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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1463768979' post='3053986'] Been there, done that. The Stadium mind, not the Arena! I'll give you a shout if I ever go back. I'm not paying for your flights though! [/quote] That's a deal.😃 Blue
  2. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1463726051' post='3053594'] You saw TJHE? Twice? Wow! Mark me as impressed! I might just have gone with you on this if you'd said you had been at every gig since day 1, but you saw him twice. When you were 16. Now, let's get over ourself shall we. You're a sexagenarian who plays in a bar covers band, not some kind of musical savant. To get back on topic - a thing of the past? Not sure it ever was. A thing of the future? The orderly queue is predictably short. [/quote] It wasn't a big deal, I grew up 15 minutes outside of NYC, so music was easy to access.It was merely an example to support my position. Me, I'm lucky that I have the opportunity to play in a working bar band. Do you know where most guys my age that I grew up playing with are playing now? They're not playing anywhere. But consider us as your opening act next time your band plays Wembley.😄 Blue
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1463683914' post='3053399'] Fixed (Well, partly, just for completion... ) [/quote] Nice! I knew I was having trouble with my wordsmithing on that one.😃 Blue
  4. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1463697573' post='3053524'] Yes. Something on the line that Hall provided drugs to Prince that killed him. So Hall is sueing O'Connor [/quote] Thanks, I thought I heard that somewhere. I wasn't sure. Blue
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1463705727' post='3053566'] [size=4][font=arial, sans-serif-light, sans-serif]snob [/font][i]noun[/i][/size][list] [*]A[font=arial, sans-serif-light, sans-serif] person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior.[/font] [/list] [i][font=arial, sans-serif-light, sans-serif]​[/font][font=arial, sans-serif-light, sans-serif]"her mother was a snob and wanted a lawyer as a son-in-law"[/font][/i][list] [*][font=arial, sans-serif-light, sans-serif]A person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people[/font] [/list] [i][font=arial, sans-serif-light, sans-serif]​[/font][font=arial, sans-serif-light, sans-serif]"a musical snob"[/font][/i] [/quote] Agreed, good definition of a snob. It doesn't apply to me or my position, but it's still a good definition. Blue
  6. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1463698423' post='3053531'] IMHO there is indeed a good point hidden in there, and one I feel most people do accept, but that point is severely damaged by your generalisations and extrapolations. I think the main logical flaw in this is the near linear relationship you paint between age (as in having been there) and appreciation. In the real world however, we find Hendrix appreciation distribution curves, whereby for example [b]some[/b] 20 and 30 year olds can understand and appreciate on levels much beyond those of [b]some[/b] fans born in 1953. To paint another picture and build on Hiram's notion about Mozart, there's this classical organist and harpsichordist called Ton Koopman. You might wish to look him up. Virtually no-one on the planet knows more about J.S. Bach, Bach's music and Bach's time than he does. Koopman annoyingly singlemindedly lives and breathes Bach. Most probably, NOBODY during the Baroque age lived and breathed J.S. Bach like he does today. Are you telling Koopman that he can't understand and appreciate Bach like someone born in 1685 (of course given that that person is still alive, able and of sound mind) ? [/quote] I think some of us were just born at the right time and had unique exposure to his music. Number 1, being there from the beginning and hearing his music evolve from when it was first presented, not 40 year's after the fact.I personally think there's a difference. I was lucky enough to see The Jimi Hendrix Experience twice and I was at the famous Band Of Gypsys show New Years Eve 1969 at The Filmore East. To me, that gives me a different type, different level of appreciation than someone discovering Hendrix 40 years after the fact. Not necessarily better, but different. Agreed, I do tend to generalize, I do it to strengthen my position or point. Blue
  7. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1463695126' post='3053506'] So no-one can truly appreciate Mozart then? [/quote] Sure you can, but there will be some that for different reasons will have a different perspective or higher level of appreciation of Mozart. Blue
  8. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1463684207' post='3053402'] What a load of old tosh! [/quote] Not to me,makes perfect sense. Blue
  9. We're there any reports about Sinead saying anything about Prince and Arsinio Hall? Blue
