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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1465126951' post='3065440'] How many times must BB King have played 'The Thrill Has Gone'? He always, to the end, made it sound like he meant it. It's probably a rare skill. I don't think I have it, but I'm working on it! [/quote] My point exactly. Blue
  2. With your gigging schedule unless your adding new material weekly rehearsals are not necessary. Don't fall into that trap of getting bored with playing the same material, that's they way it is for most working bands. As a bass player find new fresh ways of playing those songs your bored with. I been playing a lot of the same material for the past 5 years and I never let it become boring. This is something you have control of. Blue
  3. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1464990943' post='3064573'] Blue, do yourself a massive favour and Check him out mate. While a lot of the music he plays in (Paul Young for instance) is not really my thing, his playing is amazing. I remember the day I heard "wherever I lay my hat" for the first time, I realised I would be spending the rest of your life playing bass. And I have been inspired by many different players before then! [/quote] I will check out Pino. Blue
  4. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1464989926' post='3064560'] Indeed. I can say with certainty your famous on here and every regular knows your age. [/quote] Wonderful, fame with no money.😅 Typical Yankee, right? Blue
  5. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1464989359' post='3064550'] If you ask me this gives you the perfect opportunity to start afresh. No motivation to do covers then why not start your own thing. Your not that old I bet there are loads of local guys wanting to do something different. Could be really fun even starting at the bottom. [/quote] Good idea, however starting and leading a band is not something all of us can do. I can't, plus you really have nothing but a pipe dream to offer potential candidates for a New band. And if your going to work you would need an expensive proper pa. Blue
  6. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1464989625' post='3064556'] I quite like my day job, but getting up at 06:30 to take the dog for a run down the woods is a bit restricting. Can't be getting in at 2am the night before. But that's the problem. As soon as half the band is doing it for fun and the other half for the money you have a big problem brewing up. [/quote] Yes, to everything. I'm still in my band, because when I joined they wanted to gig as much as possible. That has recently changed. I know where your coming from. If my band broke up, finding an established working band would be close to impossible. Blue
  7. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1464989444' post='3064551'] I'm sure we all know how old you are. I hope I have that motivation when I'm your age. [/quote] If playing was a calling and not merely a choice you made you will have the motivation. Blue * Everyone here does not know my age. I don't think,
  8. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1464986705' post='3064524'] It's cool. I'm not miserable. More, "oh, what am I going to do now?" [/quote] Focus on finding the right band for you. It's tough finding publicly advertised openings for working bands. Here the only ads run are for no work originals bands and start ups that won't be together long enough to see their 1st gig. Blue
  9. [quote name='smaz' timestamp='1464986996' post='3064530'] Hit up some jam nights & enjoy it for a bit [/quote] In my neck of the woods jam nights are lame. Mostly amateur, newbies,wanabees and guys that can't find a band. No thanks. Blue
  10. Wish I could take the job, I want to play every night. I do this for a living and while we play about 80 shows a year and I want more. I'm 63. In the only one in the band that doesn't have or want. "Proper " job. "Proper" Hell, I was a a Workers Compensation Claims Administrator for 35 years, not proper in my book. I hated it. Playing bass guitar and singing in a rock & roll band, now that's what I call a proper job. I think when people in bands are in different stages of life sooner or later a major conflict will raise it's head. Blue
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1464939945' post='3063866'] Blue, you might want to actually WATCH the video first ... [/quote] Gotcha, funny as hell.😅 Blue
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1464977793' post='3064393'] Well? Do you? We may need to think about this ... [/quote] That young lady looks pretty nice. Was it her 21st birthday? Blue
