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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1462656056' post='3044772'] If you have decades of playing behind you it wouldn't take you 10 hours to learn 20 songs.[/quote] No, I would say those of us with decades of experience can spot "red flags" fairly easy. I agree with Les. 20 songs for an audition screams "amateur operation" and "steer clear". How long it takes to learn 20 songs is relative and not really the point here.IMO Blue
  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1462645777' post='3044689'] Sounds ok to me. The more songs you learn the better a bass player you'll be. Even if you don't get the gig. Sound like most of the songs will be standard pop tunes so useful if you want to get into depping. Or at least if you're auditioning for this type of band again. Develop big ears and a huge repertoire and you'll be in demand. [/quote] Sounds very questionable to me. For those of us with decades of playing and experience behind us I don't think, at least for me, it would make me a better bass player. There are tons of other options I use to keep up my chops and over all skill level. Not a questionable band that wants me to take the time out of my schedule to learn 20 songs for an audition. Blue
  3. Might be part of the aging process. Blue
  4. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1462459470' post='3043200'] If you can handle it, then not a problem really I must say though that we usually allow 2 rehearsals for a simple track and 4 rehearsals for a tricky one. Lazy or what ? [/quote] If a band wanted me to audition 20 songs, I'd take it as a "red flag". Blue
  5. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1462605553' post='3044271'] I think Blue is inferring that 20 songs just for an audition is a big ask and I have to say, I would agree, especially to learn them in the space of a week. That would have to be a band that I REALLY wanted to be in and that paid VERY well. [/quote] Absolutely, I have never heard of a band that would expect someone to learn 20 songs before they we're actually in the band. Blue
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1462620169' post='3044420'] There are nuances between 'playing for money', '[i]only [/i]playing for money' and 'playing [i]only [/i]for money'. To each his/her own, of course; Having a broad outlook is not a Bad Thing, either. Just sayin'. [/quote] Playing is always fun,but it's not what I play for.I play for a fee. Blue
  7. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1462633078' post='3044562'] And both are fine, just don't mix the two attitudes in the same band. Many years ago I was in a soul band that started off as a fun band and gradually changed into a function band, I left at the point where the gig choice was being made purely on a financial basis. But they I was replaced by someone who wanted to be a function band so everyone was happy in the end. [/quote] Agreed, the two don't mix well. Blue
  8. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1462607346' post='3044280'] I expect Basschat will shortly be receiving an invoice for all of Blue's posts. Only bedroom keyboard noodlers type for free. [/quote] Yes, I have an agenda. Advocating that there is nothing wrong with playing for money. It's not a bad thing. Blue
  9. [quote name='skychaserhigh' timestamp='1462604603' post='3044264'] Do you really expect to get paid to learn songs for an audition ?? [/quote] For a typical 3-4 song audition, of course not. For a 20 song audition,yes. The band would have to be paying a lot of money for me to make an exception. Blue
  10. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1462613269' post='3044337'] Yeah, but we don't all play for the money. [/quote] Yeah, but we don't all play for the fun. Blue
  11. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1462602677' post='3044247'] You're right, Blue. We were all of the understanding that this place was putting in the effort to become one of those places. Truth is, the whole set up is very confused and lots of people have wasted time trying to help them. Oh well, they were one of the few places that paid by bank transfer and have always taken liberties with paying late. In hindsight, it's not a problem. I've filled all the empty slots in the diary with new venues so I'm happy. My invoice for £100 has been accepted too ☺ [/quote] Nice, and I'm glad you guys are booked with a respectable book of upcoming business. Blue
  12. And they're paying you how much to learn 20 songs? Blue
  13. I think you can get a particular sound easily but I'm not sure you can ever get someone's tone. Blue
  14. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1461958571' post='3039206'] My usual ones were: - control-freakery, usually a singer - unreliability: when members are supposed to show up but cancel for no apparent reason at the last minute and nobody is bothered much. - and the biggest one: when people don't do their homework and we keep rehearsing the same old boring stuff, or jamming (fun but leading nowhere) instead of gigging [/quote] I hate to say this guys. Usually people will show up and work when money is already involved. Blue
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1462017060' post='3039621'] For me, it is always 'i don't like the music'. The reason I don't like the music may be different but the fundamental problem is always the same. [/quote] So you've joined bands and at some point they decided to change the type if music they we're playing when you joined? Blue
