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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1465389349' post='3067745'] It's sad, Buddy sure had some personal problems. That approach is just plain wrong, but maybe the band knew he had problems and put up with it ? Otherwise, fair chance half the band wouldn't have bothered with the second set, or Buddy would have regularly needed surgery to remove a drumstick from his a*se between sets Displaced anger, maybe he wasn't happy with himself for some reason (not necessarily real or to do with drumming ?), dunno amateur psychology 1/2 hour? Sad stuff really...... But very useful as an example of how NOT to get the best out of creative talented musicians ! LD [/quote] Buddy was the greatest. I say if you can't deal with him , then quit.Or better yet don't join, These guy know what they're signing up for when they played with Buddy. Blue
  2. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1465389178' post='3067743'] Do I Really Care? As far as this clip goes - NO. If he spoke like that to some of the musicians I know, it would be along time before he was able to play again. [/quote] The question was more directed at whether or not you care about the music your band presents to that degree. It's a tough question because most of us are not playing in bands at that level where 110% is really required. I play in a bar band, it would be silly to get upset at that level. However If I was paying guys 2k a week, yeah, they screw up they're going to hear about it. Blue
  3. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1465385509' post='3067694'] FWIW, I would've quit [/quote] I would rehearse and learn the charts better. The language Buddy use is the only kind some people understand. Didn't bother me at all. Blue
  4. All good comments and perspective on the tapes. I can't say much, it's just not necessary at my level, the bar band level. Blue
  5. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1465372235' post='3067557'] Blue, I'm sure its not, but if that type of behaviour is acceptable and expected within bands in the USA, I can see why you always insist on only playing for money! [/quote] I'm not sure it would be acceptable or needed at the bar band level. But for headlining with a star like buddy might be different. My point is, me, personally I wish I could play at that level with a BL that cared that much. Blue
  6. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1465348577' post='3067486'] To be honest Blue he's coming across as a bit out of control in parts. I'm no expert on Buddy Rich but I know who he was and I find it difficult to imagine you'd get in his band without being a world class player yourself so how bad did these guys mess up ? Or was this just an every night "here we go again" rant on the bus for everyone ? [/quote] I guess It's relative. He was pissed off, I'll give you that. I would bet the band saw this coming. He said they were missing ques and sucking all over the place. Blue
  7. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1465341280' post='3067458'] I thought the whole point was that the pianist used to secretly tape his many tantrums, which happened on a regular basis regardless of quality of the performance. Didn't he famously threaten to sack a trombone player because he took issue with his beard?? I thought that a lotof people in the industry thought that hegot away with that behaviour because he was a black belt karate. He used to room with Sinatra in the early days in the Tommy Dorsey band and apparently they came to blows on a number of occasions. There is a story that Sinatra paid several of his 'acquaintances' to beat the sh1t out of Rich after one occasion. Despite this they remained lifelong friends...! [/quote] Yeah, I think Frank threw a huge glass pitcher of water at Buddy. It missed Buddy's head and put a whole in the wall. Blue
  8. Why am I the only one on Buddy's side? Blue
  9. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1465342550' post='3067464'] I think Buddy may have spoken to me like this but he would have only done it once. Music, nor anything is worth being treated like sh*t for. [/quote] Again, all I hear is love and passion. Don't discount when he says; "You Guys Were Breaking My Heart Out There" Blue
  10. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1465339260' post='3067441'] Who says they did play like crap? A drummer with anger management issues? [/quote] When your playing with the "Greatest" you have to bring your "A" game or face the consequences. Blue
  11. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1465338792' post='3067431'] How very gracious of him. The problem with posting this particular clip is that there is no context, not that much (IMHO) justifies the language in any case. Why? [/quote] Isn't the context that that band had just played a crap set. And that shouldn't happen at that level. Blue
  12. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1465338792' post='3067431'] How very gracious of him. The problem with posting this particular clip is that there is no context, not that much (IMHO) justifies the language in any case. Why? [/quote] No reason, just seems like getting your butt kicked is accepted more in the US. I could be wrong, maybe the guys here just don't like Buddy's approach or management style. I like it. Blue
  13. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1465332597' post='3067338'] Little different, they are top jazz players and they're playing with the best. If someone spoke to me like that when I was working on the ships I'll tell them where to go. [/quote] I'd work on my chops and the material. Blue