  10. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1463646051' post='3052990'] I think Dad's puzzlement is perhaps more due to this thread being about Lady Gaga playing the role of Cilla Black (or not) rather than about Cilla Black. I guess Blue thinks we undervalue our Cilla just like on-one over here likes the Beatles. [/quote] BC has completely convinced me that the magic produced from your artists and they're impact on me in that 1964 time period meant a hell of a lot more to me than it did to you guys. Blue
  11. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1463500188' post='3051849'] no disrespect Blue, but the point I was making was that if we just stood there and played, 4 hours would be ok but we do a lot of jumping around and play all fast punky stuff (hard work for the drummer), no 10 minute blues style guitar solo's in our set, that may not be the case in your band of course but I would imagine you have songs where you take a 'breather' [/quote] I can't think of a time in 4 hours where anybody is merely standing there. And there are certain modifications we've had to make to the genre. No 10 minute guitar solos and no bass or drum solos. Blue
  12. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1463647464' post='3053006'] because under 60's don't listen to music any further back than the 80's... what a daft comment. [/quote] Daft to you, it makes perfect sense to me. Blue
  13. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1463658544' post='3053136'] I'm all for opinions being expressed, but there must be some basis to it. Blue doesn't know me or my musical taste. If he's done his homework he might know that I'm substantially the right side of 60, but to assume that the artists mentioned mean nothing to me is quite frankly absurd. Even more so given that this is a music forum. As for the set list, I am genuinely interested in the content for a four gig. Most of the pub bands I've been in have struggled to agree on two hours worth, so four hours is quite an achievement. For the sake of a quick copy and paste, I didn't think it was a big ask. [/quote] I believe I said "if your under 60". Blue
  14. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1463670869' post='3053269'] That's why you play numbers. The band leader just call 4 or 92 or whatever and that was the number of the chart in the book. Just thought everyone needed to know that! [/quote] No list, our BL will call out songs in groups of 3 and 4 songs. It works. Blue
  15. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1463676399' post='3053319'] We're an originals band. Depending on the gig we might be headlining or a support slot. I've only just joined, but the last 2 gigs have both been paid. The first was a support for another band the second was, strangely a wedding. Both gigs, we only played for 50mins. We've been approached by a few venues (mainly small), including what would be deemed to be a bar in the States. For those we'd be looking to have a support act, or two, with us. To make even a modest living gigging would require lots of time away from home playing in a functions band, not something I'm at all interested in. I neither want to be playing the music they play or be spending that amount of time away from home. I enjoy the what this band does, it suits me so I'll be sticking with it as long as the others want to. [/quote] Cool, we're all different. Me,I want to spend as much time away from home as possible. I'll play any genre of music that's done well with a professional attitude and respectable pay. I won't disrespect what I do and love for $70.00. I enjoy doing what my band does, it suits me so I'll be sticking with it as long as possible. The band has been together for 10 year. I've been with them for the last 5 years. Blue
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1463639652' post='3052935'] What I was looking for was a list of the songs you that play in your four hour set. I'm not sure where the confusion is there. I'm genuinely interested to know what songs go down well in bar gigs on your side of the pond. So, you're saying anyone born after 1956 can have no appreciation of Hendrix? [/quote] WHAT GOES OVER? What goes over depends on the crowd,the venue.We're not going to win with the 21 year olds. There are some clubs that nothing works. For example we play a lot of the same clubs in rotation. We know what clubs "Little Wing" will kill in and we know the clubs it won't. In general we have a few songs with a high success rate in any decent club, a contemporary rock version of Nancy Sinatras " Boots Are Made For Walking". We do well with Savoy Brown material, Robin Trowers "To Rolling Stoned". Peter Greene's "Oh Well". Crazy Little Thing Called Love gets people on the dance floor. Curtis Mayfield's "People Get Ready" We have a few originals that go over surprisingly well. The confusion is, if you understand gigging and gig a lot you know that there are a lot of variables that determines what material works,where it works and what time in the 4 hours it works. Stage time for bar bands is "golden" use it to improve your chops and understanding of the business. HENDRIX I'm saying the level appreciation would not be the same as fans born in 1953. It depends on how far after 1956 your talking about. There are 20 and 30 year olds that love and appreciate Hendrix,but certainly not at my level. Understand, that's merely my opinion. For example I like and appreciate Duke Ellington, but not at the same level as my parents. They were there and on the dance floor, I wasn't. Blue