  16. [quote name='Patster1969' timestamp='1462532640' post='3043801'] Previous band just could never get going. The drummer was actually a guitarist but wanted to drum. However, every rehearsal saw him playing guitar and trying to tell the guitarists how to play the song (he was a good guitarist but he said he didn't want to play it). The singer had too much going on and would never learn the song outside the rehearsal, so he would have to try and learn it then in rehearsal or we would suggest a song and the others would spend the week learning it, only for the drummer to say the day before rehearsal "don't think it will suit the singers voice" and the singer would say "you're probably right" without even trying it - very frustrating [/quote] This is unfortunate, but an example of why I never entertain "start ups". Blue
  17. I do a lot of research before I join a band. My one and only requirement is they have to have an established book of business before I will invest my time and ability. I think the only reason I would quit a band would be if the money dried up. Blue
  18. I think there are probably somethings you can only get right with fingers and some stuff you can only get right with the up and down strokes of a pick. Blue
  19. In the States it would be a learning experience.There's no contracts, no invoicing at the bar level. You play the 4 hours and you get an envelope of cash, your fee at the end of the night. Split up the cash and leave. The whole "trying out live music" out has always seemed shaky to me. If I could afford to be picky I would stay away from those places. I rarely see any of these places succeed. I like the bars that have done a good job establishing themselves as a music venue. The people that go there are going specifically to see live music. Blue
  20. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1462375654' post='3042516'] Played at the Iron Road in Evesham which is one of my favourite places to play. Great little pub with a great sound system and a decent stage. Had the honor of supporting Fury who we're all fans of. The pub also does fantastic burgers so I was nice and fueled up before the gig. Here's a video of one of our new songs from the gig. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZL182XmDBo [/quote] Nice, tight and very big sounding trio. Blue
  21. [quote name='UngratefulBass' timestamp='1462219224' post='3041255'] The Garden Bar, Eastbourne, for us on Saturday night. First time down there and all in all a pretty good night. Not what you'd call packed, but a reasonable crowd who were happy to dance and shout the night away, with the added bonus of a hen party who joined us for a rendition of It Must Be Love. The evening was slightly marred by one blokes insistence that I wasn't really playing (I use a wireless). I'm used to it and am normally happy to play along, agreeing with them and telling them that I've got a CD player in my amp and that I'm just miming... But this fella wouldn't let it go and as his alcohol intake increased so his 'banter' degenerated into a tirade of abuse. At load-out he blocked the exit to tell me just how crap I was (despite him staying/dancing all evening) and how he was a 'really good musician and I should give him a go on my guitar'. I replied - 'And I'm a really good f**k, perhaps you should give me a go on your misses?' Luckily (for both of us!) His mates bundled him away before things got too out of hand. And we were asked back,so all good in the end. [/quote] I have a hard time with hecklers and I generally try not to make direct eye contact with anyone. Especially those that can't hold a drink. Blue
  22. We played a new venue last Friday night. A lakeside pub & grill. Small area for the band, however we had a great responsive crowd for the whole night. Low ceilings, great sounding room, The band was playing on all 6 cylinders.I hope we can get on their schedule and return every few months. Blue
  23. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1462371991' post='3042463'] Yep, completely agree. Although I want to have fun and gig a lot. Money just needs to be maintainable with lifestyle, if we suddenly make it huge and rake it in that would be awesome [/quote] Just understand the odds. Very few local level bands make it huge or rake it in. At the local level,if a band is gigging once a week your doing good, Blue
  24. If the OP likes the R&B funk side of things, I think there are 2 viable options. The funk stuff seems to work well with the corporate show functions band. However getting in a functions band if your and outsider could be tough. Or if you have the time, the passion and desire needed to start your own band with the idea you could get a steady gig as sort of a house band, back ground music at a restaurant, that might work. I love the funk and retro R&B stuff. There was a time when those bands could get plenty of work, but that's changed. Blue
  25. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1462261560' post='3041453'] I'm 29 and the vocalist is a similar age, all the other members are 30s and 40s. It's an hour + for all of us to get to band practice where we do our writing, tightening and generally bond as a band. A family would be a difficulty but otherwise we all hold down full time jobs and relationships quite easily The thing is, with a genre like symphonic metal you need to get the good gigs where you can. It's a fairly tight knit community and it's not the easiest to push your way in. [/quote] I think when your in this for creativity, art and fun you can relax and play whatever you like and have a ball. When your in it to make money and gig a lot, your probably going to have to make a few compromises. Blue
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