  14. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1465335598' post='3067393'] You really wouldn’t…! Buddy Rich was a violent racist bully, hated by virtually everybody in the business. Read what Walter Trout had to say about meeting him and his treatment of a fan who dared to ask him to sign something in a drum store. There are plenty of demanding band leaders around who can still function as nice guys yet still insist on the highest standards, including people like Steve Via. Rich was a different proposition all together, a very unpleasant individual… [/quote] That's one incident. Our drummer met him and he said Buddy was totally cool and he got an autograph and a pair of sticks. Blue
  15. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1465337000' post='3067410'] What a hateful individual. No payday is worth being treated like that. [/quote] I hear no HATE,only passion and respect for the art. Blue
  16. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1465335598' post='3067393'] You really wouldn’t…! Buddy Rich was a violent racist bully, hated by virtually everybody in the business. Read what Walter Trout had to say about meeting him and his treatment of a fan who dared to ask him to sign something in a drum store. There are plenty of demanding band leaders around who can still function as nice guys yet still insist on the highest standards, including people like Steve Via. Rich was a different proposition all together, a very unpleasant individual… [/quote] When the band was "on" he was very generous with compliments. I think There a little cultural difference here. Me, Buddy is what a lot of guys need. A good kick in the butt. Blue
  17. [quote name='nige1968' timestamp='1465330951' post='3067312'] You can care this much without being a complete asshat [/quote] I wish I had someone kicking my butt like Buddy. Blue
  18. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1465331091' post='3067317'] I wouldn't care enough to become an odious bully - but then I'd never be anywhere near as great on bass as Rich was on drums. [/quote] I learned a lot from this clip. Committnent and getting stuff right. No slacking off. Blue
  19. Interesting gig, biker bar festival. They had a band playinging outside under a tent, 5-9 and we played inside 9-1 Great crowd, the band was hot. At one point the small dance area was full and 7 people dancing on top of the bar. I love gigs like this. Had so much fun. And to think I get paid to do this. Blue
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1465322254' post='3067156'] It is played interestingly or it isn't and that is down to what the players can do with it. If the band think it is a bad number, then don't expect to convince the audience otherwise.. It is up to the band to take it somewhere or recognise it isn't working and drop it. [/quote] Agreed, if you and your band can't committ to a song don't play it. I give 110% to every song we play. I don't get into what I like or don't like. It's not about me. Blue
  21. Don't start self medicating or taking large amounts of pain pills. Blue
  22. I wish I played for someone that cared this much. It's an 11 minute clip. Some of you have heard this and some not. ***ADMIN NOTICE: LINK FEATURES LOTS OF SWEARING*** [url="https://youtu.be/omID1prJHFo"]https://youtu.be/omID1prJHFo[/url] For reference purposes a "clam" is a bad note. Comments? Blue
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1465309089' post='3066989'] As always when this topic comes up, I'm gobsmacked at the number of Basschatters prepared to lecture us all on how you shouldn't rehearse, or need to rehearse, unless you're introducing new material. I can only assume that you all hate your bandmates. The key bit of that last sentence was 'mates'. They don't have to be your friends but [i][b]By God![/b][/i] does it make it easier when they are. For me, Tuesday night is the night when I hook up with the Junkyard Dogs and we have some fun. We play some songs, have a cuppa, play some more songs, go to the pub, talk bollocks, part as friends. If I thought that was too "stale" I wouldn't be axing rehearsals, I'd be checking the availability of nearby therapists ... [/quote] We get along great,but after 10 years we hardley ever rehearse, because we're out gigging every week. No hanging out, except for when were on our 15 minute breaks. Blue
  24. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1465287136' post='3066710'] I'm not sure I understand the problem here. It's always fresh, because every time you play you play to a different crowd, and in the end you're there to entertain the people in front of you, not to indulge your own ego or musical tastes. Focus on the job. I saw Springsteen at Wembley on Sunday. He's been doing his thing for 40 odd years now. Whether you like what he does or not, you can't deny the energy, sincerity and passion he brings. Not to mention the world's best bar band - Blue will know! [/quote] Agreed,and I'm not even a Springsteen fan. He fills 45,000 seaters so he doing something right. Blue
  25. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1465247835' post='3066551'] How can you make Sweet Home Alabama more interesting?? [/quote] Change up the bass line, add something, try a different sound, use an effect, pretend it's the first time your playing it. Remember [i]Lynyrd Skynyrd[/i] have been playing it for 40 years and they're not bored. Blue
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