  13. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1464979543' post='3064422'] You're not from round these parts, are you…? Seriously though, he's an amazing bassist hailing from Wales in the UK. His fretless playing on Paul Young records from the 1980s is simply sublime. If that was the only thing he'd done then he would still deserve the accolades he gets, but the truth is, he's a very, very talented session player and has toured and recorded with The Who, Paul Simon, John Mayer, NIN etc... [/quote] Cool, Yeah , based on your description he's someone I should know about, Thanks Blue
  14. What is the big fuss over Pino. Who is he? Blue
  15. Is this for a Gibson Third if yes, how do build for the neck through body design. Or is it a bolt on? Blue
  16. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1464847436' post='3063042'] t I was lucky enough to get to Summerfest years ago. It is indeed a superb festival. You have done well to get on the bill there. [/quote] It's a top notch 2 week long festival. Paul McCartney is opening this year, last year it was The Stones. All the main stages are well managed, great backline and sound.Vans to take each band to and from the stage and another van for whatever gear you bring. Thing is you really need at least a 5:00 slot to get a big crowd. I'm not sure what our slot is this year, but I know it's not a 5:00 slot. Blue
  17. Korg Pandora and headphones and Your set. Blue
  18. Sounds like you should be looking for a new band. And a more pro look should be 1 of your requirements. But if you have good paying gigs lined up, leaving would be a questionable move. Blue
  19. I'd say it more about who you know than how good a band is. We're lucky enough to get booked for Summerfest every year. Its not that were all that good, it's because we have a high level connection, Hell they've never even heard the band. Blue
  20. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1464797605' post='3062680'] last Friday with a blues band I play in It's a regular Friday evening gig at a local British legion type club with three bar lounge areas. The gig takes place in the basement area which has a stage. The organiser gets a headliner band and other solo or smaller acts. I turned up at 9pm for a 9.30pm start, there are 4 people there, all fellow musicians. A couple of solo sets and then we do a 30 minute set 9.30 to 10pm, by which time there are about 15 people mainly fellow musicians. Come off at 10pm and then wait till 11.30pm to do our last set. Between 10 and 11.30 there are numerous other acts. Then we do our final set by which time there are about 10 people mostly fellow musicians. We don't get paid. Our audience is mainly fellow musicians who have seen us before There is no chance of getting any paid work at the venue, they don't pay musicians There is no chance that anyone seeing us will book us for paid work, they are mostly fellow musicians, if they hear of any gigs they will put themselves not yes in. So what is the point? Personally I get little reward from playing to other musicians. I will be insisting we do not play here again. [/quote] Good idea. They don't pay musicians? Screw them, that's what I say. Blue
  21. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1464785522' post='3062479'] Given that playing live (especially with a name behind you) is pretty much the only avenue left to make money from original music, I expect remaining members of pretty much any band would keep going as long as possible whatever the lineup. But yes it's a fair point... If a band contains no original members, it's pretty much a tribute of the original. [/quote] There are bands over here still making a living off of the one hit they had back in the 70s. Blue
  22. If the band name has financial value, someone is going to go after that money. I think it's fine. There are 60s & 70s bands touring with no original members. Blue
  23. All volume and tone pots on 100%. My sound comes from my amp, my tone comes from my fingers. Blue
  24. [quote name='Callumjord' timestamp='1464716058' post='3061788'] Thanks a lot for the advice, lots of solid advice here, We have a couple of gigs lined up for the rest of the year but its roughly sitting at 3 so far, we are hoping that the word of mouth will spread and we will get more booked before the end of the year. We do have a Facebook page set up, we had a youtube channel as well but we found that we got more response and views just by the Facebook page alone. I have suggested that we turn up to some low key acoustic open mic nights and then suggest to the landlords/owners that we are also a fully working covers band with own PA/equipment [/quote] Build on the 3 gigs you have and don't give up because it will be tempting. Blue
  25. [quote name='Asambique' timestamp='1464680272' post='3061286'] I do miss playing gigs but have no desire right now to pursue that aspect of my playing.[/quote] I'm 63 with 10 more good years of gigging left. I still have the same enthusiasm and desire to gig as I had when I was 14. Weird 😀 Blue
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