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Everything posted by blue

  1. Rimshots, not high on my list of issues or concerns. If a drummer can keep time and groove I'm good. Blue
  2. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1464115203' post='3056699'] Give it up blue. You're not doing yourself any favours pal. [/quote] Agreed, I'm probably not doing myself any favors,more like merely maintaing my position. Blue
  3. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1464112006' post='3056662'] So for those of you who think that only gigging players are real or that you have to be able to slap or play a certain number of strings, go boil your heads. [/quote] Those of us that are gigging bass players and especially those of us that do this for a living are certainly not better or more real than the "bedroom noodler". Some of the best bass players I know, don't gig and have no interest in gigging. However, as gigging bass players most of us are different with different aspirations, priorities,commitments goals and agendas. Blue
  4. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1464109944' post='3056639'] My other band folded three weeks ago! [/quote] Most bands fold, especially start ups. Most are not together long enough to see their first gig. It's not always an option but I always reccomend going with working established bands. Blue
  5. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1464101097' post='3056554'] [/quote] You might know a lot if you weren't there, you might even know more than me. But you don't know it like I know it.It's more a perspective issue than anything else. It works both ways, you certainly won't hear me making comments on any of the newer more contemporary socially relevant bands. I wasn't there. Blue
  6. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1464112006' post='3056662'] I am on the train home and just thinking how much I enjoy playing bass. I do not have quick fingers, my tone and volume are questionable but I just love picking up a bass and noodling. I have yet to gig and will not be the next Trujillo, Sting or Pastorious but, I do not care. So for those of you who think that only gigging players are real or that you have to be able to slap or play a certain number of strings, go boil your heads. I am happy playing bass and making music. That is all. [/quote] If bedroom noodling is what your into, go for it. Blue
  7. I get the feeling there's more going on here than the medical issues of the female front. Blue
  8. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1464079931' post='3056301'] I though we had done this to death already? [/quote] I didn't reference The Stones. I merely responded to the reference to The Stones. Blue
  9. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1464043430' post='3056130'] I'm meeting up with the guitarist this coming weekend to run through some of the songs. He knows both singers pretty well. I'll see what more he can tell me about whether she has a history of no-shows, and whether he knows anything more about her illness and prognosis. I'll also say that, in my opinion, her husband isn't a good enough singer to take over the lead singer role.[/quote] Knowing How To Be In A Band Since your the newest member, do they want that type of input from you? Personally I'd keep my opinions to myself until I was in the band a little longer. Blue
  10. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1464028831' post='3055939'] Six weeks a go I joined a new band. Two things particularly attracted me; - Lots of promises that songs would be agreed and people would learn their parts before rehearsals. - Lead singer is/was a very good vocalist with a degree in popular music, loads of band experience. YouTube videos of her singing with bands were impressive. I like female-fronted bands. I'm in. Important point; female lead singer lives with male backing singer/band frontman. I [i]think[/i] they're married, but I'm not certain. Turns out that female singer isn't too well, bless her. She hasn't made it to any rehearsals yet, so I haven't met her. Apparently, she needs a couple of operations. Could be quite a lengthy process. Her partner - the band's backing singer and frontman/MC - is starting to suggest songs that he could sing lead to. In my opinion, he isn't a good enough singer to take over the lead role. A good frontman, yes - a good lead singer, no. The female lead singer may be OK in a month. She might not. Nobody knows, but early signs are not promising and I'm concerned that her husband appoints himself as lead singer in her absence. Am I being too impatient? Wouldn't be the first time. [/quote] My opinion, no your not being to impatient. The reason your were attracted to the band is not 100% in place and nobody told you. A good question to ask in the early stage of band prospecting would be; "I saw your YouTube clips and website. Is the same personal lineup still in place or have there been some changes?" Blue
  11. [quote name='Jakester' timestamp='1464074729' post='3056236'] How is that helpful? OP asked for details of specific events in particular locations in England. It's like someone asking "what strings for funk" and you answering by saying your favourite cuisine is Kazakhstani... [/quote] I think my comment was helpful.I truely was trying to be realistic and helpful. But my response is probably not what most want to hear. As far as strings for funk, I would say the funk is in your fingers not your strings. You can be funky using any kind of strings. Blue
