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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1465838506' post='3071458'] Erm, I'm no mathematician.... [/quote] The band has been together for 11 years. I've been with them for the past 6 years. Blue
  2. A true pioneer, and funny as he'll. Blue
  3. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1465752404' post='3070735'] I'm neither offended or inspired by Buddy in this clip. To me, negativity breeds negativity and Buddy's approach is simply an old-fashioned, out-dated way of communicating. If you're playing at "the highest level" you should be able to communicate EXACTLY what is wrong with what your band mates are doing and explain why you want them to alter it so they can see your justification. What's the point in spending hours practicing and refining your musical abilities and expanding your musical vocabulary if you can't communicate effectively with another musician to improve what you are producing together? [/quote] I thought his communication was very effective. "Shape up or your out" Blue
  4. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1465753711' post='3070754'] I wonder if anyone in the audience thought they were crap ? Sound like he had issues . I helped do the PA for a Hero of mine & at sound check He stopped because the bass player made a slight mistake & shouted "Do you know what the F**k you're doing " I thought you're hardly Eric Clapton yourself I would have walked ...They say should never meet your heroes [/quote] Buddy was already a living legend and played at a level that backed his bark. Blue
  5. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1465752238' post='3070734'] If I understand it, the essential proposition of this thread is that it is OK to verbally abuse people under certain circumstances. But actually it is unlawful AFAIK, for good reasons, and it is right that many people here seem to disagree IMO.LD[/quote] No, not at all. That is not the proposition of this thread. The thread was merely to get an idea of what people think of Buddy's approach or response to a bad set. Me, I wouldn't employ Buddy's approach, but I don't personally mind that sort of motivation. I didn't find it verbally abusive. You have to kick my butt to get my attention and Buddy would have. Blue
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1465835636' post='3071427'] ... and which of those are you looking for Blue? [/quote] I did a lot of research before I joined my current band 6 years ago. Because of the thought I put into my decision I'm still in the same band and not looking. When I was looking I had a couple of requirements, professional attitude, honest trustworthy adults and a they had to be established with a book of business. Blue
  7. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1465834966' post='3071414'] Which is why I've always thought being in bands with mates is a really bad idea. [/quote] Agreed, I'm in a band with really cool easy to get on with, but we're not friends. I think it's why we've been together for almost 11 years. Blue
  8. Depends on what your looking for in a band, friends, music, money? Blue
  9. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1465718746' post='3070363'] Millenials don't like racism or homophobia either [/quote] Neither do I. Blue
  10. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1465717813' post='3070345'] I'm the same age as you. What's a millenial by the way? [/quote] I'm thinking you and I are "baby boomers".Millenials are probable folks that are between 20 & 30 years old, but I'm not completely sure. Blue
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1465718746' post='3070363'] Millenials don't like racism or homophobia either That's one way to put it Blue. Another would be that society has progressed quite a bit in the last half century in some areas. As stated previously in the thread, a more progressive and positive method works well when trying to get results from people. Of course, as with all things human nature, it's about balance. Criticism is essential, but there are positive ways to present it. [/quote] That makes sense, Times have changed. Me, I'm old school and prefer Buddy's method. Meaning, if I screw up, come at me like Buddy did. Don't treat me with kid gloves. If you do, I won't take it seriously. Blue
  12. I wonder if many of the responses are from millenials and there's a generational thing. I understand millenials don't like criticism. Blue
  13. All you need is more practice time. Tone is in your fingers . Blue
  14. Keep classic pop and rock alive any way we can. Blue
  15. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1465497873' post='3068828'] Sounds very cool! Are most of your gigs big bars, ie 100-200 people maybe? [/quote] Yes, but 200 might be a stretch. All of our shows are 4 hour US bar shows. However that changes in the summer when we're doing more festivals & fairs. Blue
  16. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1465513636' post='3068992'] I have to say after re-reading this thread.....no i don't care anymore. [/quote] The tape only motivated me to practice more. Blue
  17. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1465506362' post='3068915'] I'm with you Blue. It's the Buddy Rich Band. It's a different level of demand and expectation entirely, I'd be expecting perfection if I'd seen them play. Anything less would be average. There's a million average bands out there. He'd more than paid his dues by that point and deserved to not feel like a fool on stage. If I was in his band and I knew I hadn't dropped any clams then I wouldn't take any of that abuse personally at all. If I had messed up through not working at it hard enough, and especially at that level, then it's a fair call in my opinion. [/quote] Cool Buddy was a bad ass, some don't like these types, I do. Would love to play in that league and be driven by someone like Buddy. Clams annoy me to. But I hit as many if not more than anyone else in my band. Blue
  18. [quote name='RickyV' timestamp='1465505961' post='3068907'] I always thought it was The Fonz that made Milwaukee famous... [/quote] Cool pic and it's a Cool tribute. Blue
  19. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1465452754' post='3068273'] I heard a jumped up prick but each to their own... [/quote] Keep in mind I had just viewed a documentary on Buddy's life. After reviewing his legacy I decided to take sides with Buddy. Blue
  20. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1465478130' post='3068580'] Me too ofcourse, if blue has any problem with it I will remove it at the closest opportunity. I just think it's an inside joke way of saying "not round here" now [/quote] No problem here, I like it.😅 Blue
  21. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1465459184' post='3068327'] I think you are right when you say that "I'm not sure it would be acceptable or needed at the bar band level", and I see where you are coming from when you say you wish you could play at that level with a BL that cared that much, me too! but Buddy is just a little bit OTT don't you think? there are other ways of getting the best out of people. [/quote] It's different for all of us. Personally, I've always been a fan of the OTT. Blue
  22. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1465460783' post='3068344'] I get what you are saying here, but IMO, the clip was the wrong way of getting the point across. In the clip he comes across as an arrogant prick, genius or not there are better ways of dealing with situations. If i've been at a gig where a band member has cocked up (believe me, it's happened), I will highlight what went wrong and work out how we can avoid it in future, because it isn't always the fault of the individual. We all care about the music we perform, and how it's performed, but Buddy's way ins't the way of dealing with it when it doesn't go right. you'd probably find yourself in front of a court for harassment if you acted that way these days. [/quote] I'd say your method of dealing with screw ups works for most of the bands here on bass chat. But not at this level when your paying guys 2k a week. Blue
  23. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1465471577' post='3068505'] Fantastic video.....love it! [/quote] Personally, I'm not impressed with any of these YouTube clips featuring young children playing instruments. Can the child read charts, manage and direct a band, travel and play 280 gigs a year? Buddy was a pioneer. Blue
  24. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1465452736' post='3068272'] Cussing at people cannot be love. That is (to me) a sick and twisted view, Blue. Suppose someone acted like that to their children? You'd call child support. If someone went off on their girl like that in a bar? Build people, don't destroy them. [/quote] You hear cursing and I hear passion and love. Children? I'm not sure I see the connection Blue
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1465404026' post='3067963'] Just because he's swearing doesn't mean he's caring... [/quote] Caring, in this case is in the ear of the beholder. You heard swearing, I heard love and passion. Blue
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