  17. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1463619198' post='3052911'] I would be very interested to see the content of your four hour set. Would you be willing to post it as I am genuinely interested. [/quote] The BL calls all the songs, no set list. I'm not sure what your looking for, we play rock and blues from the 70, Savoy Brown, Peter Green, Robin Trower, Hendrix, Cream, Joplin. If your under 60 years old, I doubt those names would mean anything to you. Blue
  18. [quote name='MrDaveTheBass' timestamp='1463146984' post='3049039'] I'm a bit disappointed that the casting director has decided to play it safe and go for the obvious choice of Ms Gaga. She is so blatantly influenced by our Cilla, and is such a similar artist, that surely it would have been better to choose a more 'off-the-wall' candidate? [/quote] Finally! Nice to see something positive said about one of your own brilliant artists from the 60s. I've always been a fan. Blue
  19. Has there ever been a 4 hour bar band market in the UK? Blue
  20. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1463593085' post='3052702'] McGregor? [/quote] Yup Blue
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1463592346' post='3052691'] Some of the above are overlooking the existence of other forms of gig than a rock concert. For variety orchestras, there is a clue in the name: variety. A typical evening would cover a wide spread of musical styles, most apt for dancing, but not all catering for the same dances. There would be a session of waltzing, some quick-step, a few tangos, some rock'n'roll, a bit of twist... The evening would be an event for the whole village or town, and entire families would attend; the music reflected the mix of generations. Many a couple would be formed with these social occasions. It's not all rowdy pubs and punk; there are other gigs. Just sayin'. [/quote] Eactly and very good perspective. Our festival and fair shows are certainly different than our bar shows. Blue
  22. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1463560929' post='3052246'] I think the environment Blue plays in is more like we would experience on something like a holiday abroad. Theres an act on most of the night playing a set, having a break, another set and so on to a fairly constantly changing audience drifting in and out, in our case almost entirely tourists. I went to a bar in Skiathos last year and a duo (gtr/vox plus a drummer) must have played for nigh on 4 hours split over 4 or 5 sets. Started about 10pm and were into their final set as I left about 1:30am. They do cut corners to learn the material though. As it happened the act I saw was doing classic rock and some greek trad mixed in. I noticed he avoided playing nearly all of the signature guitar solos [/quote] Kev gets it. I think most people broad stroke the term cover band, were not all the same. No more than all originals bands are the same. I've never played "Mustang Sally" "Moon Dance" or any of the other songs that mis label cover bands. Blue
  23. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1463564297' post='3052301'] i play in originals bands, so the thought of doing a 4 hour gig is something i just would not entertain. i can see why some bands do it, but i wouldn't, even if i was in a function band. I find bands who go hell for leather for a shorter period of time infinitely more entertaining than those that go on for hours, so i play the way i would want to see bands. each to their own i guess. [/quote] Yes, to each his own. Personally I love the 4 hour format. 2 forty five minute sets would never work for me.I truely enjoy this work and that's not enough playing time for me. Blue
  24. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1463591121' post='3052673'] Cool, I guess it is a totally different kind of thing. Most of my gigs there is a cover charge to get in, so people tend to stay put once they are in. [/quote] Corect, as a matter of fact when we started 10 year's ago we all agreed we did not want to people to pay to see us. The only places that charge a cover are the clubs for originals bands where your working with 2-3 other bands. After the bands pay the sound guy they are lucky if they get $5.00 each. Blue
  25. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1463565137' post='3052310'] I agree, something short but memorable vs lengthy and forgettable is a no brainer to me! Though last time I saw Pearl Jam they played close to 3 hours I think and I was totally engrossed the whole time! But then again if it's just background noise at a bar, I wouldn't mind either way. [/quote] Again, nobody stays for 4 hours.So there's nothing lengthy about it for the punters. They stay for a set then leave, go to another bar and see another band. Blue
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