  12. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1464074873' post='3056238'] As always, musical taste is subjective. I was going to post a profound argument in favour of the individual and their freedom of opinion and taste, bit ultimately, I can't be arsed. You don't like Red Hot Chili Peppers, I can't stand the Rolling Stones. CLICHÉ ALERT! "It would be a boring world if we all liked the same things." [/quote] I wouldn't say I don't like the Red HOT Chilli Peppers. I should have said they're not relevant to me. I don't know enough about them to dislike them. I can't imagine to many guys your age where The Stones would be relevant. Blue
  13. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1464074873' post='3056238'] As always, musical taste is subjective. I was going to post a profound argument in favour of the individual and their freedom of opinion and taste, bit ultimately, I can't be arsed. You don't like Red Hot Chili Peppers, I can't stand the Rolling Stones. CLICHÉ ALERT! "It would be a boring world if we all liked the same things." [/quote] I can't think of any successful artist or band that I would put in "I Can't Stand Them" status. Blue
  14. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1464047063' post='3056155'] Here is a live version from 22/5 which was uploaded a few hours ago.... https://youtu.be/HwbB2uljQ5k Flea's bass looks very Fender shaped. Pretty sure I saw Fender on the headstock. What gives? [/quote] Looks like a Jazz, an out of tune Jazz Bass. Blue
  15. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1464049922' post='3056166'] Amy Winehouse. [/quote] Not in my opinion and I'm a fan. Blue
  16. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1464043678' post='3056137'] Anyone recommend any in particular for classic rock / blues? Would definitely be interested. I want to improve my on the spot playing [/quote] My playing really improved from being out gigging 2-3 times a week. Practicing and then having the opportunitie to perform in front of an audience is a winning combination. Blue
  17. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1462627177' post='3044505'] I like it, it seems to have something that lacked from the last album. The piano is an interesting addition (for them anyway) and lifts the tune. I for one am glad they're not pretending to be in their mid twenties and rehashing BSSM. Nothing worse than old blokes (and let's not forget three of them are knocking on the door of 60) trying to be young and controversial. The one reason I can't even bear to look at Mick Jagger is that he really should stop pretending he's still 21. Looking forward to a RHCP album not "produced" by Rick Rubin too. [/quote] Mick Jagger is not pretending to be anything. He's "Mick Jagger" Blue
  18. After looking at these responses, the main reason guys quit bands is because it was a band they never should have joined in the first place. Most of the stories in this thread evolve around very short lived projects. Also the biggest reasons bands break up or people quit is no gigs. IMO Blue
  19. In the states we don't have jam nights, we have Open Mic night. Strictly fow newbies and amateurs. In my opinion you would be better off looking for an established band. Unless your 16 or well connected trying to start a band is a waste of time. IMO. blue
  20. The Casady is nice. My problem is,it's not a traditional double cutaway body design, It's why I went with the Gibson Custom Shop ES-335 bass. Blue
  21. I'll take the lines Jamerson played on Stevie's earlier work over this. But I'm not into synth bass lines. Blue
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1463844848' post='3054537'] You can't plan a set for a 4 hour gig... you can't do it very well with 2x45's as the break stops any momentum.. That is why 80mins straight through is the best option. But again, doesn't work in pubs. If you are playing a show, then straight through is the way to go... but if alcohol sales are the whole point, then the LL wants a break. Pub bands are not generally good enough to keep people engaged and listening for over an hr in one hit either, IMV. [/quote] In the States if your not a regional or national headliner your not going to have many 80 minute shows. The 80 minute show is not an option over here. I will agree that most bar bands are not as good as the headliner bands I've seen. Blue
  23. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1463900357' post='3054754'] Over the years I have found these to be my main reasons. 1, cash 2, ammitur attitudes 3, listening to time wasters learn the songs in the practice room, 4, sh!t drummer. 5, character clashes 6, no future 7, no control over playing, guitar always on 11, drummer leathering his kit. 8, stale set no longer fun to play. 9, no gigs, practicing forever. 10, better band offer. [/quote] Also reasons not to join a band. Blue
  24. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1463863037' post='3054665'] Rehearse to a click? I hate playing with unfunky drummers but it does happen. Even turned up to one rehearsal and the guy laid all the parts of his kit on the floor. Scratched his head and said, 'Let's see if I can remember how this goes together.' [/quote] Consistency is where I have trouble with drummers. The guy really funked it up in pocket last time we played, this time he's playing everything straigh?. WTH Blue
  25. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1463822602' post='3054282'] I can see your point. I'd imagine that your bookings are more exciting than rehearsed sets given that you are all poised to find out what the band leader is going to call next. Some degree of spontaneity is a desirable quality for any performance [/quote] I agree, there was a time when felt following a set list was the professional way to gig. I've changed my position, I think the BL calling out the songs in groups 2-3 songs is a good idea. Set lists might work better for headliners doing 80 minute shows. Blue
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