least an hour before start time. The stage manager gives you all the particulars. Big dressing rooms, food and fun people. You do your 90 minutes and your off and the next act is up. My only concern is sound for the non headliners seems poor compared to the sound the 10:00pm headliner gets. Blue
  11. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1466079376' post='3073215'] The most I would put together is two. Any more than that and they get spread out. Possibly two lots of two, but either end of the gig. [/quote] We have rocking/bluesy covers of "Come Together" & "Get Back". We usually run them back to back. Blue
  12. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1465983604' post='3072552'] Wouldn't the people in the band become your friends even if you didn't know them before? Unless they were utter arseholes... [/quote] Maybe Blue
  13. [quote name='KK Jale' timestamp='1465956695' post='3072453'] Pledge is stuffed with silicone. You have been using an inappropriate product for instrument care/repair for 50 years. It is damn good for cleaning motorcycle wheels, though. [/quote] Haven't detected a problem in 50 years? Blue
  14. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1465900577' post='3071920'] Ah, it was the affirmative form in the first instance that confused me. I presume the previous bass player(s) didn't "shape up" then? [/quote] I think in most cases when guys are relieved from duty it's mutual. Blue
  15. I've been using lemon pledge on my basses before every gig for the last 50 years. Works great. Blue
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1465901974' post='3071935'] ... or died of old age..? [/quote] I think he was my age, but no, it wasn't an age issue, more that he wasn't on track with the direction of the band, Blue
  17. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1465900577' post='3071920'] Ah, it was the affirmative form in the first instance that confused me. I presume the previous bass player(s) didn't "shape up" then? [/quote] I believe the band was headed in a different direction at the time and he was no longer a match for the band. Somehow I was, after 3 auditions I was offered the job. Blue
  18. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1465899295' post='3071899'] have you tried the Epiphone Jack casady and they do they in a gold top? [/quote] I know they're a great bass and I wouldn't be as concerned about something happening to a Casady. The Casady is not as much of a financial investment as my Gibson Gold Top bass. It's something to consider. Blue
  19. [quote name='joey1234' timestamp='1465892387' post='3071816'] Probably a daft question but can you not get them chipped or mark them somewhere out of sight like people do with expensive push bikes? [/quote] My main concern is not necessarily theft. I would be more concerned about someone knocking one of those basses off the stand. Some of you guys have seen the drunk that oblivious to the band and falls backwards into the band. Blue
  20. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1465766906' post='3070878'] Also, we played badly, we were not tight enough (we've been playing these songs for ever, we should be bulletproof). There was no excuse for such amateur, sloppiness. [/quote] Too bad Buddy Rich isn't around anymore. He could fix that problem in about 10 minutes. Blue
  21. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1465852853' post='3071661'] I'm thinking particularly of instruments to which people have an emotional attachment, or for which they have a particular fondness. Irreplaceable items which an insurance pay out just wouldn't make up for. [/quote] Not emotionally but financial closeness to my; Gibson Gold Top Bass, Gibson ES-335 Bass, 1991 Gibson Thunderbird German made Hofner Club Bass. Most if you know I'm primarily in the bar band business. I can't even bring those basses to the places we play. Blue
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1465727240' post='3070475'] It's not a question of music, nor passion. [/quote] To me it is. As you know I have a different take on this than most. I side with Buddy. Blue
  23. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1465852176' post='3071647'] In what circumstances would it be unavoidable? Band members or friends can take turns to stay with a vehicle, or help to carry instruments. [/quote] My Band, we all help each other tear down,however we don't allow friends to help for obvious reasons. Blue
  24. We all take separate vehicles. During load in and load out we have several eyes on all vehicles and doors locked between trips. Blue
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